HighlightsNew Zone: Lost City of OmuA new zone is available in the greater area of Chult! Available from the gates of Port Nyanzaru, players can delve deeper into the jungle to find the Lost City of Omu in hopes of finding the cause of--and the solution to--the death curse. Hunt new monsters and earn new items!
More info coming soon!
Official Feedback Thread: Lost City of Omu HuntsOfficial Feedback Thread: Lost City of Omu QuestsOfficial Feedback Thread: Lost City of Omu RewardsCampaign Update: Jungles of ChultAlongside the new zone is a new addition to the Jungles of Chult campaign! Complete several new tasks, earn new ranks of the Jungles of Chult boons, and open up access to the new Trial, Cradle of the Death God.
More info coming soon!
New Trial: Cradle of the Death GodExplore the hidden depths of a previously-hidden extension of the Tomb of the Nine Gods. This ten-player Trial pits players against a fearsome creation of Acererak, and if the adventurers succeed, they could get rid of the death curse once and for all.
NOTE: This Trial is not yet available on NeverwinterPreview!Official Feedback Thread: Cradle of the Death GodQuality of Life Improvements and Bug FixesRemember the
October Bugfix Month thread? A lot of fixes we made during October are going live with this module! Among the quality of life improvements are:
- "Protect Item" functionality to prevent specific items from being deleted, sold, or consumed.
- Fashion Bag: A new place for all your extra fashion items, with 24 slots by default.
- Need or Greed: Auto-rolling functionality has been added, allowing players to roll for loot without a pesky popup.
Official Feedback Thread: Fashion BagNew Masterwork Profession RecipesAdditional quests and recipes have been added for Masterwork Professions! Grab some new Explorer's Charts and pick up a quest from your Stronghold, which will give you access to Volumes IV and V of your recipe books.
As always, these are subject to change while on Preview - especially the recipe requirements!
Official Feedback Thread: Masterwork Professions Vol. IV & VLevel 60-70 Experience Re-SmoothingWe've taken another pass on the experience curve and the general feel of levels 60-70. The content has had various minor updates to smooth out gameplay, while the experience requirements to get from level 60 to 70 have been drastically reduced.
Note that the experience rewards from Elemental Evil content and other post-60 content, which were much higher than other content, have also been reduced proportionally.
Official Feedback Thread: Level 60-70 XPLoadouts ExpansionLoadouts now track your summoned companions, their equipment, mounts, and insignas. Check out the Loadouts entry under the UI heading for details!
Known issue: Sometimes, loadouts don't properly change when the player attempts to do so.
Content and Environment
- Blackdagger Keep: Players may no longer escape the world through a window.
- Bryn Shander: Several paths blocked by invisible walls now have ice walls to contextualize the blocks.
- Cutscenes can now be skipped in the following maps:
- Death Forge
- Lair of Lostmauth
- Malabog's Castle
- Phantasmal Fortress
- Temple of the Spider
- Enemies in instanced quests with NPC followers now properly leash (return to their spawn point) when the player character dies.
- House of the Crocodile: Various issues in the second-to-final room with the world going invisible have been addressed.
- Icewind Dale: Revives now consistently count toward the PvP Campaign goal.
- Lore for Spli-Ti now properly shows up under the Chult heading, rather than Blackdagger Ruins.
- Mantol-Derith: Drizzt no longer stops for players or companions who stand in his way.
- Maze Engine: Defense of Gauntlgrym: Companions no longer get stuck behind collision after the final cutscene.
- Merchant Prince's Folly: The moon is no longer quite as bright.
- Neverdeath Graveyard: In the Ghost Stories instance, there is no longer a weird extension of invisible collision from the bridge.
- Pirates' Skyhold: Several collision issues have been addressed.
- Prophecy of Madness: The phase timer now properly, consistently resets when advancing to Phase 2.
- Protector's Enclave: Loadouts can now properly be swapped in the Trade of Blades.
- Reclamation Rock: The Heroic Encounter, Protect the Merchant, now consistently continues when all waves are defeated.
- River District: Guards and golems now more consistently leash when appropriate.
