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Humble dump of suggestions

hugienwnhugienwn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 54 Arc User
edited January 2019 in Player Feedback (PC)

In the downtime between Gallant gear acquired & eagerly awaiting mod16 announcements, I thought I would write up a list of feedback, ideas & suggestions -- some mine, others borrowed -- in the event that serendipity should ensue & the right dev should glimpse the right idea at the right moment re: aligning with future plans for the game. I love Neverwinter and spend a lot of time & money playing; please interpret the below as "stuff I'd love to see happen to make the game even better," and not as "here's a bunch of cranky whining." Thank you in advance for your time & attention!

  1. If Tales of Old must be in recurring event format... ... please consider bringing the old dungeons themselves back permanently, even if the event mechanics & currencies are disabled when the event isn't running. Old-timers have waited a very long time to get those dungeons back, and if the only time to play them is during Tales of Old, I think that is going to sour what should otherwise represent a very sweet moment for the community.
  2. Normal & +1 items should be interchangeable for the purposes of completing MW quests. 'Nuff said. I know there are other threads about this, but I'm still including it because it enrages me (on behalf of others -- I already have all my MW5 recipes unlocked). There is zero logical justification for this not being supported in the wake of mod15's professions changes. The professions overhaul seems to be well-received overall, but this really needs to be fixed, because it makes no sense and makes people extremely angry. Punishing players for getting a "too good" result makes absolutely no sense.
  3. Something's wrong with the professions proficiency & focus calculations. People are having 100% proficiency tasks fail when queued up, and +1 results sometimes happen at 0% chance focus. I've seen this reported on PE Discord, and I imagine it's been reported officially, but if it's not something developers are aware of, it should be -- especially given how unforgiving a crafting failure is for MW tasks!
  4. SW Temptations should be able to queue as a healer role. I'm not going to outright say "let people choose their roles" because other MMOs have plenty of evidence that this leads to abuse & unpleasant outcomes (trolls queueing as "tank" when they're really DPS -- fine for some content, not fine for other content) -- but I do think that SW temptation should be given the ability to fill a healer role.
  5. Random queues + intentional disconnects This continues to plague random queues. Someone sees a queue they don't like -- usually the underdark skirmishes -- and, instead of being a responsible citizen & playing the content or abandoning the queue (leaver penalty!), they opt to avoid the penalty & screw over the rest of the party by logging off & swapping to a different toon. This prevents the rest of the group from even starting the content, in the cases where a "gather your party" gate is involved. Please, please, please allow players to initiate a vote-kick on a disconnected player in random queues without waiting the 5 minutes for the timer to allow them to.
  6. Old professions stuff should be properly replaced in reward boxes. Getting defunct professions materials from a NEW orange Waukeen Treasure Chest does not make people happy & feels kind of lazy/sloppy. These rewards are supposed to be exciting, not a huge letdown.

