I had around 43000 RP to spend on my artifact weapon (Chult/Wootz). It was level 57. When I got to the refine screen I slid the bottom slider to the right so it uses all the RP I have. The REFINE button lit for a second then it changed to UPGRADE. It appeared to be full now and ready to upgrade, right? I selected a preservation ward to be sure. The upgrade button made the upgrade sound but no result, no change. Did it several times, not working. So I slid the bottom slider to the left very slightly, so it was using a small amount of my stored RP (about 5k) and the REFINE button lit. I pressed it and it used ALL of my RP and it did refine up to level 59. It did not refine to the level of the sliders, it just used up all RP and left me with still another level to max it. I haven't done the math but I don't think I lost or gained any RP, but I sure confused the heck out of the interface. I'll keep a closer eye on it and maybe do the math next time... but I shouldn't have to. Right?