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my feedback after 100 hours

stacyjonesstacyjones Member Posts: 14 Arc User
So I'm fuming over something... which is what brings me to the forums... so let's start with that.

I just hit 70. Bought a respec token. respec'd. Found that I can still only have one power at rank 4. ?!?!? that can't be right. I just read a guide telling me what to make rank 4. A little bit of research later and I find that above 70 additional power points are RANDOM. F'ing RANDOM!!!!

So in the name of balance and "fairness" If you and I play the exact same class, have 100% the exact same: gear, enchantments, companions, mounts, artifact's, EVERYTHING. but you've RANDOMLY gotten 10 power points, and I've RANDOMLY gotten 2 power points.... Who's going to do more DPS? Who's going to win in PVP? not only do all your spells do 15% more damage from jump street, any stackable buff's off the base damage could make that substantially more... AND some spells have additional duration, radius, distance considerations. If the duration is plus one second, it's got 15% more base damage, plus buffs, we could cast the same spell at the same target and you would do SUBSTANTIALLY more damage.

In short following my respec I have not ONE power I use at a higher rank than I had prior. That was money well spent right? (to be clear the money was NOT the issue, the not being any more powerful is the issue)

Now then.

Every other MMO i've ever played (EQ, AO, SWG, COH, GW, GW2, WOW, SWTOR) has a patch day. Players know when patch day is. Patch day issues can be anticipated. Neverwinter seems to...

1. patch three times a day every day
2. install sizeable patches with no prior notice at any time, on any day
3. have serious issues with every patch (If 5 of the 15 friends I've made have their game crash 15 times a day while we're in the middle of running something, it's serious. Okay? I don't want to hear "The server's are still up and working fine for most players" That's telling us "It must be your fault.")

It feels very chaotic.

I'm a businessman. I understand direct marketing. I understand reaching your target market. I understand the F2P business model. I understand (even if I disapprove) of making everyday needed items cost money.

That said... I don't need to know EVERY time that someone opens a chest. I'm in the middle of a boss fight and in big banner letters in the middle of my screen it blasts me with JOEY WHO YOU DON"T KNOW JUST GOT A COSMETIC ITEM YOU DON"T HAVE, CAUSE YOU SUCK YOU CHEAP DUMMY PAY US. If three or four people get something in a row my whole screen fills with it. In case you didn't see it in big letters in the middle of your screen we also put it in the chat channel too!! My favorite though is when it's in GERMAN?!?!?! A language I don't speak, read, or comprehend. Like I said I understand marketing. People are stupid. People like gambling. I don't mind you doing it, but DAMN YO!!! Maybe limit it to town, put it in chat OR on the screen not both, give those of us who will not only NEVER be tempted by this, but are disenfranchised by it the ability to toggle it off, or here's a novel idea make it for useful items!! The banners aren't for thing's that affect character progression or competitive balance, thing's players NEED they're for what I consider completely useless HAMSTER. Do I want to be CONSTANTLY marketed useless HAMSTER.

The more I type the more frustrated I'm getting. Just an FYI I may not have mentioned... The real reason I'm here spending time typing this is: Every time I hit play the game just closes itself. Now I'm off to other "forums" to complain about the ridiculousness of power points being F'ing RANDOM! Whatever jackwagon thought of that? And a larger group of jackmonkeys agreed and put it in place.


  • stacyjonesstacyjones Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    lol, you can't say HAMSTER? In what culture is that a bad word?
  • oldbaldyoneoldbaldyone Member Posts: 1,840 Arc User
    Interesting post. Think you definitely need a break, and a drink.

    Power Points: yes, they are random, but at 70, you really should have enough points to have a couple powers at rank 4. Are you sure you didn't put more points in to something that you didn't need to? I don't recall how many you get at 70 exactly though.

    1 - Patches - You may need to disable the option under Options on the launcher that loads content on demand and just let it all download. otherwise, every new area loads on demand, which is annoying.
    2 - Have never really noticed this....see 1.
    3 - Major issues every patch seems to be an exaggeration. They are dealing with a very limited staff for this free game, so some issues are to be expected in a weekly patch. I've personal never had a hard crash after a patch day, but I'm not going to lie and say I dont see people with issues. I don't think any game has flawless patch days every day, certainly not a free one.

    You get used to the messages that pop up after a while. They suck, sure, but they are what they are. Wait till black friday or they have a major key sale, and watch the fireworks then ;)

    Hope some of this helps.
  • stacyjonesstacyjones Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    I turned off the patching on demand. Rank 4 powers have a requirement of 70 points spent, and you only have 70 points. Thus you can only have ONE power at rank 4.
  • ravenskyaravenskya Member Posts: 1,891 Arc User
    You get more power points in your overflows... they are at random but they seem to be about on in 3. The annoying part is when you get more power points than you can use and cant get that stupid icon to go away EVER.
    Founding Member of "Wrong Side of the Stronghold"
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  • stacyjonesstacyjones Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    they seem to be about on in 3? what does this mean?
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,527 Arc User
    Congratulation to be level 70. The good news is you only complained about power point, patch and lockbox messages.
    The bad news is you will soon find out those are nothing when you start to experience the wrath of RNG and many other issues that you will face very soon.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • sundance777sundance777 Member Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    About 1 in 3 times that you overflow XP to the next 'level' you will receive another power point as a reward, usually in addition to some other moderately useful loot. You can buy power points in the zen market as well as campaign completion packs and you can farm Sharandar to make your own power points, about 1 every three days I think....
    TR - Sun: 16000 IL
    OP - Sunshine: 16000 IL

    Casual Dailies
  • stacyjonesstacyjones Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    Thank you sundance that's what I'm talkin bout. So dear cryptic... market me buy power points in the zen market in a banner and BOOM got my $ also I'll begin my sharandar campaign as soon as my game doesn't crash on login :disappointed:
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