I started my OP during the last double xp weekend, so still figuring out the class.... One odd thing is how bane works. I cannot face my enemy and cast bane directly. I have to turn my character almost 80 degrees to the left before bane will actually be targetable on the enemy. Anyone else encountered this? And is there any way around it, since I find it to be somewhat awkward and annoying.
Note: Playing on PC
alias quickBane "tar $$ hardtargetlock 1 $$ +PowerTrayExec 2 $$ hardtargetlock 0"
alias setTar "alias tar target {}"
Then map quickBane to a key such as the below will map it to x on the keyboard.
/bind x quickBane
When you get in game you will type
This will allow you to swap who gets targeted with bane, and should be done before starting actual content. This last part does not persist so if you log out of the client or crash you will have to redo the /setTar part.