  7. I like the new lockbox opening UI/UX. Who says all feedback needs to be negative?! I just wanted to say kudos for whoever redesigned the lockbox experience for the New Opportunities box -- it's slick & satisfying.
  8. Consider doing something about power-sharing. To be competitive as an endgame DPS, one must run a summoned companion to benefit from DC/OP powershare flowing through the Companion's Gift buff; after all, who doesn't love running around with 250k power? The fact that summoned companions are still so far superior to augments is a bit of a shame, in my opinion. If powershare were to be nerfed (yes, I am suggesting a nerf) to only affect players, not companions, content would get tougher and builds would be rendered a lot more flexible. And by the way, I have r14 bondings on 4 toons and r13s on a 5th, so I do not suggest this as a way of whining about bondings -- it's purely a suggestion in the spirit of balance/build diversity. #makeAugmentsGreatAgain
  9. Multiplicative buffs... The fact that gear with 3% more damage at 480 ilvl is still a no-brainer over ilvl 600 with thousands more in stats seems to me like a suboptimal place to be. If the way buffs were calculated were modified, it would both render endgame content more challenging (which encourages all sorts of productive/positive behavior on the part of players in that it would challenge folks to learn more about how to maximally contribute to a run's success) as well as alleviate the status quo in which new gear is obsolete for meta DPS builds unless it features % buffs.
  10. Add the ability to fast-forward power point respec. Most of my toons are maxed at 124/124 power points. It is a huuuge annoyance to click through all 124 any time that a "Free Respec" is awarded (which blocks the ability to do a piecemeal feat-only respec). If a toon has 124 power points, can you please add a button that lets us assign them all in 1 click?
  11. Allow for unique restored items to be reclaimed. The Sea of Moving Ice relic weapons & the Barovia sunset weapons are both unique restorables that, should they be used as transmutes, are gone for good. It would be great to be able to reclaim these (in restored state... don't make us restore them again...). For example, I restored my DC's Sunset Holy Symbol, then used it as a transmute when the old masterwork sets were buffed in mod15. If Sunset weapons were ever to receive a favorable retroactive buff, I'd be screwed & angry. The ability to reclaim would be a nice QOL change for the dedicated players who actually went through the trouble to grind that stuff out, and would cause retroactive buffs to previously-outdated items (like the mod15 MW gear buffs...) from being so frustrating.
  12. Revamp the tarmalune store to feature exclusives instead of old catch-up stuff. As someone who shamelessly opens lots of lockboxes -- I like shiny chase items, I like exclusive items, I like things that make you feel special/unique in some way. I think capitalizing on this desire is how lots of MMOs make money. The Tarmalune Trade Bar store has become a stale dumping ground for old lockbox stuff and, honestly, if you have the # of trade bars needed to afford the companions/artifacts/mounts, you probably opened so many lockboxes that you have everything you wanted from them already. :) The Trade Bar store should not feature OLD content -- it should feature EXCLUSIVE content. I used to open a few extra lockboxes because I knew that a few more trade bars would net me enough for preservation/coalescent wards, before those got pulled. Now, I'm sitting on thousands of trade bars, as are most of my endgame friends, because the only thing in there worth buying is mass life scrolls, on the rare occasions that we run low on them. Give the lockbox addicts something to spend those bars on!
  13. Modify hardcore mode. I love K-team & the new min-ilvl & hardcore game modes -- I love the idea of discouraging reckless DPS/buff races and encouraging people to respect the mechanics that power-creep + mass life scrolls have rendered largely obsolete. The tense situations fighting Valinda, Fulminorax, Lostmauth, etc. have made that older content feel fresh again. However, it really sucks when skilled players who are paying attention & respecting the mechanics get 1-shot due to bugs or lag, thus ruining runs & moods alike. I would propose that the "hardcore" game mode be altered such that the person who dies is booted from the run (or at least unable to be revived), but that the remaining party members be given the opportunity to continue & attempt to complete it. This preserves the spirit of the mode -- a challenge to survive -- without frustrating & penalizing the entire group for one person's momentary internet connection hiccup or RL emergency.
  14. Allow refining to be "fast-forwarded" via spending pres wards. I realize this is likely never going to happen, since wards + RNG no doubt represent a huge source of $. However, I'm going to suggest it anyway. :) If I am up against a 3% chance, it suuure would be nice to "spend" 33 preservation wards in exchange for my upgrade being successful instead of clicking & praying. I would gladly give away the "omg I got my 5% in 2 wards" moments so that I never have to feel the mounting anger of "why is this 10% now on its 45th pres ward..." again, and I suspect many other players would similarly be excited to remove that RNG.
  15. Make enhancements to Dragonflight and Marauders! These are fun events plagued by the effects of power-creep and insufficient rewards. If Marauders rewards were scaled up for add'l waves survived & Dragonflight were given some new twists, it would be awesome. For example... once all 4 dragons are killed, spawn a 5th dragon who attacks the guild hall & must be killed in the 1 minute before the event ends, in exchange for a guaranteed Strongbox of Influence drop.
  16. Add additional rewards for hardcore and/or min-ilvl mode. The rewards should be commensurate with the challenge -- it's got to be "worth it" or nobody will use these mods outside of k-team, which will only remain relevant for as long as Gallant gear is relevant (hint: not long, given that it's not especially good :( ).
Post edited by hugienwn on


  • hugienwnhugienwn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 54 Arc User
    Ran out of characters, so I'm starting a 2nd post...
    1. Chase achievements for challenging group content. Another MMO I play a lot of does a fantastic job with achievements, which give their endgame dungeons a lot of replayability beyond loot farming. Each dungeon has achievements for speedrun, zero group deaths, and "hard mode", in which the final boss fight is rendered more difficult in some way. Achievements & titles associated with meaningful achievements are huge motivators for endgame players who want to show off their skill/ability. K-team helps in this regard, and I did see the "hardcore" achievements in the journal as of mod15, but I think more can be done here to add more badges of pride to the game.
  • rjc9000rjc9000 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,405 Arc User
    hugienwn said:

