My experience with the new "Bonus RP" event so far has been pretty underwhelming. The bonus RP rewarded is very small. Reaching the 40k cap during the event would be quite difficult, even for players that spend a lot of time in game. This wouldn't be so bad, you're getting extra RP for doing some of the things you're already doing anyway (campaigns, doesn't seem to work in dungeons or skirms) but...
* There is ZERO notification when you get bonus RP. The only way to know is to check your RP total often... this makes the event completely boring
* The basic concept of the event is good however. We don't need to hoard anything for it, there's no special event items taking up inventory space, no mind numbing daily event quests to grind, or "gift" parties that take hours (i.e for Winter/summer festival)
* Have some sort of notification
* At the very least there should be a +X RP notification like you see when receiving other currency items
* Maybe make it an item that is auto pick up and consumed on pickup... like how gold works... maybe GREEN GOLD?!... make it glow or have a green beam similar to the challenges of the gods... at least that way it would be somewhat exciting to see it and there would be no question of whether the bonus RP was even working or not
I think I'll hit up the Sharrandar dailies instead. Will get way more RP from doing those instead.
Knight of Guild Medieval
But 40K is a bit underwhelming. Most of my toons have like 800K of RP in the bank already, so this amount only to 5% of the RP I already have.
This really discourages from group play
My experience so far, as i main a DC. Been running dungeons, skirmishes the usual, some t9g. Well yea...Overwhelming is not really the word. After 3hrs of playing i got a whole 900 bonus RP ish.
One of my friends did the same experiment and we calculated that it would take 100hrs ish non stop of playing to reach the 40k cap of bonus on a dps that makes sure to get all the kills, which is like a r9 upgrade.
Ok ok ok i see it coming, "its awesome for new players". But guys really, they'd need to spend 100hrs in a row in the game for that. Over a long weekend indeed, but still? "its better than nothing", I see that coming too. Ok ok ok its better than nothing, but we got used, us old players from an other age, to double RP, where we could upgrade enchants artifacts and get a nice progression on our toons. With this? 40k rp if we play 100hrs in a row is not even possible before we get the ban hammer for bot behaviour... I see this coming aswell "but you can refine with green gear". It's not my point. My point is its an EVENT. Tell me about it. That's a whole new meaning to the word EVENT, dont you think?
Anyway, i find this system ridiculous. Discouraging. Call it the way you want.
You need a lot of RPs - every little bit helps.
On the positive side its free RP.
On the negative side the reward vs time spent seems minimal.
So take it whichever way you will!
Instead they've made the grind more obvious. Peppering that with a trivial amount of extra RP for a non-event adds insult to injury. They would have been better off leaving this off of the calendar than leaving us open to this disappointment.
So we've traded out a little bit of inventory space (not that much if you want to keep it portable, since theres added types of stones) for a bit more boredom. Not a great trade.
New system seemed almost bearable until their sweetener event gave us lemons
20mins in Dread Ring doing daily only produced 139 RP from mobs, but I was able to collect 875 RP from converted green salvage equipment. If it was possible to wipe out every living creature in Neverwinter, I still doubt you could reach the 40K cap.
The Devs should hang their heads in shame, this is such a non-event it might as well be removed.
My recommendation would be to have a capped pool (40K) of RP similar to the Glory Booster or Experience Booster Packs and everytime you refine or convert RP an equivalent amount is taken from the pool.
1 green item identified that drops free on the ground is worth 50rps ffs
1 mean you can get more rp from doing some heroic encounter in 5 mins and salvaging a ring and straight out buying it from the auction house
even if for some reason some one botted the event is the devs worry times tons of account and the used to feed and refine stuff for free
so max what you earn like 100k ads in free refinement providing you play for days on end and reach cap
its is more a gimick to encourage sales and upgrades
Tip# go to a zone where you get leveled down below 70 and chill there.
Having a cap of 40k for the event, (not even enough to upgrade one enchantment from rank 11 to 12) also disappointing.