Dear Devs,
With the Tales of Old event, you managed to create an event that rewards (1) speed-running, and (2) exceptional elitism. I am not sure if that was your intention, but that is what happened. The speed-running, because so much currency was required to get the rewards; and the elitism, by demanding such high Ilevel for the content, and the "scaling up" feature not really working properly. It was routine for me to see requests for 17k and 18k players for groups. Furthermore, support classes were as usual far more favored over DPS classes.
You know what this event didn't reward? Having fun! I mean, I liked seeing the old dungeon again, but I could not imagine doing it so many times over such a short time frame. I didn't even like the dungeon *that* much back in the old days!
If you're going to do this type of event again, may I make a few suggestions?
1. Have a scaling-up procedure that actually works, so that sub-16k players can actually make a meaningful contribution to the group, *as advertised.* This will cut down on the excessive demands for 18k(!) characters.
2. Either make the event longer, or don't make us repeat the dungeon so many times, in order to earn the rewards. That will cut down on the demands for speed running.
3. Make a penalty for having multiple characters of the same support role in the group. Perhaps this can be one of the "embellishments". So for example, a group that has 2 DC's or 2 OP's will have the total power of the group cut by a factor of 2. A group that has both a GF and a Protection OP will have the total defense of the group cut by a factor of 2. A group that has both a Devotion OP and a Temptation SW in a group will have the total healing cut by a factor of 2. Something along those lines. This will allow a greater diversity of characters to have the opportunity to participate in the event.
Why are you trying to penalize people for playing whatever characters they like to play? We often ran it with 2 GF's because a friend and I both have GF mains and those were the characters we wanted to get the gear for.
I do agree with your second point, it was too grindy for a 1 week event. I would have liked to have completed it on more than one character.
I'm not sure how well the scaling up will work until mod16 hits. Hopefully it's in a better spot then. I'm fine with something like this being deliberately targeted at vets, though.
Lastly, yes - very grindy. It'd be nice to be able to start at a specified stage of the run (with appropriate handicap), so you can skip, say, the first 3 stages, but lose 15 min and 3 lives from your counter in doing so. Groups able to do 5x generally blew through those anyways, leaving them a cushion of both time and lives for the last two stages. Groups that aren't sure how they will do, or chest runs, can start at the base, and still get rewards.
This event is meant for elite end-gamers to fully complete the 5x runs and I would not have it any other way. End-gamers have been bleeding out of this game for two years, we need this type of content with great rewards to keep people in the game.
I fully expect changes to be made to the event going forward. I think it's great that people are providing feedback. Your opinions are just as valuable as mine.
I have no friends list in the game.
I am certainly not "elite".
Ends up I didn't run it at all even though I wanted to see the old dungeon... I don't remember that I ever ran it back when it was in the game.