In d&d there is something called THAC0, THAC0 (/ˈθækoʊ/, thack-oh) is an abbreviation for To Hit Armor Class Zero (0). To calculate if a hit succeeds you would take the AC of the target and subtract it from the attacker's THAC0, then roll a 20-sided dice; if the dice rolls equal to or higher than the calculated number, the attack hits.
In neverwinter we have something called TKIL17k, TKIL17k is an abbreviation for to kill Item Level 17000. To calculate if you can even damage the player enough you need to first see if they have NEGATION or FEY enchantments. If they have Negation armor enchantment you can boost their TKIL by 2k. If they have FEY you can boost their TKIL by 2k. Anyone that has a TKIL greater than 4k of you will be very difficult to kill. Mount bonuses add another 1k to the players TKIL
I hope this info has helped many people that feel that pvp is not balanced. Remember, enchantments do a world of wonder, and if yours are not the same or greater in effect than your rivals, your chances of victory are slimmer than your chances of defeat.
I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!