I would really like to see some feedback from the devs regarding a suggestion for a new loot distribution option. While free-for-all, round robin, and need/greed are all great options, I feel the game is missing an important mechanic. The group leader should be able to select an option to personally assign the loot dropped to individual players. This would require some require some rules and exceptions, obviously. I know others have thought about this and will chime in with ideas. I haven't played the game for nearly as long as most other players in the game, but I have personally been screwed out of hard earned drops multiple times. While I'm willing to farm for countless hours to obtain loot and have poured money into the zen market, it brings to to the edge of quitting the game entirely when someone rolls on an item I've spent weeks hoping to obtain. For example, farming 500+ lures in hopes of a +5 ring only to lose the drop to a player that should never have rolled on it in the first place. Thoughts on this possible new loot option?
Beyond hunts "master loot" is considerably dangerous. The player that places the lure "should" be able to distribute the loot as they see fit, fair enough though outside of hunts where would such a loot system work and be fair without room for trickery and under handed situations? Or is "master loot" simply being requested for hunt lures on console?
“There are changes that can be made that don’t require coding...” - TriNitY
"No amount of coding will change human behavior" - TriNitY
Ongoing Issue: Legitmate Players Banned for Botting (Console) and the Future for "Dedicated" Players
Suggestions: (Implemented) \/\/ Rearrange Character on character Select Screen
1: Are you running hunts with friends/guild members? If so, they should know not roll on an item beforehand IF they agreed to help you and let you have the drop ahead of time.
2: If you're running hunts with randoms, so they agree to help you take down a hunt and don't get to roll on things YOU specifically want? That seems fair. "I can't do this alone, do it with me but you can't roll on the best items".
The system sucks and the best way to deal with it is to farm with friends that have agreed on how things will get rolled beforehand.