Basically, the glow around dropped items, certain skill and spell lighting effects, and some environment seconday effects just simple stop showing. The may slowly come back for a bit, taking 30-60 seconds to appear on the items, but eventually just stop all together. All drivers/software up to date. Happens on multiple computers, from desktop to laptop, can be anywhere from several hours into playing, to just a few minutes after logging in. Only way to bring the effects back is to exit completely, adn restart, sometimes having to verify files. Submitted several tickets, no resolution beyond it is being looked into. I have tried changing every option involving graphics settings, from bare minimum to maxed out, When the thought of maybe overheating video card was considered, even maxed out fan speed, and under volted and clocked both CPU and GPU to lower temps, all to no avail. attached is an example pic of items not glowing.!AvQlWy6GrP-WmXU1lqZ6XspHqEhK