Ok, its nice to have some armor pieces that can summon extra "companions", but, i would like to ask for some changes.
1. It would be nice if they followed you after summoned, not just stand there. Make them work like our companions do.
2. Make them proc at start of combat 100%, insert a CD, rework uptimes.
3. in the future can we have a activation button for these, if an armor or an item has a entity inside, u could summon it to fight by a button press.
Ex. The gravemasters blinder that summons the wraith from kills, has a really really low proc chance, too low. Tested it to see if it works, took me around 200 kills for it to proc.
Theres no need for abyssmally low RNG with these kind of powers, it serves no one. If you wish to restrain these powers do it by CDs and uptime restrictions.
Thank you.