- River District Unveiling: The timing on this cutscene has been improved.
- Sea of Moving Ice: An inescapable hole in the ground has been covered up.
- Sharandar: Certain flowers no longer have collision.
- Various floating objects and other cosmetic environment issues in many maps have been addressed.
- Various typos have been fixed.
- Whispering Caverns: Crane handles now show visual effects when they break.
Achievements- Icespire Mountaineer: This achievement had been made impossible to complete a long time ago, and is now properly removed from players' achievement lists.
- Polices Drunk Orcs: This achievement was never possible to complete, and is now properly removed from players' achievement lists.
- Scrying Gauntlgrym: This achievement had been made impossible to complete a long time ago, and is now properly removed from players' achievement lists.
Dungeons and Trials- Assault on Svardborg
- Jarl Storvald's health bar no longer displays during phases where he cannot be targeted.
- The "Gather Your Party" circle now properly fires when all players in the map are inside the corral, rather than requiring 10 players regardless of how many are in the map.
- When the manticores fly away, they now consistently reappear the next time they're needed, rather than being invisible.
- Demogorgon
- Appropriate credit is now granted when Goristro is defeated quickly.
- Dragonborn who touch the barrier before the beginning of the fight are no longer teleported back to the dais.
- Upon reaching Gold rank, the trial now advances to the next phase.
- Fangbreaker Island
- The Hati encounter no longer becomes stuck if a player dies and releases at a specific time.
- The quest path now properly continues forward after defeating the Dragon Turtle.
- Tiamat
- Defeating one of Tiamat's heads too quickly no longer prevents the trial from being completed.
- When defeating Tiamat's heads, success is now determined immediately rather than after the defeat animation.
- Tomb of the Nine Gods
- Ambient occlusion looks a bit better in Ras Nsi's room.
- Players no longer respawn at a distant campfire when releasing during Ras Nsi's fight.
- Cragmire Crypts no longer has a large patch of unlit flooring.
- Spellplague Caverns (Master): Kabal should no longer display a low-rez model when appearing in his boss cutscene.
Stronghold- The statue bases near the back of the guild hall are now more symmetrical.
Future Event FixesCombat and Powers
- Tome of Ascendancy
- Fireforged now grants the correct damage bonus per rank.
- Fireforged now properly grants its defense bonus when applied.
- The Illusion debuff now properly applies to affected enemies.
- The Illusion debuff now properly reduces damage resistance, rather than increasing it.
- The tooltip has been cleaned up a little.
- Off-hand Artifact Powers: Older artifact off-hands for Fighters will now show "Steel Resolve/Steel Grace" in the tooltip for the powers that buff Steel Resolve and Steel Grace.
- Newer artifact off-hands will show the specific power's name, as appropriate.
- Mirage: This artifact weapon set's Clones can no longer trigger effects from Enchantments or Class Feats.
- Symbol of Air: This artifact's cooldown is now properly reduced at higher ranks.
- Wheel of Elements: The bonus Fire damage from this artifact's Fire buff is no longer doubly reduced by level differences between the player and enemy.
- Wheel of Elements: The animation lockdown on this power has been shortened.
Boons- Chult: This campaign's boons now give the expected item level values.
- Cloaked Ascendancy: Aura of Despair has been renamed to Demoralize, pending litigation from Scourge Warlocks for their feat of the same name.
- Cloaked Ascendancy: Aura of Hope now properly lasts for 10 seconds, and properly works on nearby allies.
- Cloaked Ascendancy: Planar Vitality now mentions its 10-second cooldown in its tooltip.
- Icewind Dale: The Cold Shoulder effect is now properly consumed when it pops.
- Icewind Dale: The final tier of boons now properly grays out when one is selected.
- Maze Engine: Displace Fate no longer shows the Bloodtheft visual effect.
- PvP: Tactical Redeployment now properly grants its Run Speed bonus of 25%, up from 20%.
- Tyranny of Dragons: Dragon's Thirst now properly shows the correct percentage of 4/5/6%.
