So, after failing some TeT attempts in BDO yesterday, I decided to log back in on my Warlock and mess around with PvP and some PvE. For the most part, for not having the new buffs (Haven't played in a year and some change) or a full rank in each slot of my gear, I managed to get some kills and survive a lot longer than expected at 13.5 (Paladin, SW and boons are still bugged, it seems).
Let me stop rambling, my question is this, is it worth downloading the preview and testing things that are supposedly getting changed for the better with Warlocks on preview or should I just let it be?
Also, I wanted to know, if there are any players out there that have access to the preview server, if they would be so kind as to do a copy with rank 14 enchants weapon armor, in order to test out damage to the fullest (I'm all rank 12s, currently).
Appreciate it.
I may not be considered by most the BEST PVP Warlock on the server but, I am the most HATED amongst them.
I'm currently looking at doing PvE only with my son, and the players that are still left from when I played while back (A lot of people are gone). I'm giving BDO a break and coming back until Pantheon hits the scene. I love my Warlock and have tried all the other class, after being frustrated with developers not listening to the SW community.
I'll stick around a bit and see how the changes are.