Lately there is a lot of discussions related to some classes weaker than others. Particularly SW and TR are considered weak with respect to damage. Could developers make and publish a statistics in the following format?
Axis 1: Class
Axis 2: Item level (at 100 or 1000 increment starting with 7k to max)
Cell: Average paingiver score for all item levels for class starting from Axis 2 item level upto the next item level increment
Note, if as result of epic skimish, epic dungeon, or raid run. If some paingiver score gives negative result due to overflow, this instance run should be completely excluded froms statistics for all instance members.
The statistics should be gathered for 1-2 weeks. It would be nice if statistics is already in database and just need to be queried.
I think this result would be interesting for many community members, and it may hint which classes need some buffing up. This would also make discussions grounded on facts. Also it would be nice if such statistics will be gathered and published after month of each mod deploy (one month should be given for players to adapt to mod changes).
If we compare DPS classes, they should be able to DPS in a similar way. There should not be situation when one DPS class is able to do 300% of DPS of other DPS class on average. 5-15% are relatively ok for the same ilv depending on additional DPS roles. However we possibly have a situation when DPS differs greatly, but lack objective data to confirm it and request class rebalance. There are lot of class rebalance requests, but they lack objective justification in hard data.