    1. If Tales of Old must be in recurring event format... ... please consider bringing the old dungeons themselves back permanently, even if the event mechanics & currencies are disabled when the event isn't running. Old-timers have waited a very long time to get those dungeons back, and if the only time to play them is during Tales of Old, I think that is going to sour what should otherwise represent a very sweet moment for the community.
    2. Multiplicative buffs... The fact that gear with 3% more damage at 480 ilvl is still a no-brainer over ilvl 600 with thousands more in stats seems to me like a suboptimal place to be. If the way buffs were calculated were modified, it would both render endgame content more challenging (which encourages all sorts of productive/positive behavior on the part of players in that it would challenge folks to learn more about how to maximally contribute to a run's success) as well as alleviate the status quo in which new gear is obsolete for meta DPS builds unless it features % buffs.

    The first was promised to us since Mod 6, nice to see the devs taking another 8 modules to finish their promise.

    The second needs a bit of a nuance. While a flat "all buffs are additive" is a neat idea, you also start to hurt the classes reliant on self buffs, namely, headless kamikazes GWFs.

    I propose that you split buffs into two categories: self buffs and group buffs, or whatever names you wish to give.

    The first group behaves as they do now, the second has diminishing returns/a limit and are additive just like debuffs. The dev team would also need to swap some buffs into some categories vs. others for balance (ex: possibly move gear melee/ranged buffs to the group category so they don't overcentralize the game).
    hugienwn said:

    SW Temptations should be able to queue as a healer role. I'm not going to outright say "let people choose their roles" because other MMOs have plenty of evidence that this leads to abuse & unpleasant outcomes (trolls queueing as "tank" when they're really DPS -- fine for some content, not fine for other content) -- but I do think that SW temptation should be given the ability to fill a healer role.
    I would actually disagree with this, since the moment that you cannot find anything to damage, you cannot heal anyone as templock. While this situation doesn't present itself all the time, I think it might be frustrating for random queuers if the situation becomes unwinnable because of this setback that Templock has (ex: having to deal with Nostura's AIDS with Templock solo healer).
    hugienwn said:

    Consider doing something about power-sharing. To be competitive as an endgame DPS, one must run a summoned companion to benefit from DC/OP powershare flowing through the Companion's Gift buff; after all, who doesn't love running around with 250k power? The fact that summoned companions are still so far superior to augments is a bit of a shame, in my opinion. If powershare were to be nerfed (yes, I am suggesting a nerf) to only affect players, not companions, content would get tougher and builds would be rendered a lot more flexible. And by the way, I have r14 bondings on 4 toons and r13s on a 5th, so I do not suggest this as a way of whining about bondings -- it's purely a suggestion in the spirit of balance/build diversity. #makeAugmentsGreatAgain

    You could nerf bonding stones, but I would think that the company would try to avoid another Mod 12.5 situation (even though I suspect that the second proposal was their idea all along, the first was just using basic negotiation tactics of asking for more than they want).

    You could also nerf Powershare, though I don't know what the reaction of many ACs/OPs will be when they find their investment nerfed. AC and Afkadin are, incidentally, the only builds that actually have some variation from "build as DPS with a crit build" that I can name in my sleep. I would hope to preserve some semblance of uniqueness.

    I would suggest letting augments have the ability to receive Powershare, in addition to raising the % of stats granted to 125%/150%/175% at green/blue/purple and orange qualities. This way, you put augments to be about on par with Bondings, with a slight difference in risk and reward. While augments do give less stats than Bondings in addition to not having any unique abilities, they never fall off cliffs.

    Other than that, this is one change I'd suggest right now:

    Add Diminishing Returns on Critical Strike (the stat), then readjust some boss HP values.

    I find it hilarious that a DnD licensed product devalues the whole point of a Critical hit. Aren't Critical hits supposed to be a lucky hit that deals bonus damage?

    So why are all classes given an option to get 100% Critical Chance? This creates a situation where Critical damage is the norm and then the future endgame dungeons have to start inflating HP values so endgame players actually have to do the mechanics (and even then, right now, due to buffs, most bosses are 30 seconds or less anyways).

