its frustrating to enter PVP and face up against PVP elites and have no chance whatsoever. So here is an idea: Set up brackets based on experience and win/loss ratio. Every time you enter PVP you gain experience just for participating and extra for every hit (time in combat) and every kill. you must gain a certain amount of experience and a certain number of wins to proceed to next bracket. Each time you enter PVP you are matched with others of same bracket (public) or you gain a handicap (private) similar to golf where you are more evenly matched with others in the private PVP. This way a newbe 70 can have fun facing up against those with a little more experience.
Bracket levels Bronze, silver, gold, platinum, ultra.
each bracket gets different levels of rewards when competing. Higher the bracket the better the reward.
I recently started playing a little PVP after avoiding it like the plague for about 2 years. Some matches were fantastic, close, frenetic, etc. Some were discouraging and showed that the same issues that plagued the pvp queues in the past still exist. The matchmaking quite frankly sucks.
On another note, the queue system also sucks. I was trying to play with 2 other buddies and found the new system horrible for friends to play together.
• if all 3 of us tried to queue together we ended up getting 2 randoms and facing a premade squad 9 times out of 10. Sometimes we were competitive. Most times it was a facestomp.
• if we queued up individually we rarely ended up on the same team so it defeated the whole point if trying to pvp together
The entire system and mode needs an extensive rethinking.
I much prefer a system that is like sports than that of a brawl. Where the strengths and weaknesses of the players don't matter as much as accomplishing goals. Something like Harry potters broomstick game or Mercedes lackey The Collegium Chronicles training game in there. Where you have riders, footmen, defenders and scouts and its all a version of capture the flag. Races of mounts over randomized obstacle courses. Games similar to the summerfest ball game (but faster paced). Maze running where you face mobs and misdirections. Etc..
First incentives should be added, then better matchmaking tools when there are enough people queuing to support them. Pvp is the true endgame, and rewards should reflect this.