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Now Recruiting Adult Players

steve#8800 steve Member Posts: 19 Arc User
I’m recruiting adult players regardless of experience, level or gear, but I offer this post before you consider joining. I really want to be transparent and arm you so you know if this fits your desires.

If you read through this and decide we might fit, I’m CADAVERTAFFY on Xbox.

I’m now a guild leader... of sorts. Despite the advice of a few experienced players I decided to go ahead and create a guild.

To those advisors, as well as to you onlookers quietly shaking your heads, let me say, “I understand and appreciate your counsel.”

Let’s look at the negatives as listed by many:

1. If I were to instead accept one of the many gracious offers of a slot in a GH20 my gear score would go up nearly 2k. I tried it. It was wonderful.
2. The cost to get from 1 to 20 is astronomical both in time and assorted currencies or other valuables.
3. While it might feel easy in the beginning as the first few levels roll in, subsequent levels take much, much, much longer as costs continue to skyrocket. How am I doing so far?
4. Legacy players have no desire to repeat that grind or the sacrifices it takes to level. That cuts out long time players as potential recruits.

Now I’ll agree. If I was chasing BiS creating a guild makes no sense. There really aren’t too many scenarios where creating one makes a lot of sense, except for those where there ARE players still coming into the game and some of those players are motivated to create something uniquely theirs.

So yeah... now part of each day must be focused on the guild. Guild quests, profit sharing, etc. It’ll take forever and by the time I’m done who knows where the game will be or what state Strongholds will be in?

But... EVERY day on Neverwinter is a grind. The flavor of that grind varies by person, but once you hit the elemental evil zones, you’re grinding. It never ends. I choose to grind this. Maybe I’ll get there some day, maybe not. Maybe I’ll look back, proud of my guild’s accomplishments, or perhaps I’ll look back and wonder why I’m such an idiot. Time will tell.

The irony is, the same players who warn about cost and grind can be seen running the very same content over and over and over chasing BiS. YOU’RE STILL GRINDING. You’re just grinding something else.

My toons (18 total) will never be BiS. I know that. I don’t have the patience. That bores me. 18 toons is a solid indicator. I’m happy with my gear, and I’m sure it’ll improve now that I’m back playing. I’ll progress at my own rate and I hope to help others progress along with me.

I ran a WoW raiding guild for awhile. We were never top tier. We were all working adults and just didn’t rank that desire as high as some of the others in our lives. We started as a very casual guild of adults who loved the game, enjoyed each other’s company and preferred playing together over playing alone. We used voice chat all the time and ultimately became a very intimate group.

Raiding was a curiosity for us, at first, but our teamwork allowed us to grow and we progressed to a point where raiding seemed within reach, so we agreed to change direction. Together, we started researching all the gear each of us should have before our very first raid, then we teamed up and set out to get it. We wound up raiding for awhile but ultimately that ran its course and the grind was no longer enjoyable.

For those who join me, it’ll be sacrifice and compromise. I think the key is to find people like me. Let’s face it... it really doesn’t matter what you’re doing in the game as long as you’re enjoying yourself. There’s a ton of game content easily handled without having the extra 2k. Over time, assuming success, we’ll nibble away the 2k.

For those still shaking your heads, remember... you’re judging based on the way you like to play. The irony is, you built the guilds. You were driven to build them despite the cost, and yet you struggle to understand why others would.

I think I get a bit frustrated when I can’t have things my way. Being a guild follower tends to be restrictive. In general, it forces me to live by rules set by others. I have 18 toons. How many GH20 guilds would happily take them all in? I understand rules and certainly I’ll have my own, but they’ll be just that. Mine. Well, mine after consensus with whoever fills my officer corps.

I understand I can’t succeed without help and I’m eager to do what I can to share that sense of ownership with others. I want them to experience pride and I don’t want them to feel like the rug will be yanked out after they work very hard to build it.

This guild certainly isn’t for everyone, but I know the type of people it fits. I’ve played with them over the years and across many games. I still recall building my own world using DIKU MUD on a Linux box. My first “mmorpg” was text based. There were no graphics back then, although it didn’t take long before you had games like “Neverwinter Nights” on AOL. Ironic, just a tad.

So now the pitch. If you’re looking for a guild, still reading this, understand the sacrifices but driven to create regardless, contact me. I need leaders as well as followers. Membership growth will be tough, and we need growth to shorten the guild’s progression time.

Bring your headset and your personality. Make friends, chill a bit, but keep in mind there’s work to be done. We’ll see who we get and do our best to create a rewarding social environment for adult players. If you want the BiS, we’ll do what we can to help. If you prefer super casual, easy play, that’s cool too. I’ll only ask that you get to know what it takes to grow the guild and contribute at a pace that doesn’t burn you out.

My previous guilds were always a mix of genders. I’m cool with however you identify and will do my best to make a safe place free from hostility of any flavor. People are complex and I think that’s a good thing.

I’ll post ads often and across different sites, but if you come in soon after this is posted, expect the sound of crickets. I built the lumber yard yesterday, but that was easy. It was still fun. Once I gathered the meager resources needed the build took 15 minutes. I waited and watched, wanting to be right there as it finished. With only one minute left, my connection dropped. I cried myself to sleep last night. Hehe.

I look forward to meeting you. Truly. Let’s play together.



I went through a few iterations of guild names but finally settled on one based upon how it’ll look under everybody’s character name.

