Anyone working on a Baneadin build? I am curious if people have any ideas for a good Baneadin build. The one I have seen in action is the one from the Russian T9G burn videos. If the owner of that build visits the forums I would like more info on your build.
I assume recovery is important, how much recovery do you guys think is enough to keep bane up on both targets 100%.
Step 1) Bind bane to main dps. See here for keybinds.
Step 2) Bind bane to boss on a different key. Examples of boss names: Avatar of Orcus, Ras'Nsi.
Step 3) Press Bane whenever it is off cd on dps and then on bosses, alternate between the dps and the boss.
Optional step 4) Get to ~170% recharge speed and then keep up bane on 3 targets by alternating between all 3. This is very difficult to do, especially without sacrificing power on your character.
Optional step 5) Bind /follow onto the same key as your bane keybind. This removes the need from using movement keys and makes gameplay even more braindead.
Optional step 6) Unbind all the other keys on the keyboard. This minimizes the number of mistakes you can make while playing.
Optional step 7) Rename to some variation of Baneadin or Afkadin.
So my suggestion for a name @thefabricant is Botadin.
Milking some posts above would have settled me for at least next year, with some R14 enchants, unparalleled and some Legendary mounts..
Sharp, make the conversion happen and I'll stop asking for that arcane whirlwind.
You forgot step 0: send $5 for access
You can also make a macro to alternate between the 2 binds and set it to "toggle continuous press"
So you can actually be afkadin
> I think u are missing thefabricants point in his notes in 5, 6, and 7. It may be viable for one dungeon for bosses only and frankly doesn't require you, as a human to even interact.
> So my suggestion for a name @thefabricant is Botadin.
Well, I am not a member of the botting and keybinding PC master race so I have to hit all my own buttons.
I am pretty sure I got his point. The fact remains that using double bane on some bosses appears to be pretty useful. I am just interested in what stats people who use double bane find useful. If that is insulting to some of you, please move onto another thread.
Step 1: Play lots of Call of Duty.
Step 2: Use sniper rifles and turn off aim assist.
Step 3: Learn to quickscope like a pro.
Step 4: Return to NW and place Bane like an ub0r hax0r due to your 1337 quickscopez skills!
Someone stated (elsewhere) that the bane debuff doesn't give a straight 30% due to how debuffs are calculated and instead gives appx 7-8% - unless a de/buff MoF is present, where it drops to around 2-4%.
His reasoning is based on [quote] "Debuffs are additive, so they have relative increase to overall dps increase, just like every stat in the game. Debuffs also have diminishing returns, which as you get more “gross” stat, you get “taxed” more and more"
And he quoted Janne's debuff guide
As such, he was stating that the Devo bane placed on the primary DPS is of far greater value than the protection version placed on bosses.
Could you lmk if he's right pls?
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
Minor disclaimer, I don't main OP, and play it casually only, so it's (like all things) to my understanding, but I've verified before posting (as I usually do).
The longer version:
The on mobs version is a debuff, and as is it summed to all the rest of the debuffs, with relative increase, and on top the diminishing returns function.
There is a small issue here of considering how much DPS it contributes, if we consider that the target is already debuffed by a MoF DC and every companion and artifact there, the added contribution of 30% debuff is indeed very low.
If we consider that the Bane was put first and then all the rest, we can 'say' that it added something like 28% and the rest were much less useful, due to relative increase.
Both are correct, and both misleading, as it depends on the question we ask, the first one is not how much bane adds as DPS, but how much bane adds if we already have X,Y,Z debuffs.
It all goes down to "Is there a better option? Should I use bane? Or maybe the MoF should swap to SS?"
I'm sorry for making it more confusing. But in essence yes, if we look overall, the contribution to dps will be much lower than 30% of a 30% debuff.
Depending on companions, artifacts, and other whatever debuffs there are, 15% - 10% is realistic, and lower with very high debuff party, not sure about if with MoF it can go as low as 2%, maybe 8%ish ? Dunno, maybe in a very synchronized group, where everything applied? (I'm trying to think more practical where things not optimal and less on 'paper' where everything optimal)
The on player bane version is a buff, and indeed it's a multiplicative 30% (10% per stack), no diminishing returns, no relative increase. Just 30% more damage.
If we compare those, yes, a buff is always better at the same value over debuff.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox