Yeah I feel like it was my fault the discussion got off topic and I apologize man. Emotions were running high, I was in the preview discussion too long with the fighters and clerics, I panicked and came here. As soon as I get more information I’ll chime in on the original topic.
well I Would not recommend any purchases at this time HR is a mess but its to soon to even guess final changes. At this time plant growth is in mod 16 companions don't use any thing but companion gear bonding stones only on companion slots and runestones for the 2 enchant slots only. so if I had to do it I would buy runestones and bonding before went thru the roof on console. insignias are going to be exchangeable as well as eldritch runestones. I am at 23k il in prevue and it is clunky and dps is weak but melee is bugged atm so when swap to melee all dps stops and off hand weapon damage is weak also another bug some encounters are in wrong paths also so don't buy any thing or spend a lot leveling items til closer to release date HR as it stands is just meh.
Also everyone is stressed over changes and fighting among our selves will get us ignored when we need to be a united front BTW you can put read and add comments in preview shard even if u are console only with out playing preview
well the intent was not for what to buy now. just speculation as to what was going to suit us based on what people are doing in test. what's looking good what's looking bad.
although I have spent a ton of money on speculation. I have an entire alt full of deep crow hatchlings. they're still about 200k on xbox. everyone is going to want to have one in their stable I am wagering. lol
well I Would not recommend any purchases at this time HR is a mess but its to soon to even guess final changes. At this time plant growth is in mod 16 companions don't use any thing but companion gear bonding stones only on companion slots and runestones for the 2 enchant slots only. so if I had to do it I would buy runestones and bonding before went thru the roof on console. insignias are going to be exchangeable as well as eldritch runestones. I am at 23k il in prevue and it is clunky and dps is weak but melee is bugged atm so when swap to melee all dps stops and off hand weapon damage is weak also another bug some encounters are in wrong paths also so don't buy any thing or spend a lot leveling items til closer to release date HR as it stands is just meh.
Also everyone is stressed over changes and fighting among our selves will get us ignored when we need to be a united front BTW you can put read and add comments in preview shard even if u are console only with out playing preview
this is not a thread meant for devs to be reading. this is not something where I expect them to peer in. this is NOT a thread that was supposed to be separate of change this fix that politics. read the op please. this is just meant to be a discussion for players. nothing else. what is working for you now sort of thing. sheesh people. go to the official thread with this HAMSTER and stay and speculate if that is what you want to do. but please leave this sort of thing out of it. we are so derailed atm. I didn't mind before things started getting toxic but for the most part we've just been descended on by a wave of people who were not involved IN the conversation just to jump ON the conversation. shooo flies go elsewhere. we were doing fine without you
Yeah I feel like it was my fault the discussion got off topic and I apologize man. Emotions were running high, I was in the preview discussion too long with the fighters and clerics, I panicked and came here. As soon as I get more information I’ll chime in on the original topic.
no worries I didn't really care as it wasn't all negative and toxic. it's the toxic people who are irritating me
im kinda digging the companion changes after reading the DB in the news, I wonder what companion gear is to come or if there’s good companion gear to help rangering. I’ve always wanted to use runes tones on my companions primal rings cause of bondings.
im kinda digging the companion changes after reading the DB in the news, I wonder what companion gear is to come or if there’s good companion gear to help rangering. I’ve always wanted to use runes tones on my companions primal rings cause of bondings.
there is some new comp gear to drop but it's not better than plus five gear we already have. (it's going to get a stats boost) you won't be able to use primal rings anymore. I like some things about the companion changes and hate others.
> I'm getting the feeling that the best prep you can do for mod 16 is to roll a gwf.
No Jon don’t even think like that. Your a Ranger!
i'm really not liking the direction of ranger myself. archery? archery smarchery. I'm thinking cw because they got a fireball :P dunno we will see how much more love and attention rangers get. I just want a functional trapper. archery isn't reasonable for most of the content in this game. even buffs aside you just can't be far from the boss wiht the way the mechanics of this game work. you'll get eaten by a grue. I don't know how they are designing future content but for older content which is still 95% of the game being truly ranged is a detriment.
> I'm getting the feeling that the best prep you can do for mod 16 is to roll a gwf.
No Jon don’t even think like that. Your a Ranger!
i'm really not liking the direction of ranger myself. archery? archery smarchery. I'm thinking cw because they got a fireball :P dunno we will see how much more love and attention rangers get. I just want a functional trapper. archery isn't reasonable for most of the content in this game. even buffs aside you just can't be far from the boss wiht the way the mechanics of this game work. you'll get eaten by a grue. I don't know how they are designing future content but for older content which is still 95% of the game being truly ranged is a detriment.
I have played as a Trapper in PvE ever since the level cap increase as I love the class and action... I dont mind big damage nerfs across the board, but if I cant play my fav way as of M16 I will have a break again like the Eurofishing mod, then just wait to see what happens in the future.
I have not really played for a couple of weeks, apart from a couple of solo runs, as just cant get into it at the mo. I'm not even in an Alliance just a small Elite guild where characters go to retire
Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only Alts : Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Yeah I never had luck with the current archery build, I’ve gotten accustomed with the archery/combat build, I’ve tinkered with it until ranged and combat attacks are almost balanced as far as dps . I would hate to have to have a definitive choice of which stance is dominating the other, or having to change my rotation encouter attacks cause they aren’t n my path choice. I still haven’t seen each paths full line up of powers yet.
> I'm getting the feeling that the best prep you can do for mod 16 is to roll a gwf.