We are now “Tastes Like Chicken”
Post edited by steve#8800 on


  • sundance777sundance777 Member Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    Good luck to you, not all GH20's have the same experience, to be fair you only tried 2 and there are dozens of them out there, Not every guild is a fit for every player. I see people that leave our guild and often wonder where they went and what it was that did not work for them.
    TR - Sun: 16000 IL
    OP - Sunshine: 16000 IL

    Casual Dailies
  • steve#8800 steve Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    I appreciate the comments and advice. I just posted a very long message in the feedback forum noting my personal observations and thoughts on Strongholds. These are obviously my opinions and my take on the current state, but I’m no rookie in the gaming world. I hope there are some who find value in the public expression of these thoughts. There are times when you must stand up and declare, “The emperor has no clothes.”
  • kraze351#2728 kraze351 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    Oh man good luck. That was funny but love the name :). You will do good
    Kali Aurora
    Reckless Mortals GH 20
  • steve#8800 steve Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    Yeah... about that. On the guild name, I "chickened" out. I went with Pinnacle. The other name was feeling a bit juvenile and I changed it in a moment where a lot of the chat was turning into a juvenile flame war. The old "get off my lawn" guy in me decided to keep their ball and change the guild name to something more "dignified". Muahahaha. My inner child fought hard to keep "Tastes Like Chicken", but the old man won. This time...
  • kreatyvekreatyve Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10,545 Community Moderator

    Yeah... about that. On the guild name, I "chickened" out. I went with Pinnacle. The other name was feeling a bit juvenile and I changed it in a moment where a lot of the chat was turning into a juvenile flame war. The old "get off my lawn" guy in me decided to keep their ball and change the guild name to something more "dignified". Muahahaha. My inner child fought hard to keep "Tastes Like Chicken", but the old man won. This time...

    Well, if you decide to change it back, you can change the guild name any time you like, as long as the name you want isn't already taken.
    My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox
    Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
    Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
  • steve#8800 steve Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    You're preaching to the choir, my brother. We are now officially "Societal Fringe". I think this name change thing is becoming a theme. It certainly makes it harder for government assassins to find and eliminate us. Down with the man!
  • steve#8800 steve Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    It's hard to play in Neverwinter without being bombarded by advertisements for guilds recruiting. JOIN US BECAUSE... (insert your favorite memory of zone chat here). I've been thinking about just how to craft a recruiting message that would stand out and offer something unique, of value to my target audience, and likely to have thousands of people knocking down the door wanting in.

    The fact is, it's much easier to list the reasons you should NOT join our guild. Since by nature I am fundamentally very lazy, I'll take this easy path so I don't harsh the groove of my Friday night. Can you say, "Zen"?

    Reasons you should NOT join our guild:

    1. When we're trying to be cool we fail. We all might have been cool once, but when your slang vocabulary is decades old... yeah, well... you get the idea.

    2. You might hear "Mom" or "Dad" jokes. We won't know that's what they are, so don't call us out. Laugh politely and move on.

    3. We might be forgetful. What's that they say about Alzheimer's? No, seriously, remind me.

    4. We're not full of toons over 15k, like so many of those GH20 guilds. You probably won't find us racing to the end game to repeat those final bosses in the hopes of finalizing our Best in Slot build. Wanna team up and kill Sea Hags in Drowned Shore? Cool beans.

    5. We don't believe all the hype about why everybody NEEDS all of the boons. Remember the Sea Hags? Yeah... so there's that. When your list of boons keeps reminding you to finish Elemental Evil, Sharandar, Dread Ring, Tyranny of Dragons, Underdark, and others but all you can focus on is how you didn't get your bag from Neverdeath and now you gotta go back, that extra 2k (almost) seems a bit inconsequential. Avoid the nonbelievers. We are a stain on the Neverwinter tapestry.

    6. We kinda like making friends and playing with them and getting to know them and talking to them. There can be no division between the haves and the have-nots when everybody around you is a have-not just like you. So yeah... you'd be surrounded by all the players others snicker at. (See? Snicker. Who says that today?)

    7. We're excited to take on the challenge, although all the leaders of the GH20s who are struggling to keep up with attrition constantly advise us not to. It is their opinion that we should all join THEIR guild. (Remember all those ads?) So don't join us because we don't know how to take advice. You'll be associating with a pack of mules.

    8. You don't want to join us (remember our theme here?) because we have a common goal. It's something we ALL share and we team up to work on it. Focus on that word, "work". It's a grind. It takes sacrifice. Its reward is frustration. So don't join us unless frustrations just happens to be your kink. (If it IS your kink please let me know.)

    9. Don't join us if you often find yourself in Protector's Enclave because you fantasize that everyone is looking at your gear score. Our epeens are too small to make us wanna Primp and Preen. (Primp and Preen - 10 points)

    10. ...and lastly, don't join us if you're gonna make me type a bunch. I kinda wanna hear your voice.

    BUT, if you're an adult player who looks at that campaign and boon list and knows just what I'm talking about, give me a shout. Check your epeen at the door. (Does anybody still use epeen? I am so out of touch.)

    with love and peace and the warmest fuzzy feelings,
    Steve - CadaverTaffy on xbox.
    (p.s. At this VERY MOMENT we are Societal Fringe. Appropriate, I believe, but it's only 10:22 pm here and I cannot predict tomorrow's guild name. Stay tuned.)
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