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So achievements now are luck based... how low does we got?

destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User
After the insulting achievement that was "Master of Svarborg" , wich i still does not have despite having myself not died many times, it looks like the devs want to push the insult further. Its already bad to have your achievement unlocking depend on the skill/build/money of other peoples but now they pushed it even further.

Hello Luck Based achievements.

So now there is achievements for unlocking +5 rings... You know how many +5 i got total ever since Underdark dropped? 3 ... and 2 of them are not that great by the way. Took me until like a couple weeks ago to get a Brutality +4... not a +5, but a freaking +4 !!! I needed one for my DPS.

I must have run edemo/demo like hundreds of time...

So to have a chance to get all achievements from the new content, now im gonna have to wait til the game decide to give it to me? How unfair and completely HAMSTER this is?

I am perfectly fine with in game challenges like the ones for the ring from Underdark and such. Its a little bonus when you complete an in game challenge for the true passionate, but to now put REAL XBOX ACHIEVEMENTS being RNG, and RNG you can't even purchase on the auction house !!! That is ridiculous.

I guess it is finally the nail that seal the coffin for me. Master Svarborg was already giving me an headache for months trying to find a way to unlock it, but now with this, im not gonna spend 3 years grinding those in hope that MAYBE, just maybe, every rings drop.

I may play once in a while with friends for the laugh but my hardcore playing of this game is over. Do not expect a single dime ever again from me. You killed my completion for good.


  • fantasticmfantasticm Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    How about that gear achievement where you need to have trade bar arms and chest, zen head from key set and zen shoes from the companion pack. That's even worse imo.
  • fluffyr00fluffyr00 Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    And the only way to get these rings is by doing Hunts in which the trophies never drop which you need to make the lure. Going to log in just to do dailies from now on and see if they change some of these achievements or ways of earning these +5 rings.

    Over 4500hours into neverwinter, 13 level 70 characters and im close to being done and moving on from this game.
    "Patching the patch that patched the patch"
  • arod7932arod7932 Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    This has killed any motivation I had to get the other achievements I have left. What's the point if a full completion is basically impossible now.
  • destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User

    How about that gear achievement where you need to have trade bar arms and chest, zen head from key set and zen shoes from the companion pack. That's even worse imo.

    Altough that is pretty terrible as well and obviously just a way to get peoples to spend more, those ones at least are purchasable. I have 1000 tradebars in my bank from daily keys almost alone(80% of it for sure) that i dunno really what to do with. I mean i could always buy refinement, mounts i don't have or even items to salvage to make AD, wich is all usefull stuff,but its not something "mandatory" for me. Zen stuff can always be converted from AD as well so thecnically those are purchasable in 2 different way. Either AD grinding or credit card. Is it dirty from there part? Yes. But its not "unfair" as if you focuss on this solely and put other stuff on hold, you can unlock them pretty fast.

    On the other hand RNG is RNG, it can be the worst "hamster" in the world. From what i read and understand you need something that drop of RNG to get another RNG... how ridiculous is that? The only way i would see these achievements be acceptable is if the +5 was a guarenteed drop at the very least or if they would be AH buyable, even if expensive. Im not saying it wouldn't suck to pay 2million for 1, and i would still be VERY ANNOYED, but nowhere near the ammount i am right now.
  • destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User
    arod7932 said:

    This has killed any motivation I had to get the other achievements I have left. What's the point if a full completion is basically impossible now.

    Personally i need the final quest of Shroud of Souls (very easy, gonna finish it tonight) and the other 2 i miss from everything non-mod12 is MSVA and the SKT campaign completion. MSVA i just decided to put it on hold. I mean ill wait in a year or 2 when everybody is stronger , i guess eventually it will become another edemo... hard at first then easy.

    As for SKT campaign completion i dunno... i need the final 2 boons. I guess ill check how many Vblood i can get out of river districk abandoned treasures and may do a few runs sometimes in bryn shander but i don't know if ill complete it as its a huge boring grind. Yet despite this achievement being boring and grindy, its again 100x better than the damn mod12 ones.
  • fantasticmfantasticm Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    Hm, might be worth asking ms directly if luck based achievements are even allowed.
  • arod7932arod7932 Member Posts: 93 Arc User

    Hm, might be worth asking ms directly if luck based achievements are even allowed.

    They are, there was an RNG dice achievement in The Witcher 2 that took me about 2 hours to win.
  • talifeexpectancytalifeexpectancy Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    > @arod7932 said:
    > Hm, might be worth asking ms directly if luck based achievements are even allowed.
    > They are, there was an RNG dice achievement in The Witcher 2 that took me about 2 hours to win.

