Recently, I have seen in game several people offering to sell items that are BtA/BtC. Since they can't sell them directly, the tactic is to party up, and let the person get the drop.
Of course, payment is expected up front. While I applaud the ingenuity of the human race, this could also end poorly.
Any thoughts?
MODS: No names named, but if this somehow crosses forum lines, please edit. Thanks!
My own personal opinion - I wouldn't be willing to do something like this unless I knew and trusted the seller.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
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Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
One alternate approach that I've seen (and benefited from) that seems legit is the "hunt sherpa" approach. Someone essentially has a bunch of lures and is willing to let you tag along in order to get a specific drop. They use "leader decides" loot mechanic. When a desired item drops but before it's assigned, you can see it as a loot notification in the log. Once the item drops, you provide payment (either in full or some kind of before/after split). They award you the loot and then you part ways.
In my opinion, this approach is relatively "safer" than just taking people at their word because you see the loot drop notification in the log. The downside is that it's only reasonable for the more reliable gear drops (not +4/+5 rings for instance).
> Recently, I have seen in game several people offering to sell items that are BtA/BtC. Since they can't sell them directly, the tactic is to party up, and let the person get the drop.
> Of course, payment is expected up front. While I applaud the ingenuity of the human race, this could also end poorly.
> Any thoughts?
> MODS: No names named, but if this somehow crosses forum lines, please edit. Thanks!
We have done this since chult.... honesty works.. they pay before drop, we assist until drop happens.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
(Edit) unless he has a scam handle
we even had forums and websites set up for this. and those same sites did not have any qualms about posting a verified scammers char names, account, and anything/everything else you knew about them until they were hunted down, pestered, banned, or made things right. then they were removed from the mediators position and given the forum titles scum,cheat, scammer etc. and ip banned from time to time. knew a guy on d2 that it took him almost 4 years to get anyone to even party with him in game for drop stealing a few SOJ rings lol
Worry not, selling the drops is completely legitimate, and we were aware that this behavior would emerge during initial design of the hunt system. I've stated before in other threads that hunts are meant to be a social feature, and that both the limitations on the system and the base functionality are intended to encourage various forms of socializing; slaying a hunt mark for a fee or selling bound drops on the spot included.
Of course, please proceed with caution as there is no way to guarantee a safe transaction. Use your judgment, and if you're not okay with potentially losing out on whatever payment you are putting forward, don't go forward with it.
For those interested: when approaching a feature like this, we could have allowed the drops to be sold directly. However, we wanted to strongly encourage players to run the hunts themselves, and prevent a situation where hunts were seen as an easy farming opportunity and quickly farmed until the value of all drops were reduced to their minimum. However, we still wanted to leave the door open to trading lures and trophies between friends, letting friends and guildmates have drops you don't need, as well as allowing for the formation of a bartering economy that will allow the items to maintain a higher value for longer.
Of course, hunts were a new, experimental feature when they were first released, and the expansion of hunts into Omu were already in development before the original hunts went live. For future features we'll obviously be taking into account feedback regarding how negative or positive an experience various parts of the hunt system were. So please continue to let us know what parts you did and did not enjoy!
All WE wanted-->> treat people like you want to be treaten - if you dont accept/like the price - nvm then - your decision - respected!
You can find HAMSTER on every corner but you can find honest people on every corner too. Good luck to all of you
Debuffma Gandhi@eselweiher
It's a lot easier than grinding a very expensive lure, and taking a chance on nothing.
This is partly because the drop rate for the lowest-tier trophies is problematic. Some of them undead) seem to drop pretty regularly and reliably, but there seems to be general agreement that some others (scorpions in particular) have an unreasonably low drop rate.
Still, it is better than the Allosurus fang drop rate, which is practically an insult - 1% ?? And we need 24 of them? Get real....