is there a reason on almost all forums when looking at builds I never see anything for damnation?
I have an HB Fury build I'm working with wich I love, its just they are melee range utilizing PoP, I'm looking for a secondary ranged build (non Templock)
The puppet might carry you through Leveling 1-70, but if you start going to places like River District, Soshenstar, or Omu, the Damnation build will not deal enough damage to get you through those zones.
Damnation aoe and single target dps specs cannot keep up with those of Fury (which is underperforming vs other strikers even with certain t9g/cradle exploit/dps bug) as the Puppet's damage is garbage (there a little things its damage scales with, it's missing buffs and possibly most debuffs aside from Damnation ones), it gets cc'ed 24/7 (which hurts dps majorly, it should be cc immune to all pve cc powers at least, that'd make Damnation pretty unique) and the SW gets little damage bonuses. As if that wasn't bad enough, Temptation wipes the floor with it when it comes to party support so you objectively have no reason to make a Damnation spec.
With it being more oriented for dps, I hope @balanced#2849 will address the aforementioned issues so a Damnation spec can make SW competitive not only with itself (especially dps-wise) but other strikers as well.