Has anyone else had issues with their quest path vanishing and their loot not glowing/blending in with the floor? I've had it happen in the past, but it seems to be frequent these days.
I have a guild mate who told me it's been happening to him almost every day for the last week or two. Subsequently, while in party with him and another guild mate of ours last night, all three of us had it happen. Restarting our consoles didn't fix it, though that is a trick I've tried in the past. We ended up cutting our game play short because of it.
I told them I would report it here, but I don't really know if there's anything we can do to stop it.
OP - Sunshine: 16000 IL
Casual Dailies
Rebooting is almost like when (those of us who are old enough to have done this) we had to stand by the tv and adjust the antenna little by little until the signal came back. You have to make sure you're standing the right way and holding your breath before it works.
> It happens to me when I have been playing for a few hours. Quitting Neverwinter and restarting usually fixes it
This has been my experience.