    I would suggest to implement a limit on how much Critical Chance players can gain from the Critical Strike stat, say 50% (after 20,000 Critical Strike, the stat would gain harsh diminishing returns, like, say 5000 Crit Strike to 1% after 20,000). This change would not affect sources outside of the stat, such as the ability rolls (ex: DEX on GWF), buffs/food (ex: Chaotic Nexus), or feats/passives that add flat critical chance (ex: Weapon Master).

    This way, the whole point of a Critical hit actually makes sense: players can increase their chances to Crit, but not to the point where they can gain 100% by the stat alone.

    It would still be possible to gain 100% Critical Chance, but those circumstances need to be unique (like TR Stealth or Eye of the Storm), or require players/the team to work around boosting their chance (ex: team needs to bring 3 Moonbow companions so everyone gets 100% chance).

    Then, maybe, the devs would need to re-adjust HP values for bosses like CR so less prepared teams stand a chance. Number inflation is fake difficulty, it just drags on the game play. Besides, I think the more demanding mechanics are a big enough of a difficulty spike from easier dungeons.

  • vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    If crit were changed in this manner, SW Soulbinder would be dead in the water without a rework to Spark generation. Dread enchant would also be severely devalued.

    In short, while agree that 100% crit all the time is a silly concept, trying to change it now would be a lot of work at best and a disaster at worst.
    Sacrilege - Warlock
    Contagion - Cleric
    Testament - Wizard
    Pestilence - Ranger
    Dominion - Paladin


  • peregr1nusperegr1nus Member Posts: 160 Arc User
    Very nice post Nyv!
    Ill just highlight some i want to add to. With the rest i pretty much agree.
    hugienwn said:

    Consider doing something about power-sharing.

    hugienwn said:

    Multiplicative buffs...

    I would like to see companions getting some sort of a "buffed power deppression" so that they would be affected only by say 20% of power shared to them, and they they would just normally proc bondings Companions gift with less power on them. Since changing bondings to either: A-give fewer stats than now, AKA general nerf, would meet with a very negative feedback or B-make bondings share power from powershare differently than comp pwr+other stats would be a nightmare to make it work and produce tremendous bugs. While on the other hand making companions recieve only fraction of incoming power seems like a path of least resistance.

    Multiplicative buffs= nice suggestion above by RJC, 2 categories seems like a logical and nice solution.

    And another last thing to add here - Insignia bonuses scaling of off buffed power is another overpowered mechanic that should be changed to base power.
    hugienwn said:

    Allow for unique restored items to be reclaimed.

    What i would like to see is something best described as "Loadouts for transmutes".
    Where you could store different transmutes of your gear and change them on the go, without the need to consume your transmute items every time.
    This quote below is from m13 Fashin Bag changes.
    uimaven said:

    We've also read your comments about transmute items, and changing that system is on our Big List Of Things To Redesign. But we want to do it right, which means we'll have to do it when we have the time and resources to do it right, which is not M13.

    hugienwn said:

    Add additional rewards for hardcore and/or min-ilvl mode.

    So far the Hardcore mode is merely a yet another missed opportunity content that can be great but apart from KTeam there is no point in running those (and KTeam meh too, since gear is meh).
    hugienwn said:

    Allow refining to be "fast-forwarded" via spending pres wards.

    Yes please! There is so much RNG in the game that every little bit of getting rid of it is such a relieve, especially this one.
  • kharkov58kharkov58 Member Posts: 669 Arc User
    Cryptic has already set a price for "fast-forwarded" refining. 1 coal ward. It would be nice if they allowed the player to spend 100 pres wards in advance for automatic success.
  • giz#2086 giz Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited February 2019
    I disagree with the fact to allow SW to queue as healer, we have now a big unbalance for a lot of dps classes, and SW isn't in a good spot as DPS, not everyone enjoy to play as templock, so being able to queue as healers can kill us as damage dealers, why? because other classes can do better DPS than SW, so SW is better to run as "healer" all the time. i Agree with RJC: SW can't heal the party without dealing damage to some mobs, we haven't mechanics to heal out of combat. First at all we need something that devs can't fix: Unbalance. To make other classes to run other roles we need balance first imo.
    Post edited by giz#2086 on
  • vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    SW is very capable as DPS right now. AoE is acceptable if not nearly as good as, say GWF, but the only thing it lacks for boss damage is better synergy with a speed kill setup. In your average party (one that isn’t coordinated to down a boss in one or two rotations), a SW DPS competes well with the other top contenders.
    Sacrilege - Warlock
    Contagion - Cleric
    Testament - Wizard
    Pestilence - Ranger
    Dominion - Paladin


  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    While @rjc9000 has made some really good suggestions, I have to disagree his crit suggestion, big time.

