I want to go Random Epic Dungen as a Healer! Degrade Warlock on Medic, but with Warlock you can not go RED (must be DC) - why ?! Party look Healer and kick me after invite - "need healer! you no Healer" .. ?? Warlock is DPS or Healer? SW is highlighted DPS and unrecognized Heal.
I have the most healed point at CN, Cradle, Tong, MSP etc ... I'm Top Healer, not DPS
, but as Healer me Developer at the RED will not let go - why ?!
Then the other players did some gentle moaning about my character as if I wasnt even there! [I lolled]
And then the other four players after restart end boss managed to somehow take down the final boss MUCH quicker than when I had been tankign for them. I found that a bit weird [I expect the usual criticisms to follow]
Sorry to go off topic
And as much as it pains me, GWF as a real tank died in mod 4 and was buried on mod 6. It would take a total rework for the class to be able to survive current content. Unstoppable was enough in the old days because 80% DR was enough. But GF can have that already and still needs to block or get killed.