Edit 2018-01-16: Fixed missing word in Tactical Redeployment line.Classes and Balance
- Scourge Warlock
- Brood of Hadar: All ticks of this power now properly apply Creeping Death.
- Brutal Curse now increases Tyrannical Curse's damage debuff by 2/4/6/8/10%, in addition to Warlock Curse.
- Creeping Death: Damage has been increased to 75% (up from 60%).
- Critical Promise: Damage has been reduced to 4/8/12/16/20% (down from 10/20/30/40/50%), but now scales with buffs / Power.
- Daughter's Promise: The damage dealt from this power now scales with power/buffs.
- Dreadtheft: This power has been updated. It now ticks twice per second, lasts up to 6 seconds, and its damage per tick has been significantly increased.
- Dreadtheft now procs weapon enchantments on every tick.
- Fiery Bolt: The Curse-Synergy of this power should now be based off the target it hits.
- Flames of Empowerment: This power now properly improves when buffed by Artifact Off-hand powers.
- Immolation Spirits should now correctly deal increased damage to targets affected by Warlock's Curse.
- Killing Curse: Damage has increased to 5/10/15/20/25% (up from 3/6/9/12/15%), and now scales with buffs / Power.
- Killing Curse: An issue where this feat was dealing less damage than intended has been addressed.
- Lesser Curse now keeps its tick timer when replaced. (Example: If it dealt damage 1.0 seconds ago, and a warlock re-applies it, it will deal damage 0.5 seconds from now instead of 1.5 seconds from now.)
- Murderous Flames: The damage dealt by this power is no longer doubly reduced by level differences between the player and enemy.
- Pillar of Power can now critically strike.
- Pillar of Power: This now grants half of its normal buff value to allies who stand in it.
- Power of the Nine Hells: This no longer increases Pillar of Power's buff value for allies.
- Soul Scorch: The total damage dealt by the DoT portion of this power should now match the initial hit.
- Tyrannical Curse now increases damage by 25%, increased from 20%.
- Tyrannical Curse no longer has reduced effectiveness against level 73 enemies.
- Tyrannical Curse: The damage done from this power should now correctly scale with Armor Penetration.
- Vampiric Embrace: When consuming a Curse, this power now properly provides Temporary HP.
- Wraith's Shadow should now correctly deal increased damage to targets affected by Warlock's Curse.
- Scourge Warlock - Temptation Feat Update
- Dev Note: We're hoping to make Temptation viable once more in the endgame environment. These changes, combined with the various class changes above, should hopefully get us closer to that goal.
- Hope Stealer: Tooltip has been updated.
- Dark Revelry: Tooltip has been updated.
- Dark Revelry: This buff can now be refreshed while active.
- Aura of Cruelty: Now also grants 10% Life Steal Severity.
- Aura of Despair: Now also causes enemies to take 5% increased damage.
- Darkness: Now causes enemies to take 10% increased damage from you.
- Darkness: Tooltip updated to mention Harrowstorm (functionality unchanged).
- Eldritch Momentum: This feat has been reworked and now triggers when a daily power is used.
- Eldritch Momentum: Now gives you, and nearby allies, 3/6/9/12/15% of your stamina when a daily is used.
- Eldritch Momentum: Now gives you, and nearby allies, combat advantage for 4/5/6/7/8 seconds.
- Soul Bonding: Allies now deal 20% increased damage to targets affected by your Warlock's Curse.
- Soul Bonding: Now passively grants 10% Life Steal Chance.
- Soul Bonding: Now causes Warlock's Bargain to heal nearby allies for the full amount.
- Scourge Warlock - Damnation Feat Update
- Dev note: While less has changed in this tree, we hope these changes may be enough to make Damnation more viable.
- Ghastly Commander: Damage has been increased to 3/6/9/12/15%.
- Ghastly Commander: Lifesteal Chance has been increased to 1/2/3/4/5% (up from 0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6/2.0%).
- Trickster Rogue
- Duelist's Flurry can now trigger weapon enhancements with each hit against the target.
- Gloaming Cut: This power's tooltip has been updated to clarify its functionality. Functionality has not changed.
