Hey guys, just wanting some suggestions or feedback on this topic, I would appreciate it very much. Excuse if I don't reply straight away as am not always on the forums.
Ok, I want to talk about lures, hunts as I am a bit unsure if I am doing this right.
I seem to find it hard to get 2, 3 star hunts, I have lures etc for 2 and 3 (don't ask me what yet as the maintenance is happening. I try to get other items to try and get a lure thingy but am struggling to find Lvl 2 and 3. When the maintenance finishes I will put down what 2 and 3 lures I have.
Well the question is this - How come it is so hard to get other lvl 2 and 3 lures, for some reason, the drop rate has died and is more harder to get the lures and when I do I don't seem to get anything out of the hunt kill except +1, 2, 3 rings and basically either something I have tonnes of and armor that is basically useless. All i seem to get is 1 star and 2 star lures but not the extra needed to get the hunt. This sounds confusing I know but i have been farming non stop in SOS river and Omu and get bugger all drops. In fact, it is shocking.
Please fix the drop rate a bit higher so us oldies can find them. It's getting extremely frustrating sorry.
I'll fill you in further when the maintenance has finished.
Cheers friends.
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