Please, fix quest-related bug with Profession progression system.
There is absolutely no sense in not being able to finish the quest path by using +1 versions of Amulets, specifically for Jewelcrafting (but I fathom it is the same for many more).
Some Professions like Armorsmithing has a working +1 versions being accepted, yet the jewelcrafting one is not accepted without basic versions, which is illogical and doesn't make sense.
Furthermore, my items are all of epic level and I'm bound to get a +1 version pretty much always, so I do not want to spend crazy amounts of AD just to make a slightly inferior version of the Amulet because the quest says so.
Fix it.
True Neutral
Left the Game due to heavy Damage Control & Missing Spanish Language
I'm sure this is just an oversite and easy to fix.
+1 versions should always be utilized as much as regular versions. They are the same thing, effectievly and code-wise, and should be used for the same quests in the same manner.
Developers should fix this as it really slows down any progression for characters who can't progress towards higher tier crafting.
Furthermore, virtually nobody buys +1 versions on AH even when their price is severly diminished, I've seen items of +1 quality, needed for quest progression, being stagnant on AH for several weeks.
This ruins fun for people and averts people from investing anything in order to do professions.
Please, do not join and assume that just because it wasn't fixed immediately in few days somehow automatically translates to "WAI". It does not. People jump to these sorts of conclusions way too often thinking that developers won't make an oversight, despite the fact that oversights happen all the time in pretty much all areas of the game. Recently we had three "quick fixes" to the game when CTA was held.
Once again, look at it from logical and reasonable perspective since what you're preaching makes no sense:
- It is essentially same item, however slightly better.
- Same items are used and same profession in its creation, the only difference is the end result which gives no more than 10IL and maybe 20-30 stat points.
The only reasonable and logical scenario is that it was too much work at the time, work regarding adding extra lines to profession-related quests in Masterwork...
And do not tell me how there is no oversight because you do not have Black Ice profession anymore, yet you do have and get BL stuff you can buy which can still make some poor newbie fella buy thinking about it only to realize that there is no such a profession in the game, at all.
And here is the illogical part! Essentially, a +1 which de facto is better, will cost far less on AH since it is practically useless to anyone who needs to do professions.
1. A small option or a shop or a worker or a troll or whatever impish creature you can imagine whose job is to remove +1 from QUEST RELATED items in case you get one. Let's say he likes to break stuff, so you can use it to "break" the +1 benefits from the item.
2. Add lines in already present quests for all professions which use +1 system. It is basically a CTRL+C/CTRL+V job. I mean, c'mon! Do not tell me that this is somehow intense job.
Once again, this is a very bad business model, it is laughable, extremely frowned upon by many players who enjoy working with professions and I have experienced how people feel and react to this calling upon Cryptic's incompetence. I do not like to see that since people generally tend to bash and find some reason to get angry/sad, whatever, but they have a point in this case since it makes already hard and resource-heavy work to be even harder and resource heavier up to the point where we could say it is not worth doing it.
This is a bug i.g. an oversight that needs to be fixed since +1 versions should de facto work the same like their non+1 versions.
Or do you believe that merchant to whom you need to prove your worth would see the +1 version and return you back because you're too good in making stuff? It also breaks immersion in the game.
So, do not support this as WAI, it isn't WAI, it can't be WAI and there is not a single reason why it should be WAI.
Nothing else needs to be said on this, just make sure to be vocal about this in a civil manner as devs definitely need to improve this oversight by next MOD release.
Thank you.