I recently returned to Neverwinter after a being away for a few years. Back then I played on my system with a single GTX 970, since then I've added another 970 to my humble SLI system. It does the job. Recently I've been looking for ways to get the average FPS of the game to a steady 60 with little success. After some poking around under the hood I've come to find out the SLI profile for Neverwinter doesn't seem to be enabled. I've tested my SLI to ensure it's working properly using 3D Mark Firestrike. Everything is working as expected. Even the SLI indicator shows when running the tests. No such luck with Neverwinter, I get no indicator that SLI is running at all.
I've done several searches but found no helpful information on how to resolve this so any help would be sincerely appreciated.
Edit: I found the solution to my issue but I can't find a way to delete this post. The struggle continues!