No Jon don’t even think like that. Your a Ranger!
i'm really not liking the direction of ranger myself. archery? archery smarchery. I'm thinking cw because they got a fireball :P dunno we will see how much more love and attention rangers get. I just want a functional trapper. archery isn't reasonable for most of the content in this game. even buffs aside you just can't be far from the boss wiht the way the mechanics of this game work. you'll get eaten by a grue. I don't know how they are designing future content but for older content which is still 95% of the game being truly ranged is a detriment.
I have played as a Trapper in PvE ever since the level cap increase as I love the class and action... I dont mind big damage nerfs across the board, but if I cant play my fav way as of M16 I will have a break again like the Eurofishing mod, then just wait to see what happens in the future.
I have not really played for a couple of weeks, apart from a couple of solo runs, as just cant get into it at the mo. I'm not even in an Alliance just a small Elite guild where characters go to retire
what guild are you in these days? I'm in origins now. I have mid 17's of hr dc and cw so I can take my pic of what i choose to play. any of them can be made to be very close or actually 18k if I want to go there. it took me about two years to do that. basically one a year after the one that took me 2 years to originally get to end game. (without putting too much of a sprain on my in game free cash.) so I'm going to have to pick one I think.. right now it honestly isn't looking like hr will be it. nor does it look like dc is in a good place... so cw it is.. unless they show hr some serious love.
Yea, wish I'd gotten some of my other toons up to scratch. Best I could do is either a 14k+ TR or CW. My other 2 are about 11k. Gave my HR all the love lol. It was the boons that killed me, I just couldn't face grinding old campaigns again.
I've never understood the devs' problem with HRs. Of all the 'add-on' classes it was the first out of the box back in mod 2. They've had a whopping 14 mods to get it right, but despite that the HR class has been up and down the charts like a yo-yo ever since it's creation. It's either been overpowered in pvp, but underpowered in pve, vice-versa, or just meh/downright awful in both.
I get it's probably a hard class to balance. Six encounters, ranged and melee damage, not to mention roots, dots, cc, and stealth. It's like they squashed a GWF, a TR, and a CW all into one handy-sized package.
Is it a bird..?
Is it a plane..?
No, it's a mess.
I just think we never had a dev who actually played a HR for any long period of time. Anyway. Still time I guess, for that prince on a white horse, or Thai massage girl, to swoop in and give us a happy ending.
> I'm getting the feeling that the best prep you can do for mod 16 is to roll a gwf.
No Jon don’t even think like that. Your a Ranger!
i'm really not liking the direction of ranger myself. archery? archery smarchery. I'm thinking cw because they got a fireball :P dunno we will see how much more love and attention rangers get. I just want a functional trapper. archery isn't reasonable for most of the content in this game. even buffs aside you just can't be far from the boss wiht the way the mechanics of this game work. you'll get eaten by a grue. I don't know how they are designing future content but for older content which is still 95% of the game being truly ranged is a detriment.
I have played as a Trapper in PvE ever since the level cap increase as I love the class and action... I dont mind big damage nerfs across the board, but if I cant play my fav way as of M16 I will have a break again like the Eurofishing mod, then just wait to see what happens in the future.
I have not really played for a couple of weeks, apart from a couple of solo runs, as just cant get into it at the mo. I'm not even in an Alliance just a small Elite guild where characters go to retire
what guild are you in these days? I'm in origins now. I have mid 17's of hr dc and cw so I can take my pic of what i choose to play. any of them can be made to be very close or actually 18k if I want to go there. it took me about two years to do that. basically one a year after the one that took me 2 years to originally get to end game. (without putting too much of a sprain on my in game free cash.) so I'm going to have to pick one I think.. right now it honestly isn't looking like hr will be it. nor does it look like dc is in a good place... so cw it is.. unless they show hr some serious love.
I am in Q Snipe dude
I dont think your Guild likes mine ha ha... Are you still in TLO Alliance? Some of the cheats I complain about are with them, 1 of the reasons I was not happy a while back in-game.
We have been in the same Alliance once or twice
Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only Alts : Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
> I'm getting the feeling that the best prep you can do for mod 16 is to roll a gwf.
No Jon don’t even think like that. Your a Ranger!
i'm really not liking the direction of ranger myself. archery? archery smarchery. I'm thinking cw because they got a fireball :P dunno we will see how much more love and attention rangers get. I just want a functional trapper. archery isn't reasonable for most of the content in this game. even buffs aside you just can't be far from the boss wiht the way the mechanics of this game work. you'll get eaten by a grue. I don't know how they are designing future content but for older content which is still 95% of the game being truly ranged is a detriment.
I have played as a Trapper in PvE ever since the level cap increase as I love the class and action... I dont mind big damage nerfs across the board, but if I cant play my fav way as of M16 I will have a break again like the Eurofishing mod, then just wait to see what happens in the future.
I have not really played for a couple of weeks, apart from a couple of solo runs, as just cant get into it at the mo. I'm not even in an Alliance just a small Elite guild where characters go to retire
what guild are you in these days? I'm in origins now. I have mid 17's of hr dc and cw so I can take my pic of what i choose to play. any of them can be made to be very close or actually 18k if I want to go there. it took me about two years to do that. basically one a year after the one that took me 2 years to originally get to end game. (without putting too much of a sprain on my in game free cash.) so I'm going to have to pick one I think.. right now it honestly isn't looking like hr will be it. nor does it look like dc is in a good place... so cw it is.. unless they show hr some serious love.
