I have 3 level 70 toons that have finished all the elemental evil quests except this one.
"Crushing Gar Shatterkeel"
Seychelle gives me the quest and then the quest finder turns to a red arrow and the hover message of (Target not available on this map) shows over the arrow. No sparkly line, no way to get to the node.
I have run the whole circumference of the map, Dying quite a few times in the process, with all 3 toons.
Game "Help" tells me it is not a bug, but a player problem.
The wiki and most forum posts seem to be from previous years before the elemental evil campaign's inception.
Their is no mention of saving a sacrifice to get to the node in the game but there is in all the wiki posts.
I have dropped the quest and retaken it,
dropped the quest restarted the game and retaken the quest,
Dropped the quest, closed the game, cleared all histories, caches and temporary files, restarted and retaken the quest.
Dropped the quest, closed the game, cleared all, turned off the computer, reset the modem, turned everything on, finish all the quests in the rest of the campaign, got 3 boons (the first 3),go back to the Drowned Shore and retake the quest.
I cannot find a post that actually shows the map position of the node.
Can anyone suggest how to fix this? Or tell me how to get to the node?