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Chultan Tiger (Smilodon Tooth)

I just ran around killing tigers for the last 3h's, saw the Smilidon about 5 times in all that time and it didn't drop the tooth once, am I missing something? I have Hunts 1 and 2 unlocked in the campaign and I've completed the Spli-Ti hunt a few times as I have no prob getting the bone (drops every time) but for the life of me I cant get the Smilodon to drop the tooth?


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    bratleyraybratleyray Member Posts: 389 Arc User
    RNG my friend... keep goin...

    [The Legendary Outlaws] (Guildhall 20)

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    oldbaldyoneoldbaldyone Member Posts: 1,840 Arc User
    With so many toothless tigers around, its no wonder they are so rare....

    Toothless tigers, clawless crabs, talonless raptors, tailless scorpions.
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    rafaeldarafaelda Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 666 Arc User
    yep looks lkem reduce the other part of the bait was the solution for us getting Trex fangs... the crop has being reduced, anyone that was hunting from the start must have notice that already, but since was really hard to get the TRex fang before i think is better the way it is now...

    PS .: would love to get more trophies from rare spawns like used to be...
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    sundance777sundance777 Member Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    I don't care for the double RNG of first needing to get the mob to spawn and then needing to get the drop...not to mention then again needing to get past the RNG of the hunt, for yet another hunt and a 3rd....at this rate the hunting will need to continue for a couple years to land something of value.
    TR - Sun: 16000 IL
    OP - Sunshine: 16000 IL

    Casual Dailies
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    igotit4freeigotit4free Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited October 2017
    This is just absolutely ridiculous, I ran around killing tigers again for another 3h's (6h's in total now) and AGAIN not 1 drop for the SMILODON TOOTH. The RNG is just HAMSTER. I have no problem getting the rotter bone almost everytime I've gone to get it but the rest just seem to be impossible to get. I can't believe how low the RNG is on this MOD.

    I'm only trying to complete the hunts let alone get all +5 rings, this is such a joke. I gave up on this game a while ago because of how the company treated it's members with HAMSTER like this and sucker me came back hoping it would be a better experience and the dev's may have learned, what a fool I was. Guess I can kiss my completion away with this game now.

    I read on another post that they can't change the achievement which is utter HAMSTER. They did it with Titanfall (and many other games) where you had to shoot 50 players out of the sky after they ejected from the titan to 5 players so please don't insult us with lies and change the achievement already, it will be impossible to get all +5 rings when I can't even get a tier 1 hunt trophy to drop.

    I put a challenge out to ALL dev's to actually play the MOD legit and get the trophy's and the rings (not that it will happen lol)
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    oldbaldyoneoldbaldyone Member Posts: 1,840 Arc User
    edited October 2017

    I really think the drop rates on the first level hunts need to be reviewed. The lures are unique and its been stated that the expectation is that someone will find a hunt drop, then find a trex, then hunt the level 2 creature with the lure (because its unique, you really can't do much else). I think that idea is bad in general, and goes against the way the game is designed, but the rarity of the first drops is a little unnecessary. I understand you don't want people going from nothing to farming KOS 5 times in a row and hour later - I don't want that either. That said, the drop rates and the amount of RNG involved just seems overboard.

    I think most players would accept a lower drop rate for the gear drops (within reason, no .0000001 drop rates like with the orange rings every again please), if the lure item drops were increased/ In an RP sense I think it makes sense that tigers always have teeth, lobsters have claws etc. They won't always have a chest piece in their stomach though.

    Push the RNG toward actually getting the drop you want, not the drop you need to even attempt to get the drop you want. People HATE RNG...the hunts kick it up to the extreme.
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    bratleyraybratleyray Member Posts: 389 Arc User
    > @oldbaldyone said:
    > @asterdahl
    > I really think the drop rates on the first level hunts need to be reviewed. The lures are unique and its been stated that the expectation is that someone will find a hunt drop, then find a trex, then hunt the level 2 creature with the lure (because its unique, you really can't do much else). I think that idea is bad in general, and goes against the way the game is designed, but the rarity of the first drops is a little unnecessary. I understand you don't want people going from nothing to farming KOS 5 times in a row and hour later - I don't want that either. That said, the drop rates and the amount of RNG involved just seems overboard.
    > I think most players would accept a lower drop rate for the gear drops (within reason, no .0000001 drop rates like with the orange rings every again please), if the lure item drops were increased/ In an RP sense I think it makes sense that tigers always have teeth, lobsters have claws etc. They won't always have a chest piece in their stomach though.
    > Push the RNG toward actually getting the drop you want, not the drop you need to even attempt to get the drop you want. People HATE RNG...the hunts kick it up to the extreme.

    I completely agree. Im one mat away from the final lure and have received armor drops from just about every hunt ive been able to complete. But can't for the life of me get that last mat for the final lure. Not to mention farming these t1 lures is a royal pain. Im not even talking about the rng aspect either. Its the 10 people per instance doing the same thing... camping spawn points, running circles stealing kills, making it very unenjoyable. I enjoy the hunts, but the greed being created by the trading aspect is causing many people to farm them for profit not for the gear or completing this portion of the campaign. Please increase the drop rate, allow stacking, and make them bound to account.

    [The Legendary Outlaws] (Guildhall 20)

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    randomdigits#2166 randomdigits Member Posts: 700 Arc User
    As I mentioned in another thread, I suspect that there is an issue with some instances which causes trophies to never drop. Please let me know if that matches your observations. Specifically, I would like to know:
    1) how many rare mobs you killed during the streak of no trophy drops
    2) did you switch instances and if so, how often
    3) was there anything special about those instances you were using (such as active HEs, a lot or very few other players)
    4) did you farm solo on in a group - and, if in a group , were you the only one affected?
    Ana Taletreader (CW) / Friend of Casual Gamers
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    muratedvinmuratedvin Member Posts: 19 Arc User

    As I mentioned in another thread, I suspect that there is an issue with some instances which causes trophies to never drop. Please let me know if that matches your observations. Specifically, I would like to know:
    1) how many rare mobs you killed during the streak of no trophy drops
    2) did you switch instances and if so, how often
    3) was there anything special about those instances you were using (such as active HEs, a lot or very few other players)
    4) did you farm solo on in a group - and, if in a group , were you the only one affected?

    I have made 12 rounds killing in 4 spots Chultan Tiger (2+3+2+2)
    So 9 Tigers per round = 108 Tigers
    Smilodon spawn only 2 times and I've get black pearl
    Drop rate must be lower than 1%.
    Instance #5
    Only 7 players in instance
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    mdarkangel#4696 mdarkangel Member Posts: 442 Arc User
    Drop rates will increase with the release of mod15. Not a guaranteed drop, but definitely an improvement over the current drop rate.
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