I am in Q Snipe dude
I dont think your Guild likes mine ha ha... Are you still in TLO Alliance? Some of the cheats I complain about are with them, 1 of the reasons I was not happy a while back in-game.
We have been in the same Alliance once or twice
there was a fall out. I guess krogan sold tlo and many of the members were unhappy with the change and tlo lost a huge chunk of their normal player base to some other guilds (and from talking to exmembers they aren't in the new origins alliance, I don't know what alliance they're in) so slowly all the good guilds dropped out to go elsewhere. origins dropped and joined jhsf but that alliance was dead so they decided to start their own alliance. they were able to grab some of the guilds that had already left the tlo alliance and they pulled a couple more guilds that were hanging in the now dead tlo alliance. excalibur was one of the last to go and their leadership was being silent on what was happening, so me and another officer defected to origins. later that day Excalibur also joined the new origins alliance but I decided to stay where I was. once you defect it isn't like things will ever be the same lol. so basically with the exception of a couple new guilds it's the old tlo alliance reformed under origins without tlo or any of their subsidiaries.
Yea, wish I'd gotten some of my other toons up to scratch. Best I could do is either a 14k+ TR or CW. My other 2 are about 11k. Gave my HR all the love lol. It was the boons that killed me, I just couldn't face grinding old campaigns again.
I've never understood the devs' problem with HRs. Of all the 'add-on' classes it was the first out of the box back in mod 2. They've had a whopping 14 mods to get it right, but despite that the HR class has been up and down the charts like a yo-yo ever since it's creation. It's either been overpowered in pvp, but underpowered in pve, vice-versa, or just meh/downright awful in both.
I get it's probably a hard class to balance. Six encounters, ranged and melee damage, not to mention roots, dots, cc, and stealth. It's like they squashed a GWF, a TR, and a CW all into one handy-sized package.
Is it a bird..?
Is it a plane..?
No, it's a mess.
I just think we never had a dev who actually played a HR for any long period of time. Anyway. Still time I guess, for that prince on a white horse, or Thai massage girl, to swoop in and give us a happy ending.
DC I worked on back in mod 12 or which ever skt was because I was having a very difficult time getting into msva. cw I split up the boons over mod 13 and 14 in down time. I'm thinking of starting to work on another class boons now. maybe gwf. I don't think I'll ever have interest in learning how to tank. and it looks like getting another leg mount won' tbe an issue going forward so.. why not. the important thing is to buy campaign tokens and use em and for a few of the campaigns I buy a few genies gifts to get some difficult currency and then I just skate by doing the demon quests and the big daily and the weekly. other than a one or two campaigns it's really not that ugly. and with the way mod 16 is shaping you don't need all the boons. so you can skip the uglier ones I think
> I'm getting the feeling that the best prep you can do for mod 16 is to roll a gwf.
No Jon don’t even think like that. Your a Ranger!
i'm really not liking the direction of ranger myself. archery? archery smarchery. I'm thinking cw because they got a fireball :P dunno we will see how much more love and attention rangers get. I just want a functional trapper. archery isn't reasonable for most of the content in this game. even buffs aside you just can't be far from the boss wiht the way the mechanics of this game work. you'll get eaten by a grue. I don't know how they are designing future content but for older content which is still 95% of the game being truly ranged is a detriment.
I have played as a Trapper in PvE ever since the level cap increase as I love the class and action... I dont mind big damage nerfs across the board, but if I cant play my fav way as of M16 I will have a break again like the Eurofishing mod, then just wait to see what happens in the future.
I have not really played for a couple of weeks, apart from a couple of solo runs, as just cant get into it at the mo. I'm not even in an Alliance just a small Elite guild where characters go to retire
what guild are you in these days? I'm in origins now. I have mid 17's of hr dc and cw so I can take my pic of what i choose to play. any of them can be made to be very close or actually 18k if I want to go there. it took me about two years to do that. basically one a year after the one that took me 2 years to originally get to end game. (without putting too much of a sprain on my in game free cash.) so I'm going to have to pick one I think.. right now it honestly isn't looking like hr will be it. nor does it look like dc is in a good place... so cw it is.. unless they show hr some serious love.
I am in Q Snipe dude
I dont think your Guild likes mine ha ha... Are you still in TLO Alliance? Some of the cheats I complain about are with them, 1 of the reasons I was not happy a while back in-game.
We have been in the same Alliance once or twice
there was a fall out. I guess krogan sold tlo and many of the members were unhappy with the change and tlo lost a huge chunk of their normal player base to some other guilds (and from talking to exmembers they aren't in the new origins alliance, I don't know what alliance they're in) so slowly all the good guilds dropped out to go elsewhere. origins dropped and joined jhsf but that alliance was dead so they decided to start their own alliance. they were able to grab some of the guilds that had already left the tlo alliance and they pulled a couple more guilds that were hanging in the now dead tlo alliance. excalibur was one of the last to go and their leadership was being silent on what was happening, so me and another officer defected to origins. later that day Excalibur also joined the new origins alliance but I decided to stay where I was. once you defect it isn't like things will ever be the same lol. so basically with the exception of a couple new guilds it's the old tlo alliance reformed under origins without tlo or any of their subsidiaries.
LOL, TLO is fine. It's nice a lot of the drama departed. I have not noticed the guild head count dropping below 140 with TLO and Unrivaled and we did kick to the curb a few peeps. Drama always surfaces no matter what changes take place.
