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Transfer to new account


I play Neverwinter on PS4 and I'm having an issue with my PlayStation account. One option is for me to delete the account and create a new one. However, of course my Neverwinter account is attached to my PlayStation account and I would prefer not to lose access to it (I have played for around a year and have 5 alts at level 70).

Is it possible to associate Neverwinter with a new account on the same platform? I am aware you can't swap between PC, Xbox and PS, but this would still be a PS account, just a new one.

I am in communication with PlayStation support, so it may still be possible to resolve the issue.


  • kreatyvekreatyve Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10,545 Community Moderator
    No, you will not be able to transfer the account, unfortunately.
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  • groo#6243 groo Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    Ok thanks. That is unfortunate. I'm locked out of my account (2 tier authentication isn't sending to my mobile) and Sony has asked me to post a copy of my driving license or passport to prove who I am. I am refusing to send personal documents over the Internet, so we are at a stand-off. Basically, with Sony being such a large company, that means I lose.

    Honestly I don't see what value it provides them anyway. To me, the big flaw in their approach is down to the fact I wasn't asked for ID when setting up the account in the first place. So because of that, how on earth will they know anything I send them now has anything to do with me (bearing in mind your user name can be anything and anyone can set up an online email without proof of ID)? Whatever I send now could be mine or it could be stolen for the purpose of complying with their request. Equally, what if I'd used a pseudonym when setting up the account? Sending my actual driving license now may not match the account details at all, but I'd still be me. Basically, photographic ID doesn't prove I am or I'm not the actual account holder without having provided that same ID when the account was initially set up. A security question and emailing a password/code to the registered email is more the standard approach. Sorry, bit of a rant there (no hint I'm annoyed with Sony).

    I was toying with setting up a new account, but I'd lose a years worth of Neverwinter progress.

    Anyway, that's my problem, but thanks for the info.
  • sgtpostal#4408 sgtpostal Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    ive had problems like this before with sony and with other mmo's as far as sony is concered u should be able to just give them the information ( ie ur account login info an passwrd) and they should b able to look into whtevr the problem is right there over the phone as to what is goin on with your playstation... why they are askin id or passport i have no clue i have never hjad them ask me that before... (they've always sent a verifaction email to my email address... which if they did that u shld b able to log onto a computer to verify on your email)
  • groo#6243 groo Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    Its because 2 stage verification was active but I couldn't remember whether or not I'd set it up (I set the account up over a year ago, so may have, but can't remember). I had a different mobile number back then which is where the issue arises. So, if I'd forgotten my password, then the process is as you say; a new one is sent to the registered email address. If, however, you change your mobile or whatever for 2 stage verification, then you have to supply photo ID to get it reset (there back up codes apparently, but I didn't realise that until it was too late).

    My issues with Sony are as mentioned above; firstly they don't ask any security questions or ask for ID when the account is set up. Instead, they try to deal with the situation later if you need a change to the account. Secondly, they place all the risk of providing ID on the customer by asking you to click on a link in an email which opens a web page (one of the most common forms of phishing attacks) for you to upload your details. I am not saying their side of things is insecure, but it seems like a poor shout from Sony to condone this approach as it wouldn't be hard for criminals to create a fake email that points to a fake website and then spam the email and wait. You can guarantee that there will still be enough people in the world who will click on that link because they don't realise its a fake for the criminals to benefit.

    Anyway, I raised my concerns with Sony, who promptly ignored them (actually, I did receive a standard reply just saying account verification is very safe and secure, which didn't actually answer anything). They have now suspended my account for being in breach of their terms and conditions.

    Bye bye Neverwinter, it was nice playing you for the last year. I mean I can set up a new account, but I wont get that years worth of progress back and the grind it took, not to mention some of the nice little goodies given away on the 5 year jubilee recently.
  • mebengalsfan#9264 mebengalsfan Member Posts: 3,169 Arc User
    kreatyve said:

    No, you will not be able to transfer the account, unfortunately.

    A long time player who has paid hundreds and thousands into a game where his PSN account is attacked/hijacked could end up losing his PSN account and have to create a new account. This happened to me and a few friends back in 2011 when the PSN was attacked. PSN was able to gift me all of the games I lost on the PSN and I was grateful for that. Would Cryptic not do that for a loyal player who has had his PSN account attacked and now has to create a new PSN account?

    I know ESO did this for a friend as did DCUO. If this happened to me I simply would go over to another game if NWO could not help me out due to all the time and money I invested into this game.

  • groo#6243 groo Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    I agree with your comment and hence me posting this question in the first place. My partner had set me up with a new account in the mean time. Not that I couldn't have made a new account myself, but she isn't a gamer, so was happy to set it up with valid details for me to use. I did start a couple of characters that took a around a week and a half to push up to level 70. But then, as I am reluctant to put money into the game in case I have problems with the account again in the future, I realised it would take a lot of hours grinding to get back to where I was (not so much the item level as it isn't too horrendous grinding out enough AD to buy good enough gear, mounts, etc, but more so the completing of areas and campaigns).

    As an unexpected twist to this story, I emailed Sony just to query my account being deactivated for being in breach of the terms and conditions and they said that was done in error, so low and behold, I now have the account back!! Perhaps as a final test for me, I had to change the password (which required proof of ID again), but this time I provided a utility bill (with the account number and value obscured, but other details visible) and they seemed to accept it. I don't know if that would have been accepted all along? As a software developer myself and knowing someone who has a masters in cyber security, I still question Sony's approach, but at least I can access my NW account again, so a positive outcome overall.
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