Since mod 15, we can't craft boxes of gems.
Gems can be made directly in professions, BUT +1 gems are not accepted by mimic.
In the foundation packs you can buy, you can't choose gems (like influence or campaign vouchers)
There are no gems vouchers on sales at hv (I assume they are all bounded)
The only way to up gems faster is to buy enchantments directly by various means.
This is a big problem for guilds that are not level 20 yet and have players who also need enchantments to build their own stuff.
Does anyone know a solution?
Tr BlackbombA
French guild :
L'Ordre Du Dragon Noir 0
I'm planning to use The Assayer for gold, The Gemcutter for gems, and The Recruiter for influence. You can use this thread that I started to get fast information on the costs to bring each of those structures to the SH, including in combinations of two or all three, as well as the production rates and guild levels required to be able to afford all of these at the same time on the same day: https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter#/discussion/1243916/m15-guild-progression-and-you
I have build the gemcutter, but when 175 k of gems is asked to up one construction only for one level...
We are hall 16, and we have calculate that we need about 2 622 000 gems to up to level 20 (more or less)
It's about 110 weeks, if you care only about the gemcutter.
Of course, there is others donations.
The best way for me, is to let us craft the box of gems with professions.
French guild : L'Ordre Du Dragon Noir
We also run Tiamat.
But gems stay the most difficult ressource to fill (in my opinion).
I can't imagine how a new guild can hope to up the hall now !
I have a question for the devs : why suppress the craft of the boxes of gems and not the boxes of AD or surplus ?
This make nonsense to me. If there are too many AD in the game, suppress the craft of AD, no ?
French guild : L'Ordre Du Dragon Noir
> This make nonsense to me. If there are too many AD in the game, suppress the craft of AD, no ?
Simply put, NO! By doing that, the only strongholds that could progress would be the ones with an AD hoarder on the roster (outside of one week a year when the Jubilee vendor is available). They have decreased the number of AD crates that can be made, but I also think it can take less time to make them, so it works out about the same.
They let us craft the gems directly, ok, but you cannot put all of your craft in the mimic.
I won't ask my guildmates to donate enchants, runes that they can use to up their toons first. Of course, if they want to donate, they are free...
The fact is :
You can craft AD, surplus.
You can buy all the others vouchers (campaigns, influence, heroes, conquerants, etc...) with the foundation pack or the blue one with an interesting value.
the only thing you cannot buy with a decent value are the gems.
So I think devs have to let us craft the boxes of gems or at least let us put the +1 gems in the mimic with an equivalent value.
French guild : L'Ordre Du Dragon Noir