It is pretty clear that Arbiter is going to get stick with the highest numbe in WIS, and that is going to be an useless stat.noworries#8859 said:
Ability Score rolls during character creation are not coming back for M16.midental#5256 said:Is it possible to have some answer from DEVS about this new setup to initial STATS? Why? There is some way to change it or it is definitive?
There are no current plans to go back to variable ability score bonuses based on class.
Players will still have 20 ability score points that they choose where to allocate between racial choice, leveling up, and equipment.
The paladin initial ability score distribution will be looked at this week and probably adjusted some.
That said, they have repeatedly said they want Arbiter to be competitive as a top damage dealer. So if every DC has lower % bonuses in ability rolls, then we can reasonably argue for higher magnitudes across the board.
I kind of understand their desire to stop additional sources of damage variability like stat distribution because it's just another source of imbalance to mange. As long as the end result is competitive damage output to other DPS classes, the awkward / meaningless ability rolls are kind of a small price to pay in my opinion.
I don't know why the devs are so adamant about this, they could just do what most of the games do, make it all start at 8 (or whatever number) and give 20 (or some number) points to spread, with some ability to re-spec.
And it can be meaningful, with both ability to allocate and higher percent it will be a customization thing, and a good thing, but right now? Allocation one way or another just doesn't make much of a difference. I think if to do something about them, then it's either both (effectiveness and ability to pick) or neither.
But in any case, I apologize if I sound dismissive, truly not my intention but except that ability score are a core thing in PnP, in the game now, there are way worse issues, IMO, mostly the lackluster game-play for many classes. Heals that still not needed, or you can just spam them blindly, or Rogues that just bad, and work only due to 2-3 'features'.
There is a lot to do to make this playable, and I don't think the ability score changes those core issues one way or another.
Instead of simply fixing the issues with buffs, debuff, and doing some modifications around companions we get a overhaul that takes our ability to design builds and throws those builds out the window. Who is to blame for this chaos? The developers as it is their product and all the things up to mod 15 was their own creation just like mod 16 is.
Bottom line for me is all my friends just quit. Every single one of them hates mod 16. They say it is stupid and ruined any enjoyment they had with NWO. That was a full guild and players within the alliance.
I'm holding out hope but the more I play the more I dislike these changes and if combat doesn't improve, meaning quicker use of our abilities than the game will lose even more players because it really puts a damper on being able to move from one set of adds to the next as you end up waiting for cooldown and than if you are unlucky you may get stuck fighting the set you just killed; not all that great of an experience.
I want variety in how I build my characters from ability scores to additional feats. I want my character to be where my abilities come from, not a companion offering it to me. That is just lame and another way for the devs to SELL stuff to us.
Not sure how the testers who signed a NDA feel but most of the players I talk to who have played for more than a year are more than likely quitting.
Having an armor class stat made the game feel like DND too, now it's gone. I don't even know what happened to the gear where I had the ac bonus before, did the defense just get raised higher? Ohhh soo much change for something that played so well.