"Neverwinter gained its name from the skill of its gardeners, who contrived to keep flowers blooming throughout the months of snow - a practice they continue with pride." - Elminster AumarHello all,
some of you may know me, most of you don't. But that doens't matter.
Today i want to start a forum community event called 'Brainstorming'. Any yes, it is exactly what it sounds like. This is nothing else than posting your ideas and wishes for future development of the game. Why do i call this an event? Cause there is something to win! You want to know what prive you can get, maybe, if you're lucky? Haha, don't be that hasty! First things first, the rules:
1. If you want to participate your idea must be new, no such heavily addressed things like 'A new class!' and nothing very common like 'Golden Dye!'. It has to be something special with further explanation. In best case you're totally hyped and try to make a picture of it like me! I'm going to spread an example, watch this:
So what is this? It is my idea for introducing prestige class functions (I know, this isn't new. Remember, just for example. And please don't mind my photoshop skills, they are almost non existent.). Every class can choose between two different new capstones, based on the prestige class you select when hitting level 70 (including an extra feat point of couse.). This makes six new and different prestige feats despite what paragon you've choosen before on level 30.
It's not all about feats or powers or something like that, post whatever you want. Just make sure it is new and usefull (in some way, not in every). You not even have to make it 100% clear, a framework like mine above is totally fine.
2. Be fair. Stealing ideas not only isn't nice, it's a shame. So please only use your own mind and if you can't bring in something to this event, don't steal stuff from someone else. Not everyone is a creator and that's okay.
3. Don't do the copy cat. If your idea is based on another game and it really can be used here, okay. The emphasis is on 'BASED', so please mention if you're doing so. I have to trust you in this cause i don't know every game and its mechanics. So if someone see a 100% 'pirate edition idea', please write me a private message with the games name. Don't do this in here, the thread shall stay clean.
And now we're coming to the part you've waited for, the prices!
"Random picture of enchantments that has nothing to do with the event."Yes, there's more than one; three to be exact. And i want to make sure you really can use the things you've won, if you're one of the winners. So i don't give you defined things. To point this out:
If you participate, please make a note in your comment what status you've already achieved in the game - beginner, average, advanced or expert (please don't question this classification). If you're not sure you can post a picture of your main character or write your item level instead. Based on this i will choose the prices. If i don't have anything you can use, you'll get an amount of AD instead and can choose from the AH whatever you want.
Note: I'm doing this on my own and i'm paying with my own AD / stuff. If you want to donate something to this event / bring in a price for the winners, please contact me ingame (
@kisakee). All donates will be used, i don't will keep them.
Closing date for the event is February 17., the winners will be announced at the same weekend. Notifications to every winner will be given by private message here in forums.
Last but not least - Please don't use this thread to rant, hate or discuss stuff that has nothing to do with the event. I'm going to aks a mod to clean it if i have to. Thank you.
And now have fun everyone, show us the sparkles of your brainstorm!
As I wrote in the german forum months ago, I would like to see a new kind of utility enchantments that will not proc after killing a foe like all the other ones we have at the moment do, like the Quartermaster or Dragon’s Hoard. These new utility enchantment should proc by using defensive skills like healing or blocking damage.
To explain my thoughts I would take a look at skirmishes like Gambit – the first dps class reaches round about 150 kills. The supporter class, let’s say a Buff-DC, kills not more than 30. After finishing Gambit the dps player recieves 1 black opal, 3 aquamarines, 7 peridots and 9 pearls for example. The DC only gets 1 peridot and 2 pearls.
I play a DC, and if I am playing in a group it’s not easy for me to kill the foes, because the dps classes kill them quite faster than I do. If I like to benefit from the utility enchantments I have to play solo.
2) permanent overload enchantment
3) unbind token at zen store ( for +5 rings and companions equipment in order to make aviable again the old gateway stuff/ let the ppl be able to unbind and sell IG's equip)
4)more buff/debuff companions for support classes, right now we all use the same pet on that kind of class, and if you don't take damage for the most of the time (i.e. a DC) you have even less choice.
5)increase the % the auction house keep from 10 to 15% in order to be able to take more AD from the game and add some 2xAD event, this will help the new players since they need more rAD and they don't put so many things to sell on AH like older player. u'll take from the old and experienced player and give to the new player
6) chance to get Ultimate Enchanting Stone from invocation coffer (bound to account)
7) give us the chance to get Banners ( the one from siege PVP) with guild marks because there is no way some one is going to run that pvp again ( such a shame ), and we don't have the possibility to get item only buyable with banners if we have no one and we cannot get them.
8)the RP bonus event will work better if you get like 1000-3000 RP bonus from dungeon chests/ PVP reward UP to 100'000, or something like this, right now is an event you should be ashamed of having conceived it as it is now because it was supposed to partially compensate for the removal of 2xRP event.
9)you introduced a new buff item that can be upgraded up to mythic, you shuld work on old items to in order to upgrade them too ( i.e. Lliira's bell could add 10% companion influence for 30 min on an highter lvl and the items to upgrade it could be gain only during the Lliira's event)
10) the colorblind do not see the aoe, would it be possible to change their color through the options of the game?
11)Add to Tyranny of Dragons campaign this task: Dragon Bone + Dragon gem = Legendary dragon key (bound)
12) as it it for tarmalune and gold it will be great for the player to be able to share on the account the RP too through the personal bank.
13) but the most important thing, pw now stream on twitch the "state of the game" and they actually say almost nothing interesting. if you could take 2/3 of the players ideas and TALK ABOUT THEM on twitch, with the player feedback on the chat, with your team listening, and thinking about what the players are looking for this game will have no rivals, you should work WITH the community, not FOR the community.
that's some of my ideas, not expressed perfectly (language included) and perhaps some have already been said over the years.
....if only I could find someone who cared about what was said here, but probably will be just another comment on a post.
@kisakee i'm not interested to partecipate the event and get stuff from you, i'm only interested to share my ideas
I would love to see development of class specific quest lines whereby completing the quests you can get cool class specific, nowhere else in game, titles, transmutes, and even new weapon/armor enchants.
The quests should be very difficult and include puzzle solving elements, so you can't just run through them in a day.
If you get help in game to complete them, the quality (not type) of the prize would decrease.