I would love to have the option to go back to the old bag view/system. Scrolling through all bags takes a lot longer than hitting right and left trigger. Or, at the very least, when I do press left or right trigger, pull that bag to the top of the page. I shouldn't have to press right trigger and then scroll down to see what's actually in the bag.
As for selling to vendor, selling in auction house, mailing items, putting in bank, etc the tab system is superior for bags in this format. Another thing I would like is for the last bag to display after an action has been performed. For example: I’ve been saving a few different stronghold voucher packs in bag #4, double marks has come and I want to list them on the auction house. After I list the first item in bag #4, I got to list another item, the UI currently defaults back to bag #1. It would be nice if it defaulted back to the last bag I interacted with.
Jade - Cleric - Healer Main - The Freak Core - Xbone
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I Am The Wall - Paladin - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone
Xeros - Rogue - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
RIP bad name - Warlock - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Bardholomew - Bard - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Sirona - Cleric - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Jade - DC - Shadows of Gauntlgrym - PC
But the viewing options are annoying as hell.
1. When you press LT/RT to skip between bags, the top row of the bag will be scrolled to the top of the view, so you'll get a better view of its contents when skipping though your bags. Same for the pop-up item picker.
2. You can now move items from your bags that aren't the first bag. It was a bug, never our intention.
3. Pressing down from the right-most column of the overflow or main inventory bag won't skip down to the footer button. Also a bug that want intentional.
I'm curious what sort modes people would find useful. We want to make the "sort all bags" feature useful to quickly poor your bags into the state you'd want them in. It makes me sad to hear that people "accidentally" sort, then "spend the next hour fixing". I think the first one we'll add is a reverse sort that puts the items in starting from the last slot, since people seem to like their new items going to the top for easy access.
I'm also hoping that the various filters make sorting your bags unnecessary, so feel free to suggest filters that help with whatever task is at hand.
PS: all this applies to the PS4 too. I just happened to reply here.
When we push left or right from bag to bag is it going to display the entire bag again like before? One of my biggest issues with the new system is how it shows parts of multiple bags at the same time and not the entire bag without having to scroll up or down. Some of us have all runic bags and the new navigation is annoying as heck.
I do like the ability to filter and there's plenty room in that for future growth which is great.
The view as single bag is an ok idea but why does it then display the empty spaces from the bags? I mean if I'm displaying as one bag then empty spaces should be at the bottom of my one big bag, should it not? Doesn't seem very useful in the current design.
With the ability to move left and right coming in a new update how will this effect the ability to move items from bag to bag? Right now it is a major pain to move items back and forth between bags. Used to be able to select and item and push righ or left and drop into the other bag. Now with the left right up down that goes on it's very time consuming to keep items in the bags you want them in because it seems to jump around so much.
Sorting automatically is fine for individual bags. I don't want items to move out of certain bags so having sort all move items to different bags seems bad to me and causes a lot of manual rework. People like to keep things they may use a lot or change out a lot in their first bag like potions, elixirs, portable alters or even weapon enchants. Why would we want those to end up in out 3rd or 4th bag? We don't want to search for stuff, we want to know where it is. I personally like to keep my extra artifacts and gear from other load outs in my last bag, I sure don't want this stuff scattered through my bag to where I might actually salvage or something.
Sorry for the long rant, I will get off my soapbox now. Just this bag thing has me more fired up than the day this mod was announced for preview on PC and everyone was all up in arms about the bonding changes lol
> @eclipseblood#1326 we fixed that just for you! But we'll let other people enjoy it too. (It's #1 on the list of fixes above.)
Ah sry bout that left the post was talking to a friend and came back to comment. When sorting bags, would it be possible to prioritize salvage to the very top? For Display options, things like show consumables only for example could be shown in a format to include all consumables in 1 bag or menu like the profession items layout rather than different bags?
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> When sorting bags, would it be possible to prioritize salvage to the very top?
What is "salvage"? How can I tell what's salvage vs alternate gear that you're just not using right now? If you can help us define it, I'll be happy to make a filter it sort for it.
For all these sort or filter requests, think about what task you're doing that you're trying to aid. Like for salvage, wouldn't it just be easier to have a "Salvage all my stuff" UI (kinda like the Identify All option). Or are you just trying to Scrooge McDuck in your mounds of delicious salvage fodder?
> @miasmat Please, please, please have bags sort to the bottom instead of the top! I keep my top bag empty so I can easily see what new items I get when I'm out questing and running stuff.
I've heard this a few times, but I haven't gotten a straight answer about why the empty spots at the top are better. Are you trying to avoid scrolling through your inventory to find the new stuff? If so, what are you going to do with the new stuff that makes finding it important? Would this be better served by a "just the new stuff" filter?
PS: we do intend to add a reverse sort, that does whatever you're sorting by, but sorts from the last bag slot to the front, and leaves the first bag slots empty.
Guardian Fighter
https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/1221446/the-future-of-the-gf/p1 Existing Problems Still In The Guardian Fighter
Feat Changes I'd like to see in The Guardian Fighter
> > @kreatyve said:
> > @miasmat Please, please, please have bags sort to the bottom instead of the top! I keep my top bag empty so I can easily see what new items I get when I'm out questing and running stuff.
> I've heard this a few times, but I haven't gotten a straight answer about why the empty spots at the top are better. Are you trying to avoid scrolling through your inventory to find the new stuff? If so, what are you going to do with the new stuff that makes finding it important? Would this be better served by a "just the new stuff" filter?
> PS: we do intend to add a reverse sort, that does whatever you're sorting by, but sorts from the last bag slot to the front, and leaves the first bag slots empty.
I personally pick up every item and sort through it later, having the top empty helps. That way we dont find a stack of those superior potions of rejuvenation or the nature kits we overlooked later on. As far as a salvage all, i would rather not have that as rough ad is capped on how much u can refine and i want to mail extra salvage to alts, this would make it easier if u just sort ur bag to get them to the top and switch displays after ur done. Plus i wouldnt wanna salvage my extra gear that i use in my loadout or my pvp gear if i accidentally press salvage all.
Edit: most gear binds to character after its equipped, having account bound and unbound gear be prioritize to the top would be great, idk how the rings would work tho tbh, legendary ring are one thing and can be differentiated more easily than epic rings. Maybe add a lock option so that the item cant be moved unless manually done? So the sort all bags wouldnt mess up anyones inventory by accident and add an unlock all with a comfirmation if they want to sort those items again.
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Would something like that be feasible?
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I would LOVE a salvage window similar to the refinement window. Something where I can see how much rough AD I'll be getting before I commit. It would also be nice if rough AD automatically converted (it says it does, but never has for me).
As for having my first bag empty as I play, I like seeing what I picked up so I can discard useless stuff (rejuvenation potions, dolls, skill kits, etc).
Jade - Cleric - Healer Main - The Freak Core - Xbone
Magnus - Fighter - Tank for queues - The Freak Core - Xbone
Loverboy - Ranger - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Nomnomnommm - Wizard - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone
I Am The Wall - Paladin - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone
Xeros - Rogue - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
RIP bad name - Warlock - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Bardholomew - Bard - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Sirona - Cleric - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Jade - DC - Shadows of Gauntlgrym - PC