For some reason this is not picked up by the devs, that why I'm posting this in this section. The doubling of gemstones seems to not work properly, mostly on doubling of 2 gemstone drops that turn into 3 for some reason. It has been seen in the leadership bags, but also for example in the hidden treasures box. Funny enough, in that box, only SOME 2 gemstone drops are incorrectly doubled. The other drops ARE correctly double.
Proof: RP rewards without double event:
One of
- 1 Diamond
- 1 Blood Ruby + 1 Black Opal
- 2 Black Opal
- 1 Black Opal + 2 Flawless Sapphire
And one of
- 2 Emerald
- 1 Emerald + 1 Peridot
- 1 Emerald + 1 Amethyst
- 1 Peridot + 1 Amethyst
- 2 Amethyst
Rewards during double event:
One of
- 2 Diamond
- 2 Blood Ruby + 2 Black Opal
- 3 Black Opal
- 2 Black Opal + 3 Flawless Sapphire
And one of
- 4 Emerald
- 2 Emerald + 2 Peridot
- 2 Emerald + 2 Amethyst
- 2 Peridot + 2 Amethyst
- 4 Amethyst
As you can see, the problem only lies in the first part of the rewards - the high end part.