With the addition of insta-kill platforms to the game and the interaction that our summoned companions have with them I see no reason why companions should no be summon-able in combat. By 'interaction' I mean these companions have a tendency to fall off, jump off, get pushed off and die. Once this occurs the player to whom these companions were attached loses a considerable portion of their statistics.
Companions have always been an integral part of the game but since the introduction of Bonding Runestones (read, "How Neverwinter Jumped the Shark") these companions have become even more heavily relied upon. An argument could even be made that current and recent content is and has been designed with the statistics granted by these bonded companions in mind.
Taking all of that into consideration is there any reason to prevent the summoning/resummoning of bonded companions in combat? I believe the first answer that someone will return to this query is, "These bonded companions are incredibly strong and the ability to 'lose' them and not get them back during combat is the the price." I would argue that the 'price' so to speak has already been paid in the way of the actual cost to purchase, upgrade, equip and enchant these companions.
Anyway, that's my argument. Let me (and the developers reading this) know what you think, if you agree or disagree and why. I'd like to know the general consensus from the players' perspectives and would love to hear from any developers as well if they have any light to shine on the topic.
Neverwinter Module 6: The only MMO expansion in the history of MMO's to remove more content than it added.
It probably has something to do with a player not being able to change weapons, gear companions or mounts during combat but we aren't talking about changing anything selected prior to combat, just not irrevocably losing anything during combat.
I'm not sure of the programming needed to effect this kind of change, but I personally think it is worth looking into.
I used to lose my companion also when I first began playing, but then discovered I can dismiss and resummons them when not in a combat situation and if I just kept moving, whatever the companion was stuck on (they do tend to get stuck on obstacles) the companion eventually just shows up on their own... Just a FYI.