Lots of times you will see someone say so and so is a guild bank thief in protectors enclave. Well today i seen a person mention it in zone chat saying that the thief claimed to be there leader on a alt (i know Lame and hard to fall for) . And we do have settings to restrict players from accessing guild banks but some newer guilds might not understand or still have a freebie for new members (1 per day say ) .
But after i searched, tracked and inspected this person/thief he jumped at least 20 guilds in about an hour. It made me think it would not hurt to have a limit to how many guilds a person can join in a day . Maybe 2 times or even just 1 would really curb this behavior. If a player leaves or gets kicked they can join another guild but after that they must wait 24 hours or even longer before they can join another.
Not sure how often this method is used by thieves but at joining 20 guilds in 1 hour they could collect 20 free items also per hour (maybe more maybe less). But imagine in a day how much "junk" he collects and maybe does make out with some other stuff as well but in the end they make easy AD by scamming others.
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Before you give them a key to the vault, check out their story or evaluate them. You want to give them a helping hand, go right ahead just give them the stuff, or mail it to them. Guild leaders should use discretion when allowing access to the goodies.
> They should just have a guild history tab for when you inspect them.
> Not sure what you mean? like a tab that shows dates of the guilds he has been in ? Or some tab that a player can leave comments ? I could see tab showing dates of guilds he has joined might work. It also might be hard for a dev to make but having a cool down i believe would not be so hard but i could be wrong. And if it is something other players can leave notes well that is just a setup for trolls to abuse kinda like the the dislike option we have in forums.
I mean a tab showing the character's guild history with dates. Just a log showing join/leave dates and name of guild. If someone has 20 guilds on a day it will be easy to spot, but also for those you do guild hop between 2 guilds a person seeing inspecting it won't be too alarmed.
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"If you're Khor, why aren't you out cutting my grass like you're supposed to be doing?"
"Hey, it's me, Khor. Come on. Promote me."