BTW, @wdj40, the guy you're whining about is playing BDO, rarely signs into NW.
Does anyone know if our MC3 gear will level up in M16?
> I've heard tell rangers are one of the strongest if not the strongest dps to come out of this. who knows what next mod mw will look like too. I've got an orcus set in the closet getting dusty..
> English is not my first language, so i might be understanding it wrong. Do you mean so far ranger is one of the strongest DPS in m16? I`m asking this because in the official m16 ranger post in neverwinterpreview shard everyone is complaining about low DPS.
> as of right now, yes afaik we are supposed to be the highest dps of the lot. ofc, that speaks to how nerfed we all are. still not great dps just better than the others lol
> Pst...expect that SW healer build beats everyone presently. LOL...
> they've already stated that's not as intended and they're going to dial that way down
> They also said they fixed the SW bug in mod 15 yet it is still there.
> The devs say plenty of things that they will fix and not fix. And sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I understand that coding is not always easy as you may the change for one fix but it could impact 5 other areas of the game.
> I believe with turnaround in staff the creative/development team felt the game needed an overhaul to make it easier for them to code the game.
> All fine and good but now it is over simplified and quite frankly I see more options for builds in loot shooter than I do with NWO mod 16. NWO is a RPGMMO like WOW, FF, ESO but come mod 16 it is far from those games. It is not even close to what you can build for various classes in NWN games from Bioware and Obsidian.
Well hopefully if it’s easier for them adjust after mod16 maybe future mods can bring back some of the joy , fingers crossed cause I just started playing last year and I have worked my butt off to get to 15k
But just so my conscious is clear and you guys hopefully still like me , I have one confession,..... I did buy the skt buyout token.... there I said it! But that’s all. I just couldn’t do it my eagerness to get to Ravenloft made me inpatient at the time
LMAO...I only did one character through SKT/SOMI...the rest I bought campaign completion token and I have 7 characters total that have up to Chult completed and I have 3 character that have all but the mod 15 boons completed. I honestly supported this game from buying character slots to play a new class, to buying campaign completion tokens, companions, mounts, etc...
I am done supporting NWO. I have VIP until October and I rarely now log onto the game for my daily key. I finally got a legendary mount a little more than a week ago after I have opened up thousands of lockboxes and I was like, OMG, I get this now, and laughed pretty hard as I was like OMG, really.
I'm sitting pretty on millions of AD after selling everything off all my characters.
As for DPS come mod 16, every class is horrible with damage come mod 16. We all got adjusted; less buffs, less damage, and pretty much less of everything, except at wills.
> I'm getting the feeling that the best prep you can do for mod 16 is to roll a gwf.
No Jon don’t even think like that. Your a Ranger!
i'm really not liking the direction of ranger myself. archery? archery smarchery. I'm thinking cw because they got a fireball :P dunno we will see how much more love and attention rangers get. I just want a functional trapper. archery isn't reasonable for most of the content in this game. even buffs aside you just can't be far from the boss wiht the way the mechanics of this game work. you'll get eaten by a grue. I don't know how they are designing future content but for older content which is still 95% of the game being truly ranged is a detriment.
I have played as a Trapper in PvE ever since the level cap increase as I love the class and action... I dont mind big damage nerfs across the board, but if I cant play my fav way as of M16 I will have a break again like the Eurofishing mod, then just wait to see what happens in the future.
I have not really played for a couple of weeks, apart from a couple of solo runs, as just cant get into it at the mo. I'm not even in an Alliance just a small Elite guild where characters go to retire
what guild are you in these days? I'm in origins now. I have mid 17's of hr dc and cw so I can take my pic of what i choose to play. any of them can be made to be very close or actually 18k if I want to go there. it took me about two years to do that. basically one a year after the one that took me 2 years to originally get to end game. (without putting too much of a sprain on my in game free cash.) so I'm going to have to pick one I think.. right now it honestly isn't looking like hr will be it. nor does it look like dc is in a good place... so cw it is.. unless they show hr some serious love.
I am in Q Snipe dude
I dont think your Guild likes mine ha ha... Are you still in TLO Alliance? Some of the cheats I complain about are with them, 1 of the reasons I was not happy a while back in-game.
We have been in the same Alliance once or twice
there was a fall out. I guess krogan sold tlo and many of the members were unhappy with the change and tlo lost a huge chunk of their normal player base to some other guilds (and from talking to exmembers they aren't in the new origins alliance, I don't know what alliance they're in) so slowly all the good guilds dropped out to go elsewhere. origins dropped and joined jhsf but that alliance was dead so they decided to start their own alliance. they were able to grab some of the guilds that had already left the tlo alliance and they pulled a couple more guilds that were hanging in the now dead tlo alliance. excalibur was one of the last to go and their leadership was being silent on what was happening, so me and another officer defected to origins. later that day Excalibur also joined the new origins alliance but I decided to stay where I was. once you defect it isn't like things will ever be the same lol. so basically with the exception of a couple new guilds it's the old tlo alliance reformed under origins without tlo or any of their subsidiaries.
LOL, TLO is fine. It's nice a lot of the drama departed. I have not noticed the guild head count dropping below 140 with TLO and Unrivaled and we did kick to the curb a few peeps. Drama always surfaces no matter what changes take place.
BTW, @wdj40, the guy you're whining about is playing BDO, rarely signs into NW.
