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Solution for Illusionists Gambit

johonxgaltjohonxgalt Member Posts: 93 Arc User
I read a lot of feedback from people that either feel they are being held "hostage" to others that want to continue and others that complain about people not wanting to finish the 3 rounds.

I propose that only the people that vote to continue proceed on to the next round. Want to leave after 1, sure here is your reward. Want to continue to 2 or 3? Well you better be good enough for those rounds as you will likely have less than 5.



  • namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User
    IG is very old content, doubt devs would put resources into making changes to it.

    I think IG is fine the way it is. It used to be a problem when IG was in the epic queue and scrubs would rig the vote to force well-geared toons to carry them to gold. That unsavory practice should be non-existent now that IG is in RLQ. If you are well-geared and the group votes gold, maybe you should do it for them? After all, you are dipping into RLQ.

    IG rare pops up for me. And when it does, most of the time it is bronze. If I have to carry four lowbie's, I just take the penalty. No biggie. I take the penalty for mSP way more often.
  • robai#6206 robai Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    There is a big difference if it's private group or not.
    There is no problem for private group since usually you gather party for gold run.

    But in random queue most people do it for AD only.
    So yeah, for those who wants to continue let them continue, but the problem here might be this: a player votes to continue while expecting others to continue as well and if 2 other players vote for don't continue then a player might not want to continue too, but he can't change the vote and he has to continue with non full group.

    So I think it would be better to continue only when all 5 players agree to continue.
    On top of that there should be given more AD when you continue (and win).
    So after first round you see if it was too easy and if so you might want to continue (more AD is a good reason to continue), and if not you stop it (companion equipment is too cheap, so it's a waste of time to continue if no more AD given, the +5 equipment never drops anyway, but even that is too cheap now).
  • pitmonster#5684 pitmonster Member Posts: 537 Arc User
    If I am raising a new alt and end up in IG and vote to leave but others vote to stay, I will try my best but if I die, I just sit by the fire. Having to run through that stupid gauntlet just to queue back in is garbage.

    As far as the comments about "carrying" low levels through, that is the choice you make when you pug. Personally I don't care as long as they are trying. Now pug for epic and above while not ready for it, that is annoying.
  • namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User
    I don't mind carrying lowbies, or even well-geared paid for toons, I do it all the time in ToNG and CoDG when possible. But some lowbies I will not carry, like tank/heal toons with garbage equipment like free event artifacts and no legendary artifacts. To me, these are clearly trash toons created for quick queuing and getting carried for RAD. They can try all they want. But when I see them, I abandon.
  • sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User
    I love doing IG so much so, I give the best prizes to those who go for the gold. I don't force people to choose gold, I always vote to stay. After the contest, I mail all the people in the que list something for making the effort. I haven't been in there for some time now, so maybe this weekend you might bump into one of my people.

    As for why people do this, I know it is for the RAD. But I pick to be there. In the past players were even soloing it just to fail and pick up the XP. The developers fixed that little trick. I don't play any skirmish or dungeon for the RAD alone, I play for the fun and enjoyment of others. Quite a few have been shocked by refinements, mounts, and wards in their mail. It is a game people, it is suppose to be fun. It stops being fun when you are working it and not playing it.

    Have fun! <3
  • wintersmokewintersmoke Member Posts: 1,641 Arc User

    I read a lot of feedback from people that either feel they are being held "hostage" to others that want to continue and others that complain about people not wanting to finish the 3 rounds.

    I propose that only the people that vote to continue proceed on to the next round. Want to leave after 1, sure here is your reward. Want to continue to 2 or 3? Well you better be good enough for those rounds as you will likely have less than 5.


    The reason people were "held hostage" was because IG was the source for BIS companion gear. Now that you can get better gear from lockboxes, and professions, the rAD is the only thing most players are interested, & bronze runs are most popular in the Random Queue.
  • callumf#9018 callumf Member Posts: 1,710 Arc User
    Yesterday ran an IG via PUG and was stuck with a load of low level toons. No problem here. We struggled to get to bronze. I expected everyone would realise this was going to be a buttonmashing RSI fest... but no they wanted to stay. I pleaded that there was no point, no decent rewards, just maniacal mouse clicking. I think we got gold after about 20 minutes. It was so painful. And the rewards? Useless. Really.

    Again, and I am on repeat for this, change the flipping loot tables, add in GMOPs or decent stuff. Its a totally obsolete waste of time even for newer players, other than for XP.
  • namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User
    If some lowbie ask how he should vote, then I will explain to them why there is no reason to do gold now. If they just vote gold without saying anything, then I abandon and let them experience how hard IG can be on lowbies. Hopefully they will remember this the next time they vote.

    I remember one run where my CW did 10x the dps of the other four combined. "That was so easy of course I will stay," quipped one guy. I AFKed and without my CW freezing and smashing everything, the other four were dead within 10 seconds.
  • kemnimtarkaskemnimtarkas Member Posts: 838 Arc User
    If I'm leveling up an alt, I'll go with whatever the group majority votes for - though I do IG a lot less for leveling now that they nerfed the XP gain so severely. If it's an AD run at level 70, I vote to leave. 9/10 times everyone else is doing the same at 70. Can't remember the last time they didn't, in fact.
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