Today I got on and did some skirmish for a change.
As Nicholas, I landed in IG and we made gold. After leaving, I stopped by the bank and popped out 40 black pearls and sent all 4 members of the PUG this message with 10 pearls each.
Your team provided an excellent distraction for the old foolish wizard Lukan. My Black Network was able to slip in and raid his treasure vaults. Here is a small cut for your unwitting part in our master plan.
I got the usual replies of "Thanks for the pearls.", but one asked me why. I believe players deserve better for going the distance. Shortly afterwards,
as Hladgred, I randomly picked up four more players and we had such an easy first round, they too would go for gold. I had some wards in her bank. But they all voted to leave 4 to my 1 vote. So I said, "How sad Olaf, today there will be no ode sung of an epic battle." and she left.
I know, getting in a PUG with me is like winning the lottery, but just to let you know, I still reward people who find fun in going the distance. I will never write you back calling you a coward for leaving. You probably won't even know I am there. My advice is; try not to seek small quick rewards as your goal. Have fun playing!
Black Pearls are a nice gift. Those 2k salvage rings are good too.
@frogwalloper#6494 I have role played for a long time now. Back in 1990, I married my Dungeon Master. We played at the kitchen table until our two boys and their friends started playing, we felt a little like creepers. I love making creative fun for everyone. Since this is not costing me any cash, I don't see the harm in spreading the virtual wealth.
Try to have fun or it becomes work.
Today's Big gift Goro Thay gave 4 hard working players Moderate Dread Enchantments! Goro Thay passed out 5 bottles of Wine from Barovia to the ones who stopped at bronze. Congratulations you are all winners.
Be on the look out for me in any of my eight personas, I might be in your match sooner or later!
She hands you a small package and a note;
All four of you performed well today, unknown to you the Harpers used your "distraction" to investigate the Wizard's Lair to find more evidence about the Cloaked Ascendancy. Take this as payment.
Will Snooks, Harper Agent
Great job on going for the gold!
Have Fun!