- Impact Shot now deals approximately 20% more damage.
- Impact Shot now calculates based on the correct amount of charges left; it had previously thought the player had fewer charges than they actually did.
- Oppressive Darkness: An issue has been fixed where the rank-up values were providing much more damage than intended. To compensate for this change, the base damage has been increased, and this power now scales with player stats.
- Path of the Blade can now proc the Lostmauth's Vengeance effect.
- Path of the Blade now procs weapon enchantments on the first hit only.
- Path of the Blade now deals an extra tick of damage.
- Path of the Blade now hits up to 5 targets, increased from 3.
- Razor Action now has a 30' radius at rank 1, and no longer increases by 5' per rank.
- Razor Action no longer deals Piercing damage.
- Razor Action now scales with buffs / Power.
- Razor Action: The artifact off-hand bonus for this power has been redesigned. It now increases Damage and Run Speed by 2% for each target hit by Razor Action.
- Shadow of Demise: This effect now only takes into account the damage dealt by the Trickster Rogue who applied it, even when several are applied at once.
- Shadowborn: This feat has been changed to the following effect: Whenever you enter stealth, your next encounter or daily power deals an additional 5/10/15/20/25% damage as physical damage.
- Shadowy Opportunity now deals 10/20/30/40/50% weapon damage, down from 20/40/60/80/100%, but now scales with player stats.
- Sly Flourish now increases enemy damage taken by 10%, rather than reducing enemy armor.
- Smoke Bomb now procs weapon enchantments on the first hit.
- Smoke Bomb now deals an extra tick of damage. Damage for each tick has been reduced to compensate for the extra tick.
- Tenacious Concealment: This power now grants 20% Stealth Loss reduction and 5% Stealth Regeneration at each rank.
- Tenacious Concealment: This power no longer grants Stealth Regeneration while taking damage.
- Tenacious Concealment: Rank 4 of this power should now properly function.
- Tenacious Concealment: The Artifact Off-hand bonus has been increased to 20% Stealth Loss reduction.
Companions- All Companion powers that taunt should now say so in their power descriptions.
- Certain companions had more base stats than intended, and have had their stats lowered to match other, similar quality companions.
- This affects the following companions: Erinyes, Netherese Warlock, Werewolf
- Companions that teleport behind enemies will no longer teleport behind the Dragon Turtle in Sea of Moving Ice.
- This affects the following companions: Blink Dog, Mercenary, Owl, Phase Spider, Shadow Demon, Xuna
- Flying companions now have increased speed while the player is mounted.
- Hawk and Owl companions now more consistently engage in battle when the player is in range of the enemy.
- Makos: The tooltip for Meteor Blast is now more accurate to the damage it deals.
- Shadow Demon: This companion's Active Companion Bonus now respects its 30-second cooldown, and now only affects a single strike.
- Sprites now follow the player earlier when the player moves out of range.
- The damage of the Active Bonuses for Lightfoot Thief and Renegade Evoker has been restored.
- These had been inadvertently lowered in the item level rescaling of Module 11b: Shroud of Souls.
- The tooltips have been updated to make it clear the damage scales based on your level, not the companion's.
- Zhentarim Warlock: Hellfire Eruption now correctly deals AoE damage.
- Zhentarim Warlock: Arcane Warpings has been replaced with Arcane Boost. (This does not affect functionality.)
Enchantments and Enhancements- Feytouched Enchantment: This enchantment no longer procs multiple times from the same power.
- Transcendent Lightning Enchantment: The Lightning Burst effect can now crit.
Mounts- More mount flourish animations can now be interrupted by movement.
General- Dragonborn Fury: This passive racial power now has a smaller refresh time, so that when new gear is equipped, the power will update sooner with the updated stats applied.
- Moon Elf, Half Elf, and Half Orc racial powers now have unique icons.
- PvP: Health potion pickups no longer become unusable for the rest of the match if a stealthed rogue runs over them.
- Several control powers have been adjusted to properly respect control resistances.
