Maybe someone can explain to me differences between orcus vs elol set? Omitting the main statistics, orcus set is much better than elol set or the difference in damage dealt is small?
Now i have elol and dont know change it for orcus or maybe one of the new sets mod 14 will be better.
The Ocrus set is pretty straight forward for damage bonus but it varies in combat due to enemies health vs. your health. It is why the Orcus set is considered BiS. Typically once the enemy health is at 50% your damage goes up due to constantly being near max health.
I hope the devs stop making sets in the game all together and give each piece a gear a small stats bonus. This way, we can select the gear that makes the most sens for our builds. This include main and off hands as well as neck and waist. Having more options in gear is better than being forced to use a set that might not provided optimal stats.
One more question, which is a better options. Still using elol set and buy Razorwood or change elol for orcus?
OK, I main an SW and I have heard that it is BiS.
Right now I'm using the Loastmauth set... and I have been hesitant to use Orcus...
The reason is because of the bonus, it has me somewhat confused.
I know it gives bonus damage depending on the HP difference between you and the target... but...
What kind of difference?
I mean... there is if the target has more HP than you (ex: bosses), or when you have more HP than the target, or it doesnt matter as long as there is a difference?
Sorry, for such a basic question.
The only DPS specs that don't have Orcus as BiS are CW and HR because the bonus doesn't work well with their powers. Support oriented DCs, Tank GFs and presumably Devo paladins can skip it as well.
This problem and the small quantity of damage per proc place lostmauth under the level of orcus set
Those old builds in mmominds really keep up.
> OP, thanks for this because I'm too confused by the Orcus set.
> OK, I main an SW and I have heard that it is BiS.
> Right now I'm using the Loastmauth set... and I have been hesitant to use Orcus...
> The reason is because of the bonus, it has me somewhat confused.
> I know it gives bonus damage depending on the HP difference between you and the target... but...
> What kind of difference?
> I mean... there is if the target has more HP than you (ex: bosses), or when you have more HP than the target, or it doesnt matter as long as there is a difference?
> Sorry, for such a basic question.
I'm sure this was explained somewhere in detail but couldn't find the post so here is the basic formula for the set bonus:
where abs stands for the absolute value as if it doesn't matter if you have more HP or your enemy does - the bonus is still the same.
For example if you have 100% HP and your enemy have 50% it gives:
The reverse situation:
The only problem of the demonlord's set imo is that the % vary during the fight (as yours and your enemy HP vary) but it still out dps all the other sets for the classes mentioned above (gf, gwf, tr, sw) so it's defently a good investment.
Hope this was helpfull.
Thanks for that, it was helpful