    Two hours vs what could quite possibly be THOUSANDS of hours with this one. RNG to get ONE +5ring would be bad enough. But all five of them? Kiss my hairy white posterior. I am done unless this is changed.
  • ronhereronhere Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Plz change this Arc. I take pride in my perfect gamerscore with this game but this is just ridiculous! No one will ever achieve this silly rng cheevo
  • salsbar#4068 salsbar Member Posts: 1 New User
    An achievement should be something that you have to earn, not luck into. Please change this stupid achievement. It's like having an achievement for winning the lottery. It just won't happen.

    Also, how about not adding achievements that are only on buying things only available on the zen market like the pilgrim gear? That's pretty pathetic guys. This is really comes off as pure greed.
  • fuzzmeisterjfuzzmeisterj Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    There is way too much luck involved with this achievement. They posted on reddit and achievements can't be changed, but there could be other ways to make things not as bad.

    Maybe put a ring exchange merchant up? You get one +5 and can rotate it out with other rings to complete your collection then go back to the one you want, but can't get change to a ring more than twice or something. Doing so would also character bind the ring.

    Or maybe when get you do something like get your first+5, complete the campaign, or beat the tier 3 hunt, you get a box with a temporary version of all +5 slayer rings that lasts for an hour or something.
  • fluffyr00fluffyr00 Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    Should at least be able to make them with campaign currency or something. Similar to sharandar where you can make power points. Or let us make the trophies so we can can lures way quicker than hoping that RNG is on our side when ive killed 500 venomtail scorpions with not one single venomtail poison drop
    "Patching the patch that patched the patch"
  • maxal56#6045 maxal56 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    The drop rate for trophies is bad. Random drop on a random spawn which is not good. Plus they do not stack. Whose ideas was this. When something is scare at least they could let us keep more than one at a time since you need a random spawn to even have a chance at the random drop.
  • andyufcfanandyufcfan Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    I feel the same, I'm way behind but I was slowly working my way through all the achievements like I always do.The master of svardborg was a terrible addition (I haven't even done regular svardborg yet). That I thought was going to stop me getting 100% but these ones have out done that. I usually stop trying when this happens and move on. This is my most played game EVER :( .
  • sedaterialsedaterial Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    this achievement is ridiculous. I know from my own personal experience that i have terrible drop rates and I also know that i can do hundreds of these hunts and not see one +5 drop. They could easily fix this by creating a store in Chult that will sell the rings at a steep price of the chult treasures. maybe have one ring cost 10k or 20k chult treasures. hell, those rings could be weaker than the ones that drop but still count towards the achievement so those that do get a drop can feel distinguished with their rare luck while allowing those after the achievement to obtain it through normal grinding.

    if they don't want to do that, then they should make the trophies and lure stack and be able to be sold on auction house. The rare creatures are a pain to farm because they do not guarantee a drop and so you might spend one or more hours just killing mobs and rare mobs before getting one drop. I don't know about you but my time is limited and this is making it so that i can no longer truly enjoy the game without it feeling like a second job that doesn't even truly reward the hard work in any consistent fashion.
  • fluffyr00fluffyr00 Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    Just about to unistall this game. Been running hunts allday and best ive gotten is a +3 ring. Done about 150+ hunts today with a few friends. This is a joke. Even had multiple times where there wasnt a single drop, not even a +1 +2 or +3 for slavage
    "Patching the patch that patched the patch"
  • liamsmith#2133 liamsmith Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I used to love Neverwinter as it provided me with escapism but as of 3 days ago I have stopped playing & refuse to support the developers until there's a change.

    Achievment/trophy Hunters are quite a large amount of the console community & this is honestly just disrespectful to us & our time.

    This achievement requires a RNG spawn, RNG Drop & then the INSANE RNG drop of the actual ring. That's <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.

    I have countless hours in Neverwinter & have supported the game & developers by purchasing quite a bit of ZEN every month or two. But I'm done until this gets changed.

    **Lastly, achievements CAN be changed & they have been many, many, many, times. **

    Some ideas;

    - Change requirements to 1 +5 Ring (this can be done. Fact.)
    - Add Ring Vendor (use AD's, seals or Chultan Riches to purchase rings)
    - Increase +5 drop rates DRASTICALLY & SIGNIFICANTLY

    I really want to continue playing this game, but I'm a collector & achievement hunter (which I'm proud of my 100% completion rate on Xbox) at heart & this is just a very stupid, disrespectful, achievement to add.