Does anyone know if our MC3 gear will level up in M16?
lol all I can say is it's funny how perceptions vary. my personal feeling was all drama when there was drama was pretty much originating from tlo and it's subsidiaries (and one of the new guilds that were brought in to replace one of the many guilds that had left). I'm personally a lot happier with the new alliance than the old. I guess everyone is happier on both sides and that's good
> @thefiresidecat said: > > @jonkoca said: > > > I'm getting the feeling that the best prep you can do for mod 16 is to roll a gwf. > > > > No Jon don’t even think like that. Your a Ranger! > > i'm really not liking the direction of ranger myself. archery? archery smarchery. I'm thinking cw because they got a fireball :P dunno we will see how much more love and attention rangers get. I just want a functional trapper. archery isn't reasonable for most of the content in this game. even buffs aside you just can't be far from the boss wiht the way the mechanics of this game work. you'll get eaten by a grue. I don't know how they are designing future content but for older content which is still 95% of the game being truly ranged is a detriment. > > I have played as a Trapper in PvE ever since the level cap increase as I love the class and action... I dont mind big damage nerfs across the board, but if I cant play my fav way as of M16 I will have a break again like the Eurofishing mod, then just wait to see what happens in the future. > > I have not really played for a couple of weeks, apart from a couple of solo runs, as just cant get into it at the mo. I'm not even in an Alliance just a small Elite guild where characters go to retire > > what guild are you in these days? I'm in origins now. I have mid 17's of hr dc and cw so I can take my pic of what i choose to play. any of them can be made to be very close or actually 18k if I want to go there. it took me about two years to do that. basically one a year after the one that took me 2 years to originally get to end game. (without putting too much of a sprain on my in game free cash.) so I'm going to have to pick one I think.. right now it honestly isn't looking like hr will be it. nor does it look like dc is in a good place... so cw it is.. unless they show hr some serious love. > > I am in Q Snipe dude > > I dont think your Guild likes mine ha ha... Are you still in TLO Alliance? Some of the cheats I complain about are with them, 1 of the reasons I was not happy a while back in-game. > > We have been in the same Alliance once or twice > > there was a fall out. I guess krogan sold tlo and many of the members were unhappy with the change and tlo lost a huge chunk of their normal player base to some other guilds (and from talking to exmembers they aren't in the new origins alliance, I don't know what alliance they're in) so slowly all the good guilds dropped out to go elsewhere. origins dropped and joined jhsf but that alliance was dead so they decided to start their own alliance. they were able to grab some of the guilds that had already left the tlo alliance and they pulled a couple more guilds that were hanging in the now dead tlo alliance. excalibur was one of the last to go and their leadership was being silent on what was happening, so me and another officer defected to origins. later that day Excalibur also joined the new origins alliance but I decided to stay where I was. once you defect it isn't like things will ever be the same lol. so basically with the exception of a couple new guilds it's the old tlo alliance reformed under origins without tlo or any of their subsidiaries. > > LOL, TLO is fine. It's nice a lot of the drama departed. I have not noticed the guild head count dropping below 140 with TLO and Unrivaled and we did kick to the curb a few peeps. Drama always surfaces no matter what changes take place. > > BTW, @wdj40, the guy you're whining about is playing BDO, rarely signs into NW. > > Does anyone know if our MC3 gear will level up in M16? > > lol all I can say is it's funny how perceptions vary. my personal feeling was all drama when there was drama was pretty much originating from tlo and it's subsidiaries. I'm personally a lot happier with the new alliance than the old. I guess everyone is happier on both sides and that's good > > > mw3 will not be upgraded.
I hate drama that’s one reason I’ve stuck with my little low level guild on ps4 everyone’s nice and I haven’t heard a single winer.
> I'm getting the feeling that the best prep you can do for mod 16 is to roll a gwf.
No Jon don’t even think like that. Your a Ranger!
i'm really not liking the direction of ranger myself. archery? archery smarchery. I'm thinking cw because they got a fireball :P dunno we will see how much more love and attention rangers get. I just want a functional trapper. archery isn't reasonable for most of the content in this game. even buffs aside you just can't be far from the boss wiht the way the mechanics of this game work. you'll get eaten by a grue. I don't know how they are designing future content but for older content which is still 95% of the game being truly ranged is a detriment.
I have played as a Trapper in PvE ever since the level cap increase as I love the class and action... I dont mind big damage nerfs across the board, but if I cant play my fav way as of M16 I will have a break again like the Eurofishing mod, then just wait to see what happens in the future.
I have not really played for a couple of weeks, apart from a couple of solo runs, as just cant get into it at the mo. I'm not even in an Alliance just a small Elite guild where characters go to retire
what guild are you in these days? I'm in origins now. I have mid 17's of hr dc and cw so I can take my pic of what i choose to play. any of them can be made to be very close or actually 18k if I want to go there. it took me about two years to do that. basically one a year after the one that took me 2 years to originally get to end game. (without putting too much of a sprain on my in game free cash.) so I'm going to have to pick one I think.. right now it honestly isn't looking like hr will be it. nor does it look like dc is in a good place... so cw it is.. unless they show hr some serious love.
I am in Q Snipe dude
I dont think your Guild likes mine ha ha... Are you still in TLO Alliance? Some of the cheats I complain about are with them, 1 of the reasons I was not happy a while back in-game.
