Sorry but I'm really mad now. How is even possible that. I have best Buyout price at trade house and I'm listed on 6th page and this is happening all a time for months. How you can even imagine that people will by paying you for broken product. If you go buy a car you will not be also happy that lights on it will be sometime working so please fix your freaking trade house buyout price sorting. I have better things to do then constantly reposting my auctions because people with higher buyout price moving me from top of list. If somebody have best buyout price he should be on top 1st page all a time. I hope you will fix this. Thank you.
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The example you gave, their unit price is 20.2. Since it is under .5, it is likely rounded down(I don't know the actual code, but this is how I would do it) making his price and yours 20, it would then go to the next tiebreaker that is programmed. You are losing that tiebreaker. They made a decision on the number of "significant digits" to use in the price rounding. No matter what point (1, .01, .001 etc.) they choose as a cutoff, fractional unit prices will always cause this issue. It cannot be avoided as long as they allow us to set prices. In your example, he could probably go as high as 10249 and still be ahead, at 10250 and above you would win. That should be a probable explanation for the one case you gave.
For the other case: I don't see how the person listing for 25 could be ahead of you in a buyout sort. I've never seen that occur and I'm selling on the AH frequently. I would need to see that listing to determine/guess what is happening