As someone finally replied on my "no chests spawn" thread, I've decided to post here full list of current bugs on To9G:
1. No chests glitch
A described in another thread.
B If you wait boss to fall and you will get dead-dead state in this very time, you may recieve an unique chests-no-chests glitch. I mean: they will spawn and you will be not able to open it. There is no solution of fixing that. Just no rewards for you, deal with it

3. Bondings glitch:
During 2nd boss bondings may stop proceeding (r13/r14, not noticed on r12). To fix that you need to kick out n reinv dcs. It's easy to be recognized: you hit very low numbers, when a golem spawn - people die right after. It may appear also on final boss but in 61 runs it happend just twice at it. It's unclear if it affects only DCs.
4. Mimics glitch:
Sometimes mimics activated once never stop. You need to wipe and start the trap again.
5. Solved trap glitch:
Sometimes you get into the "punishment" trap while you solved task given.
5: Campfire glitch/Respawn glitch:
This has two faces:
A: at final boss, if you jumped off/got pushed off the platform, you may spawn at a trap location (fighting one). Rest of the team has to wipe too and respawn here with a player in order to help him going back thru the trap. You can also try kick/reinv Q solution, but it may not work.
B: at final boss, if you jumped off/get pushed off the platform, you spawn on a trap location. Rest of the team wipes but is being put on the very begining of the dungeon. There is no solution for that, you have to leave this run's Q (going back will fix nothin) or fight everything alone (if lucky - with another glitched player)
7. Door glitch
You may get stuck into the door while it opens. You have to wipe or use "im stuck" option (this works!)
8. Potion trap glitch
A: You may see colour you got.
B: Nobody can see colour you got.
C: After trap is solved you still get your colour on yourself with this "dizzy video" add.
All of them, except bondings glitch and chests glitch aren't causing high damage to gameplay (Campfire B glitch may be painfull tho). Would be nice if all of them would get a fix one day, but the chests and bondings are in need of taking action very soon.
1) it triggers only 2 places in the whole game
2) the source of it is very unclear
Type B final boss glitch (chests unable to be open): you have to wait till chests spawn before you release in order to be given an ability of opening them. It works 100% time.