currently AD bots break the AD buy ratio to fix this intruduce this fix: limit max Zen buy exchange via AD per account to 500 zen per month this way you ensure that poeple will pay money to use and keep VIP and it will stop the bot abuse of Zen Buy
currently AD bots break the AD buy ratio to fix this intruduce this fix: limit max Zen buy exchange via AD per account to 500 zen per month this way you ensure that poeple will pay money to use and keep VIP and it will stop the bot abuse of Zen Buy
Or if there is really a bot issue on PS4, how about they fix that instead.
Your suggestion falls into the same category of broken fixes the they have used forever. Make it harder for regular players to make the subset that abuses stop. It hasn't worked in 5 years. They need to address the exploits/bots or whatever before anything is going to get better.
Your suggestion falls into the same category of broken fixes the they have used forever. Make it harder for regular players to make the subset that abuses stop. It hasn't worked in 5 years. They need to address the exploits/bots or whatever before anything is going to get better.