After searching for days I have given up. Is there a list somewhere of what you need to craft an item. I mean if I wanted the new beaded sash crafted what materials would I need. Please help me find a material list for each item.
I dont believe there is, unless someone somewhere has posted them on a forum. The recipies simply become available to the materwork crafter once they have passed the qualifying critera. As a masterwork crafter i mail the full breakdown of ingredients through all stages to any guild members who want me to try and craft them something. But that is a bit longwinded and i wouldnt go to that effort for a stranger, afraid id rather they just bought one id made off the AH for obvious reasons.
As a masterwork crafter i mail the full breakdown of ingredients through all stages to any guild members who want me to try and craft them something. But that is a bit longwinded and i wouldnt go to that effort for a stranger, afraid id rather they just bought one id made off the AH for obvious reasons.