- Versatile Defense (Human): This passive racial power now has a smaller refresh time, so that when new gear is equipped, the power will update sooner with the updated stats applied.
Edit 2018-01-16: "Oppressive Damage" corrected to "Oppressive Darkness"Artifacts and Artifact Weapons
- Certain Artifact Weapons no longer incorrectly reduce in power when they upgrade quality.
Campaigns- Campaign tasks to create keys now award a key instantly, then go on cooldown.
- Cloaked Ascendancy: The "Secure the District" and "Resist the Rituals" tasks no longer consume all of the player's excess currency.
- Genie's Gifts can now purchase currencies for the Maze Engine and Storm King's Thunder.
- Jungles of Chult: The Soshenstar Adventures task now properly shows its rewards before it's unlocked.
Companions- Wererat Thief: This companion can no longer incorrectly be bound when all Active and Idle Companion Slots are full.
Professions- Certain crafted potions now properly have the name "Potion" in their Profession tasks, rather than Elixir.
- Masterwork resources no longer specify their source in their tooltips.
- Masterwork Volume III recipe books are now available for purchase at Guild Hall rank 12, down from rank 14.
- New Masterwork recipes are now available.
- (Preview-only) The versions of these recipes are not final; requirements and reagents will likely change before Module 13's release.
Tomb of the Nine Gods- The chance for Ultimate Enchanting Stones to drop has been slightly increased.
- The end chests no longer incorrectly show an extra, small, Chultan Riches reward.
General- Dragoncache of the Protector now properly grants 80 Seals (up from 60).
- Eternal Equipment Chest: Control Wizards, Devoted Clerics, and Great Weapon Fighters now properly receive gear for their own class instead of Guardian Fighters.
- Fashion set boxes no longer pop a prompt for "equipping" them when used.
- Potions and other similar items can now be bought in lots of up to 99, increased from 20.
- More items can now be bought in bulk, too.
- Primal Rings, from the Seal of the Brave store, now properly stack their buffs when the player wears two.
- Refinement Points now show their maximum value in their tooltip.
- Tarmalune Trade Bars now show their maximum value in their tooltip.
- The bind-on-equip versions of various mounts and companions now properly complete Collection entries.
- Toy Apparatus of Gond: Players can no longer reset this item's cooldown under certain circumstances.
Zen MarketUser Interface
Character Sheet
- Companion ratings should now appear correctly and accurately in the Companion Stats page.
- Secondary Artifact slots no longer have a chance to appear in an unexpected location.
Character Sheet - Stats- A number of adjustments have been made to the phrasing and descriptions of stats appearing on the character sheet with the goal of unifying how certain concepts are referred to across the game. All stats continue to work the same way, these changes are to assist in identifying things that behave the same. As an example, a buff that "reduced damage taken by 10%" and "+10% damage resistance" on your character sheet meant the same thing, so we have unified the phrasing.
- Damage Bonus is now referred to as "Damage Dealt" and will now appear under the "Offense and Healing" section instead of only appearing when highlighting the power rating.
- Bonus Healing is now referred to as "Outgoing Healing" and will now appear under the "Offense and Healing" section instead of only appearing when highlighting the power rating.
- Damage Resistance is now referred to as "Damage Taken" and the value displayed is now a negative number.
- Resistance Ignored is now referred to as "Defenses Ignored" and no longer displays a negative sign. The tooltip specifies its relationship with reduction to damage taken.
- The phrasing and capitalization of various terms in the tooltips on the character sheet have been adjusted for clarity and readability.
General- The auto-refine for Rough Astral Diamonds now clarifies that it only happens once per day.
Guild- The roster can now be sorted by Last Logout Time.
HUD- Rare Hunt critters now have an icon on their health bar.
Inventory- A new Fashion bag has been added, replacing the Idle Companions tab in the Inventory UI.
- Idle Companions storage can still be reached from the Companion UI.
- All fashion gear currently in the player's inventory will automatically be moved to that bag on each character's first login after the patch.
- Any excess over the starting limit of 24 will go into the Overflow Bag.
- Fashion gear may still be auctioned (if unbound), mailed, placed into the bank, etc.
