Is anyone else having unplayable lag that started about 2 weeks ago? About 5 days before mod 12b launched?
It has literally taken me over 5 minutes before to invoke one character. Very slow to load the map and then about 2 minutes of waiting for everything to load on screen and then I can finally click the invoke button but have to wait about a minute more for it to trigger anything. When I'm finally able to invoke it takes forever to open the invoke gift and then forever to exit to the character screen again.
It seems that sometimes when I load a character there is no lag but other times it is terrible. If I want to actually play the game I sometimes have to load a character multiple times to get it lag free. When I do get it lag free then sometimes just changing maps or starting a dungeon brings it back. I probably get it unplayable as often as a playable.
My computer and internet speeds are both adequate by the way and I never suffered lag previously (other than the normal VT, MSP and Tomb lag).
Doing a tracert to the Cryptic server seems to stall at the penultimate hop so I can only assume this is an issue their end but the forums seem quiet on this topic and that worries me.
Is anyone else struggling with this?