    While that's all fine and dandy, guaranteed crits with EOTS and stealth would be STUPIDLY overpowered in that situation. Having a chance based damage would make all the proc based abilities such as Prominence and AoC make even more overpowered and mandatory. You'd effectively kill buff enchants, since their damage is based on our weapon damage + buffs. It would make Prominence do like 60% of a GWF's damage for HAMSTER sake xD

    You wouldn't just kill 3 enchants (vorpal, dread, and for most classes fey too), you'd make other classes literally as useless as post-nerf SWs or Bulwark OPs.

    In any case, having guaranteed crits in a certain time period like what EOTS does would indeed be ridiculous. Let's take current CWs as an example. 10-15 seconds is enough for most really good CWs to melt Orcus, and having guaranteed 8 secs of 100% crit chance would just make CW the only class that can do that without a very specific, otherwise non-optimal group.

    However, his augment idea is great. I'd also like to suggest, maybe alternatively - it doesn't benefit from powershare, but on legendary it gives 400% stats, or something equally nutty. Combined with the 2k stats on R14 runes, and the availability of gear we can put on comps... should be wonderful, don't ya think?

  • grogthemagnifgrogthemagnif Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,651 Arc User
    hugienwn said:

    Ran out of characters, so I'm starting a 2nd post...

    1. Chase achievements for challenging group content. Another MMO I play a lot of does a fantastic job with achievements, which give their endgame dungeons a lot of replayability beyond loot farming. Each dungeon has achievements for speedrun, zero group deaths, and "hard mode", in which the final boss fight is rendered more difficult in some way. Achievements & titles associated with meaningful achievements are huge motivators for endgame players who want to show off their skill/ability. K-team helps in this regard, and I did see the "hardcore" achievements in the journal as of mod15, but I think more can be done here to add more badges of pride to the game.
    We have the achievement for Hardcore, but it's split between Dungeons/Skirmishes - each group has their own Achievement.

    No achievements for speed run or min IL.

    I propose a Dungeon Crawl Achievement (5 points for each) where you have to kill ALL the monsters (except respawns), open the 5 skill kits, enter every room/chamber, talk to every NPC available, disarm every trap and open every door/gate. Reward: Double Max AD for first qualified run, +50% AD thereafter and + 5- 15 Dungeoneer Shards of Power if eligible (based on the dungeon).

    I also propose Solo Dungeon Achievement awards, Suggested awards: leveling to level 60 + Event Skirmishes - 5 Achievement points, leveling 60+ and Intermediate Skirmishes 10 Achievement points, Intermediate Dungeons - 15 Achievment poins, and Advanced Dungeons - 25 Achievement points
  • grogthemagnifgrogthemagnif Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,651 Arc User
    hugienwn said:


    In the downtime between Gallant gear acquired & eagerly awaiting mod16 announcements, I thought I would write up a list of feedback, ideas & suggestions -- some mine, others borrowed -- in the event that serendipity should ensue & the right dev should glimpse the right idea at the right moment re: aligning with future plans for the game. I love Neverwinter and spend a lot of time & money playing; please interpret the below as "stuff I'd love to see happen to make the game even better," and not as "here's a bunch of cranky whining." Thank you in advance for your time & attention!

    IDEAS/SUGGESTIONS/FEEDBACK, provided with love:

    1. (15) Make enhancements to Dragonflight and Marauders! These are fun events plagued by the effects of power-creep and insufficient rewards. If Marauders rewards were scaled up for add'l waves survived & Dragonflight were given some new twists, it would be awesome. For example... once all 4 dragons are killed, spawn a 5th dragon who attacks the guild hall & must be killed in the 1 minute before the event ends, in exchange for a guaranteed Strongbox of Influence drop.
    Question: When does the 1 minute start??

    Remember, it takes about 2 minutes to get from one Dragon landing zone to another (on a +110% mount) and over a minute to get from any Dragon Landing (on a 110% mount) to any gate of the Stronghold, so give us a 90 second warning of the 5th Dragon (A shadow Dragon, like to one in River District Perhaps or White Dragon from the Dragon Heralds in the Well of Dragons) imminent landing to get back to the Stronghold..
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