- Double-click actions now work for Overflow Bag items if they would work for drag-and-drop. Example: Placing the item in the first open Bank slot.
- Items may now be dragged from the Overflow Bag onto a relevant inventory tab in order to place them into that tab (for example, fashion items into the Fashion Bag).
- More error messages have been added for invalid actions in the Inventory and Bank.
- Slotted Enchantments can no longer directly be destroyed from the item slot menu.
- Players may still overwrite enchantments by attempting to slot another on top.
- The context menu for items now includes "Protect Item" (or "Unprotect Item"). When an item is protected, it displays a small indicator on its icon, and cannot be sold, discarded, or converted to Refinement Points or Astral Diamonds.
- When receiving an item that grants a quest, a more obvious notification now appears.
Journal- The Journal now remembers which headings were expanded or minimized between sessions.
- The Quest Path indicator now has a highlight if the primary quest was manually set.
- There is now a shortcut to expand only the current zone's quests.
- When opening the display options, the Search field now gains focus.
- When selecting a campaign while the Sword Coast Chronicle window is open, focus now properly transfers to the SCC window.
Loadouts- Mail from NPCs or the auction house can no longer be deleted if it still has items attached.
- The Body field now automatically gains focus when replying to mail.
- The Subject and Body fields now persist when swapping tabs. (They will still disappear if the Mail window is closed.)
Quest Path- General improvements have been made to how the Quest Path decides where to go.
- When a custom waypoint is set somewhere that requires a transportation interaction, the Quest Path now properly leads to an appropriate door or portal.
Queues- 5v5 PvP matches now respect the "max 2 per class" rule in all expected cases.
- Several backend changes have been made to the queue system. As a result, the accept / decline popup will appear before the "Waiting for Map" step.
Search / Social- Guild Searches now return guilds that don't have recruiters online. To support this, there is now a column showing how many recruiters are currently online.
Sword Coast Chronicle- Maze Engine campaign task headers are no longer visually stretched.
Edit 2018-01-17: Added note specifying that Idle Companions can still be managed from the Companions screen.
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
- Armored Griffon no longer shows up as a regular griffon during the summon animation.
- Cancelling the Bulette mount spawn-in no longer leaves the player buried halfway into the ground.
- Jumping as a Hunter Ranger no longer incorrectly causes weapons to appear in the character's hands.
- Kenku Archer: This companion now properly draws their bow at appropriate times.
- Skeleton Archers no longer run around with an arrow in their hand.
- The "Heart Shape" emote now has visual effects.
- The "Sleep on Floor" emote now has visual effects.
- Various lion, manticore, and griffon animation issues have been addressed.
Character Art- Bulette: This mount is no longer significantly smaller than usual during its summon and combat power animations.
- Catapults no longer shrink suddenly when destroyed.
- Dragonslayer Boots now properly display on female characters.
- Griefstone Circlet now properly displays on female characters.
Visual Effects- Baphomet: The warning effect of Wall of Stone now lasts 2 seconds, down from 2.5, to match the time the power takes effect.
- Campfire ground effects no longer have a chance to crawl up walls.
- Conjured Horse: Snowflakes no longer show up in the summon effect of this mount.
- Eye of the Giant: Ranks 1-3 of the activated power now use the proper color visual effect.
- Many ground effects have had minor optimizations to improve performance.
- Protector's Enclave: The visual effect of the major invocation area no longer clips through the ground.
- Smoke pillar environmental effects should no longer draw over power effects.
- Stormraider Clydesdale: The summon effect now properly includes a portal.
- The damage indicator that follows players for enemy powers such as Storvald's "Hailburst" has been visually updated to be easier to spot.
- The soak damage indicator used for enemy powers such as Drufi and Storvald's "Hypothermia" has been visually updated to be easier to spot.
- Yeth Hound: The eye glow no longer disappears when the camera is close.
Class PowersFoundry (once it's back up and running)
Graphics, Performance, and Stability
Silv3ry on YouTube
- Storm Spell doesn't follow the players crit chance.
- Shatter doesn't follow the player's crit chance.