We have been in the same Alliance once or twice
there was a fall out. I guess krogan sold tlo and many of the members were unhappy with the change and tlo lost a huge chunk of their normal player base to some other guilds (and from talking to exmembers they aren't in the new origins alliance, I don't know what alliance they're in) so slowly all the good guilds dropped out to go elsewhere. origins dropped and joined jhsf but that alliance was dead so they decided to start their own alliance. they were able to grab some of the guilds that had already left the tlo alliance and they pulled a couple more guilds that were hanging in the now dead tlo alliance. excalibur was one of the last to go and their leadership was being silent on what was happening, so me and another officer defected to origins. later that day Excalibur also joined the new origins alliance but I decided to stay where I was. once you defect it isn't like things will ever be the same lol. so basically with the exception of a couple new guilds it's the old tlo alliance reformed under origins without tlo or any of their subsidiaries.
LOL, TLO is fine. It's nice a lot of the drama departed. I have not noticed the guild head count dropping below 140 with TLO and Unrivaled and we did kick to the curb a few peeps. Drama always surfaces no matter what changes take place.
BTW, @wdj40, the guy you're whining about is playing BDO, rarely signs into NW.
Does anyone know if our MC3 gear will level up in M16?
lol all I can say is it's funny how perceptions vary. my personal feeling was all drama when there was drama was pretty much originating from tlo and it's subsidiaries (and one of the new guilds that were brought in to replace one of the many guilds that had left). I'm personally a lot happier with the new alliance than the old. I guess everyone is happier on both sides and that's good
mw3 will not be upgraded.
Doesn't that suck, the effort to get good gear is wearing me out. I know there is +1 gear but its not worth the expense for a marginal increase in stats. The M16 gear stats are subject to change.
I laughed so hard when seeing a recent post of how many unique accounts there are for NW . I am sure the active number is a fraction of the total. I am considering adding one to the inactive column.
@teucer#3019 I think enchantments are doing the same to me, I’ve leveled all my left side gear row to 13s and my right side gear row to 11/12s from 8s in a 6 month period and it’s starting to burn me out. At least they carry over to mod 16. Except movement utility which is the only part to come that I think will disappoint me.
> > I'm getting the feeling that the best prep you can do for mod 16 is to roll a gwf.
> No Jon don’t even think like that. Your a Ranger!
> i'm really not liking the direction of ranger myself. archery? archery smarchery. I'm thinking cw because they got a fireball :P dunno we will see how much more love and attention rangers get. I just want a functional trapper. archery isn't reasonable for most of the content in this game. even buffs aside you just can't be far from the boss wiht the way the mechanics of this game work. you'll get eaten by a grue. I don't know how they are designing future content but for older content which is still 95% of the game being truly ranged is a detriment.
> I have played as a Trapper in PvE ever since the level cap increase as I love the class and action... I dont mind big damage nerfs across the board, but if I cant play my fav way as of M16 I will have a break again like the Eurofishing mod, then just wait to see what happens in the future.
> I have not really played for a couple of weeks, apart from a couple of solo runs, as just cant get into it at the mo. I'm not even in an Alliance just a small Elite guild where characters go to retire
> what guild are you in these days? I'm in origins now. I have mid 17's of hr dc and cw so I can take my pic of what i choose to play. any of them can be made to be very close or actually 18k if I want to go there. it took me about two years to do that. basically one a year after the one that took me 2 years to originally get to end game. (without putting too much of a sprain on my in game free cash.) so I'm going to have to pick one I think.. right now it honestly isn't looking like hr will be it. nor does it look like dc is in a good place... so cw it is.. unless they show hr some serious love.
> I am in Q Snipe dude
> I dont think your Guild likes mine ha ha... Are you still in TLO Alliance? Some of the cheats I complain about are with them, 1 of the reasons I was not happy a while back in-game.
> We have been in the same Alliance once or twice
> there was a fall out. I guess krogan sold tlo and many of the members were unhappy with the change and tlo lost a huge chunk of their normal player base to some other guilds (and from talking to exmembers they aren't in the new origins alliance, I don't know what alliance they're in) so slowly all the good guilds dropped out to go elsewhere. origins dropped and joined jhsf but that alliance was dead so they decided to start their own alliance. they were able to grab some of the guilds that had already left the tlo alliance and they pulled a couple more guilds that were hanging in the now dead tlo alliance. excalibur was one of the last to go and their leadership was being silent on what was happening, so me and another officer defected to origins. later that day Excalibur also joined the new origins alliance but I decided to stay where I was. once you defect it isn't like things will ever be the same lol. so basically with the exception of a couple new guilds it's the old tlo alliance reformed under origins without tlo or any of their subsidiaries.
> LOL, TLO is fine. It's nice a lot of the drama departed. I have not noticed the guild head count dropping below 140 with TLO and Unrivaled and we did kick to the curb a few peeps. Drama always surfaces no matter what changes take place.
> BTW, @wdj40, the guy you're whining about is playing BDO, rarely signs into NW.
> Does anyone know if our MC3 gear will level up in M16?
> lol all I can say is it's funny how perceptions vary. my personal feeling was all drama when there was drama was pretty much originating from tlo and it's subsidiaries. I'm personally a lot happier with the new alliance than the old. I guess everyone is happier on both sides and that's good
> mw3 will not be upgraded.
I hate drama that’s one reason I’ve stuck with my little low level guild on ps4 everyone’s nice and I haven’t heard a single winer.
I think we may have made it sound worse than it is/was. the amount of drama in that alliance (and the new one) was minimal but any was notable. I'm pretty sure that there was more drama than was apparent in alliance chat but all the leaders were always pretty good about making sure that nothing stayed in alliance chat. it's one of the reasons (other than the numerous end game runs) that i've stayed here so long. Most of the alliances I've been in let the drama run freely. I'm just too old for that.
