Just few consideration about the new enchantment that will be released in mod 14.
The Eclipse Enchant, unparallel level.
+25% Deflection chance, plus, if your stamina drop below 20% it will refill you stamina bar and there will be no drop of stamina for 6 seconds.
Isn't this a "little" too much on some class , like the already overpowered TR?
Basically, a GodMode ON TR will have almost 100% of deflection chance even when is not in ITC, if correctly build.
The same will happen with an HR.
Add the effect on stamina, permastealth on TR, no drop for 6 second.
Why? Possible that no one of dev has thinked, even for a little, about that?
Add the enchant, 60+25, is 85%, not 100%, but with a severity of 50%, 60 if you use the elixir.
A TR will have 100%, without losing many point in the other stat, 80/90% of deflect severity, still mantaining the all the other stats , and this when they are NOT in Impossible to Catch.
Like TR you are already in a GODMODE = ON modality, with this your level will be even more broken.
HR too, will have almost 100% of deflection chance, btw, their deflection severity is at last on the same level of the other class.
Is not exatly the same.
I still don't understand how, some of the dev has not thinked about that.
Like i don't understand why they made a patchnote where they stated that Mane of Manticore was fixed when instead is not ( it still multiporc )
just dont go trying to 1v1 with them expecting more than a stalemate unless you are also TR or pally, maybe hr
says you have indeed been away for a time Hr dies in a matter of seconds being near a Tr only valid Hr that playes in todays Pvp is Archer rest is dead in the water and just meat for just about any other class...
But honestly, pretty OP enchant right there lol, let the nonsense begin!
So much salt flowing through their veins.
10 players 5 on each team 8 classes should make for 1 Tr 2 out of 3 matches in average aboutish.
Now we see 4 Tr in 3 matches out of 4 and 3 in the last ever wonder why ....
That the absurd unbalanced Tr class is one of the reasons people do not like to pvp any more as very few find it fun to fight an invisible or invulnerable(itc) opponent with unresistable damage, but as long as you can pretend to be good at something and enjoy the salty tears you find so hilarous its all fin and dandy(kinda say quite a lot of what you find fun in your life).
The very notion to put in a class that is invisible with unresistable damage that more or less can spam being immortal with itc/bb/smoke etc etc in a pvp enviroment is just a statement to how cluless the devs that allowed it are.
Invisible with unresistable damage in pvp pretty much sounds like a bad joke when you say it .........
Hint: Ask yourself if you have 80% DR and the TR has 0 RI, will it be the same SoD damage vs 80% DR and 80% RI?
> next mod sod ll no longer be piercing dmg btw
> Wrong read again and come back....
> Wrong. Read, think what piercing vs non piercing is, and what post-mitigation means then come back again.
> Hint: Ask yourself if you have 80% DR and the TR has 0 RI, will it be the same SoD damage vs 80% DR and 80% RI?
Don't try to explain it to them... some people will always think 1x1 = 1+1
When Shadow of Demise ends, it now deals 75% of the damage dealt over its duration, increased from 50%. However, this value is now calculated based on mitigated damage, rather than damage before mitigation. As a result, compared to before, Shadow of Demise deals less damage against enemies with high damage reduction, and more damage against enemies with low damage reduction.
Now ask yourself what would damage be with RI enough to overcome defence..
If you run with 0 RI ( which would make you the only class doing so and rather stupid) that would be a stupid example as non will.
I is very easy to come up to 120+ RI and not very hard to get 150 RI using SH boon so all in all more a buff then anything else overall with a few exception ....
You said that SoD will be piercing, which is incorrect. And the quote itself proves it.
Now you get full damage regardless of RI = piercing.
Next Mod you will get overall lower damage the lower your RI is as compared to enemy DR.
Hence -> not piercing.
The procing component will not mitigate a second time, hence the term "piercing" left there, but it does take into account the target mitigation in the source damage and the damage is reduced.
I think you miss something in how per-mitigation and post-mitigation damage is calculated, and rely on tooltips...
You can see the posts about this on mod 12? or 12.5 preview when the SoD was changed to pre-mitigation..
LOL. In fact, it'll boost all stamina activity from 100% duration to 180% + 6 seconds. Nevermind the already OP +25% deflection boost ..
So if a TR can roll around 4-5 times in stealth before stamina depletes with the Twilight Adept feat (and each roll is 1 second), they'll be able to roll 15 times in a row every 60 seconds. Haha. And refill their stealth meter. And be immune to attacks. This will be so funny to watch.
The consistent stamina gain from elven is absolutely noticeable (for PvP). Again, Eclipse wouldn't be bad. However, I would rather have more stealth, damage, cool-down reduction, stamina regeneration, and therefore surviving better all the time instead of unlimited stamina for an "oops" moment and some extra deflect.
I'm not complaining tho! I use a Mane of the Manticore too!!!
I wasn't planning on using it. However, after my first few matches playing against it I decided to sell my enchantments and quit PvP in Neverwinter. I re-thought that decision...and decided to join the party instead!
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This reminds of Call of Duty days and whenever they die by a certain gun they cry to devs and say its overpowered. Im not a TR but find it hilarious people are so salty to lose to them, its always because the TR is "broken" right?
The new enchant seems cool, but it's another grab for stats that should have a cap.