- Steal Time does not proc weapon enchants.
- Icy Rays does not proc weapon enchants.
- 3rd cast of Chilling cloud (The AOE part) does not prco weapon enchants. 1 and 2 do.
- The 3/4/5 hit of Magic Missiles do not proc weapon enchants per hit. For some reason they only proc them once for 3 hits.
- Storm Pillar's Arc isn't able to crit.
- If Shatter (Capstone in OP tree) is able to crit, shouldn't Assailiant (Cap stone in Thaum Tree) be able to crit as well?
CW is going to need some buffs to replace the multi procing weapon enchants. Allowing Storm spell to crit is great, but doesn't replace the 20%+ damage they have lost.
- Level 70 XP overflow reward is infinite/recurring. It keeps giving rewards (not checking if it's really infinite).
- Level 70 XP gain is too high.
- Hunter Ranger encounter Cordon of Arrow seem to be broken. Often hits 1 mob with no control effects. They were only supposed to fix the ranged non-crit. This state is far worse than live. Please revert back to live version. Also, somehow it's now insta-cast instead of having a delay (just pointing it out, that it could be a reason why it's broken ).
- Tyrant/Pilgrim bows/axes are scaled too small (like cupid bow/tiny pickaxe small ).
- Spellflinger offensive effect ring has defensive slots.
- So far no Companion pack shown in new Lockbox ( judging from Resurgence box ). Companion upgrade tokens are far too essential to be removed. It's been replaced by a new pack.
- Lost Artifact pack is also holdover from last Lockbox. There is already a glut of green/blue/purple Soulsight Artifacts. Hopefully just an oversight. It's completely inane and unnecessary.
Come and Get it : as long as it deals no damage, it will not be worth at all taking (damage boost too low, Hidden Daggers way way better)
Slam : great.
Punishing Charge : lack of damages.
Steadfast : I can only see its use in paths that are not destroyer, but they're not worth.
You should have gone further with the changes. Changing one power will not make a path more attractive if what's around is bad.
Right now what's needed to be changed/buffed are :
- feat : Instigator's Vengeance, Nimble Runner, Crippling Strike, Stunning Flourish, Instigator's Vengeance, Grudge Style, Sentinel's Aegis.
- powers : both reaping strike, restoring strike, mighty leap, not so fast, punishing strike and grand fissure heavily lack damages.
Signature [WIP] - tyvm John
I really hope I am wrong
RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
Several backend changes have been made to the queue system. As a result, the accept / decline popup will appear before the "Waiting for Map" step.
What is the net effect of this adjustment ? what problems does this attempt to solve with the pvp Queue ?
RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
Sure, there were some Damage Resistance buffs incorrectly labeled as "decrease damage taken", and now I know why you did this mistake...
I see you just have changed DC skills for now, but I assume you are going to change all of them. This will just create confusion, these two powers don't do the same thing:
With Hallowed Ground I can reduce my damage taken to 20%, but no more:
With Shield of Faith I can bypass that cap:
After copying a level 70 character from live server to preview server I had less stats.
Defense, critical strike chance and severity, resistance ignored, etc.
Is this a bug or intended?
Anyway it still stacks if a DC uses it on himself and then gets buffed by another DC, but it does not stack if two clerics use it on a third character. In the October bugfix thread you claimed to have fixed Anointed Army/Flame Strike triggering Hastening Light twice (this bug only occurs if you hit enemies with these dailies). It's not fixed though.
We've been reporting this bug for more than one year...
This tooltip is wrong, the range is 50'.
Icy Rays, Steal Time and Fanning the Flame are not proccing weapon enchantments.
Furious Immolation and Ray of Frost proc weapon enchantments for 0 damage.
Storm Spell and Entity Powers:
Storm Spell is not following the player's critical strike chance on Icy Terrain, Oppressive Force, some of the hits on Conduit of Ice, Sudden Storm and Maelstrom of Chaos.
Genie's Gifts can now purchase currencies for the Maze Engine and Storm King's Thunder.
where? I cant find the relic vendor in those areas