> I'm getting the feeling that the best prep you can do for mod 16 is to roll a gwf.
No Jon don’t even think like that. Your a Ranger!
i'm really not liking the direction of ranger myself. archery? archery smarchery. I'm thinking cw because they got a fireball :P dunno we will see how much more love and attention rangers get. I just want a functional trapper. archery isn't reasonable for most of the content in this game. even buffs aside you just can't be far from the boss wiht the way the mechanics of this game work. you'll get eaten by a grue. I don't know how they are designing future content but for older content which is still 95% of the game being truly ranged is a detriment.
I have played as a Trapper in PvE ever since the level cap increase as I love the class and action... I dont mind big damage nerfs across the board, but if I cant play my fav way as of M16 I will have a break again like the Eurofishing mod, then just wait to see what happens in the future.
I have not really played for a couple of weeks, apart from a couple of solo runs, as just cant get into it at the mo. I'm not even in an Alliance just a small Elite guild where characters go to retire
what guild are you in these days? I'm in origins now. I have mid 17's of hr dc and cw so I can take my pic of what i choose to play. any of them can be made to be very close or actually 18k if I want to go there. it took me about two years to do that. basically one a year after the one that took me 2 years to originally get to end game. (without putting too much of a sprain on my in game free cash.) so I'm going to have to pick one I think.. right now it honestly isn't looking like hr will be it. nor does it look like dc is in a good place... so cw it is.. unless they show hr some serious love.
I am in Q Snipe dude
I dont think your Guild likes mine ha ha... Are you still in TLO Alliance? Some of the cheats I complain about are with them, 1 of the reasons I was not happy a while back in-game.
We have been in the same Alliance once or twice
there was a fall out. I guess krogan sold tlo and many of the members were unhappy with the change and tlo lost a huge chunk of their normal player base to some other guilds (and from talking to exmembers they aren't in the new origins alliance, I don't know what alliance they're in) so slowly all the good guilds dropped out to go elsewhere. origins dropped and joined jhsf but that alliance was dead so they decided to start their own alliance. they were able to grab some of the guilds that had already left the tlo alliance and they pulled a couple more guilds that were hanging in the now dead tlo alliance. excalibur was one of the last to go and their leadership was being silent on what was happening, so me and another officer defected to origins. later that day Excalibur also joined the new origins alliance but I decided to stay where I was. once you defect it isn't like things will ever be the same lol. so basically with the exception of a couple new guilds it's the old tlo alliance reformed under origins without tlo or any of their subsidiaries.
LOL, TLO is fine. It's nice a lot of the drama departed. I have not noticed the guild head count dropping below 140 with TLO and Unrivaled and we did kick to the curb a few peeps. Drama always surfaces no matter what changes take place.
BTW, @wdj40, the guy you're whining about is playing BDO, rarely signs into NW.
Does anyone know if our MC3 gear will level up in M16?
lol all I can say is it's funny how perceptions vary. my personal feeling was all drama when there was drama was pretty much originating from tlo and it's subsidiaries (and one of the new guilds that were brought in to replace one of the many guilds that had left). I'm personally a lot happier with the new alliance than the old. I guess everyone is happier on both sides and that's good
mw3 will not be upgraded.
Doesn't that suck, the effort to get good gear is wearing me out. I know there is +1 gear but its not worth the expense for a marginal increase in stats. The M16 gear stats are subject to change.
I laughed so hard when seeing a recent post of how many unique accounts there are for NW . I am sure the active number is a fraction of the total. I am considering adding one to the inactive column.
yeah it does suck. I don't have a lot invested in mw items (Thank goodness, I was only a few days away from being very invested) but I really feel for those who are. it was a HAMSTER move on nw's part to update items that were only going to be relevant for one mod.
Except the rest of the comment was a little depressing 😞
yeah there is nothing wrong with buying a thing here or there. supports the game.
You know for those who stick it out and spend money on the game for companions will have to up the ante again and buy / upgrade new companions come mod 16.
My new thing ATM is that the devs said they removed complexity from the game to make it simpler yet with the same breath complexity was added around companions but that update seems to have revenue generation behind it.
If the goal was to remove complexity and make it easier for players and the devs going forward, best thing to do about companions is remove them all together. Besides in D&D lore the only class I recall with any companion is Rangers and most of their companions are animal companions.
I want to know why the devs added complexity to our companions vs removing them instead of adding more complexity for our characters.
Yeah I feel like it was my fault the discussion got off topic and I apologize man. Emotions were running high, I was in the preview discussion too long with the fighters and clerics, I panicked and came here. As soon as I get more information I’ll chime in on the original topic.
although I have spent a ton of money on speculation. I have an entire alt full of deep crow hatchlings. they're still about 200k on xbox. everyone is going to want to have one in their stable I am wagering. lol
> I'm getting the feeling that the best prep you can do for mod 16 is to roll a gwf.
No Jon don’t even think like that. Your a Ranger!
I have not really played for a couple of weeks, apart from a couple of solo runs, as just cant get into it at the mo. I'm not even in an Alliance just a small Elite guild where characters go to retire
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
I've never understood the devs' problem with HRs. Of all the 'add-on' classes it was the first out of the box back in mod 2. They've had a whopping 14 mods to get it right, but despite that the HR class has been up and down the charts like a yo-yo ever since it's creation. It's either been overpowered in pvp, but underpowered in pve, vice-versa, or just meh/downright awful in both.
I get it's probably a hard class to balance. Six encounters, ranged and melee damage, not to mention roots, dots, cc, and stealth. It's like they squashed a GWF, a TR, and a CW all into one handy-sized package.
Is it a bird..?
Is it a plane..?
No, it's a mess.
I just think we never had a dev who actually played a HR for any long period of time. Anyway. Still time I guess, for that prince on a white horse, or Thai massage girl, to swoop in and give us a happy ending.
I dont think your Guild likes mine ha ha... Are you still in TLO Alliance? Some of the cheats I complain about are with them, 1 of the reasons I was not happy a while back in-game.
We have been in the same Alliance once or twice
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
and with the way mod 16 is shaping you don't need all the boons. so you can skip the uglier ones I think
BTW, @wdj40, the guy you're whining about is playing BDO, rarely signs into NW.
Does anyone know if our MC3 gear will level up in M16?
I am done supporting NWO. I have VIP until October and I rarely now log onto the game for my daily key. I finally got a legendary mount a little more than a week ago after I have opened up thousands of lockboxes and I was like, OMG, I get this now, and laughed pretty hard as I was like OMG, really.
I'm sitting pretty on millions of AD after selling everything off all my characters.
As for DPS come mod 16, every class is horrible with damage come mod 16. We all got adjusted; less buffs, less damage, and pretty much less of everything, except at wills.
Lol I don’t feel as bad now.
Except the rest of the comment was a little depressing 😞
mw3 will not be upgraded.
> > @jonkoca said:
> > I'm getting the feeling that the best prep you can do for mod 16 is to roll a gwf.
> No Jon don’t even think like that. Your a Ranger!
> i'm really not liking the direction of ranger myself. archery? archery smarchery. I'm thinking cw because they got a fireball :P dunno we will see how much more love and attention rangers get. I just want a functional trapper. archery isn't reasonable for most of the content in this game. even buffs aside you just can't be far from the boss wiht the way the mechanics of this game work. you'll get eaten by a grue. I don't know how they are designing future content but for older content which is still 95% of the game being truly ranged is a detriment.
> I have played as a Trapper in PvE ever since the level cap increase as I love the class and action... I dont mind big damage nerfs across the board, but if I cant play my fav way as of M16 I will have a break again like the Eurofishing mod, then just wait to see what happens in the future.
> I have not really played for a couple of weeks, apart from a couple of solo runs, as just cant get into it at the mo. I'm not even in an Alliance just a small Elite guild where characters go to retire
> what guild are you in these days? I'm in origins now. I have mid 17's of hr dc and cw so I can take my pic of what i choose to play. any of them can be made to be very close or actually 18k if I want to go there. it took me about two years to do that. basically one a year after the one that took me 2 years to originally get to end game. (without putting too much of a sprain on my in game free cash.) so I'm going to have to pick one I think.. right now it honestly isn't looking like hr will be it. nor does it look like dc is in a good place... so cw it is.. unless they show hr some serious love.
> I am in Q Snipe dude
> I dont think your Guild likes mine ha ha... Are you still in TLO Alliance? Some of the cheats I complain about are with them, 1 of the reasons I was not happy a while back in-game.
> We have been in the same Alliance once or twice
> there was a fall out. I guess krogan sold tlo and many of the members were unhappy with the change and tlo lost a huge chunk of their normal player base to some other guilds (and from talking to exmembers they aren't in the new origins alliance, I don't know what alliance they're in) so slowly all the good guilds dropped out to go elsewhere. origins dropped and joined jhsf but that alliance was dead so they decided to start their own alliance. they were able to grab some of the guilds that had already left the tlo alliance and they pulled a couple more guilds that were hanging in the now dead tlo alliance. excalibur was one of the last to go and their leadership was being silent on what was happening, so me and another officer defected to origins. later that day Excalibur also joined the new origins alliance but I decided to stay where I was. once you defect it isn't like things will ever be the same lol. so basically with the exception of a couple new guilds it's the old tlo alliance reformed under origins without tlo or any of their subsidiaries.
> LOL, TLO is fine. It's nice a lot of the drama departed. I have not noticed the guild head count dropping below 140 with TLO and Unrivaled and we did kick to the curb a few peeps. Drama always surfaces no matter what changes take place.
> BTW, @wdj40, the guy you're whining about is playing BDO, rarely signs into NW.
> Does anyone know if our MC3 gear will level up in M16?
> lol all I can say is it's funny how perceptions vary.
> mw3 will not be upgraded.
I hate drama that’s one reason I’ve stuck with my little low level guild on ps4 everyone’s nice and I haven’t heard a single winer.
I laughed so hard when seeing a recent post of how many unique accounts there are for NW . I am sure the active number is a fraction of the total. I am considering adding one to the inactive column.
I think enchantments are doing the same to me, I’ve leveled all my left side gear row to 13s and my right side gear row to 11/12s from 8s in a 6 month period and it’s starting to burn me out.
At least they carry over to mod 16.
Except movement utility which is the only part to come that I think will disappoint me.
My new thing ATM is that the devs said they removed complexity from the game to make it simpler yet with the same breath complexity was added around companions but that update seems to have revenue generation behind it.
If the goal was to remove complexity and make it easier for players and the devs going forward, best thing to do about companions is remove them all together. Besides in D&D lore the only class I recall with any companion is Rangers and most of their companions are animal companions.
I want to know why the devs added complexity to our companions vs removing them instead of adding more complexity for our characters.