    I beg of you.
  • mahburgmahburg Member Posts: 598 Arc User
    Just posted on the other thread this appears to have changed as one of My guildies has just got the Cheevo and he doesnt have a legendary from Chult :)
  • musicskooool#3088 musicskooool Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    It’s completely untrue to say achievement cannot be changed. Whoever stated that on behalf of Arc has no clue. You may not be able to remove achievements but you can update the descriptions and modify the triggers for unlocking the achievements. One good and VERY recent example is an achievement in Overwatch involving reviving a bunch of allies at once while playing Mercy and it had to be done using an ultimate (daily). The developers removed that power from the game and as such totally updated the requirements for the achievement. The community that is angry about this achievement is a dedicated group of people who work together to get achievements, and so we all know what can and cannot be done so please don’t try and feed us false information to try and appease us. We know what can and cannot be done; the question is whether or not you’ll listen.
  • This one achievement gives me nightmares and I'm not even that far into chult. This is quite possibly the most heinous achievement. There are 4 people on trueachievements that have unlocked it. I have earned one +5 (not chult) ring in my entire neverwinter run. This is insane. Hell, in over 2 hours and fishing I haven't caught one large fish (or ever seen one) even with krill. The RNG hates me. I just don't see how this will be possible short of spending 3000 hours on it.
  • musicskooool#3088 musicskooool Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited December 2017
    I would like to know when the Xbox One community can hear back from a devs or moderator about the upset regarding the +5 chult rings achievement.

    The achievement requires the player to get one of every +5 hunt ring from chult. Many players have taken to reddit, these forums, Twitter, et cetera to voice their opinions on this achievement. What’s more upsetting than the achievement is that not a single developer or moderator has made a comment about it. I am one particular member of the community that is frustrated that no one even responded to the initial conversations about this achievement.

    The community of achievement hunters that play neverwinter on Xbox one are upset for a few reasons.

    1. The RNG required to get even one +5 ring from chult let alone 5 of them is almost impossible. The only people that have gotten the achievements were people that spent millions of ad buying lures or sold of their gear just to have a CHANCE at a +5 ring.

    2. PlayStation trophy hunters did not get an achievement like we did on Xbox. This achievement just feels like an unfair expectation for us to obtain, but Xbox players feel singled out.

    3. We aren’t upset that the chance for a +5 ring is low. We are upset because you have to farm thousands of hours worth to get lure pieces just for a CHANCE at the rings, but the lures are chance.

    I think people would tolerate this achievement more if you were guaranteed lure pieces when you killed ‘a smilodon’ for example (smilodons never drop me anything and they rarely spawn making it nearly impossible for me to even TRY to get that ring). I also think people would tolerate this a lot more if you only need to get 1 +5 ring. However, tying in an achievement to RNG is what is most upsetting.

    **Achievements are supposed to be about skill (think Master of Svardborg) not about getting lucky.

    What I really want from this post is some type of response or answer from the devs. Why haven’t we heard from you yet? Someone made comments that Xbox achievements could not be altered but in fact they can. One recent example is Overwatch changed how a character worked so they modified all of the achievements in the game that were affected by the character modification. Please don’t tell us it can’t be changed because it can. If you WON’T change it (because you don’t care about this niche community of achievement hunters) then just say it straight to us. Please answer and give it to us straight, will you consider modifying this achievement? Myself like many others started neverwinter because we wanted a challenge but we thought completing all the achievements was realistic. If I knew something like this achievement would’ve happened to the game, I never would’ve started in the first place. I have became a loyal fan to the game, but this achievement has taken the fun out of this game for me.
  • ecrana#2080 ecrana Member Posts: 1,654 Arc User
    I think it speaks volumes about the decision making going on when something as simple as coming up with a properly thought out achievement fails so badly.
  • musicskooool#3088 musicskooool Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    Thank you! I just want to be heard by the devs and not swept under the rug. I feel like they did that two months ago and some upset people lost the tenacity to co to us trying to communicate but I’m not through yet. I want to know they read and heard our opinions. Hopefully they’ll even comment on why they are doing nothing about this situation when other game developers have clearly demonstrate that achievements can be changed. They can’t be removed but they can be changed.
  • oldbaldyoneoldbaldyone Member Posts: 1,840 Arc User
    Seems to be knocking it down from +5 to +4 would be reasonable. Still a challenge but at least a reasonable one. I have a feeling this achievement was made during an earlier phase of the chult development, possibly when the lures were a 100% drop, and then never got updated.

    That said, most games with achievements have had some insane ones. "The Insane" title from old school WoW was torture, and your progress could be wiped away in a few seconds if you messed up. Granted, the progression for it was linear and not RNG based....I can agree basing an achievement around RNG is not really great, but this game is ALL ABOUT RNG these days.
  • musicskooool#3088 musicskooool Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    Exactly, I’m all for hard achievements if they are skill based. The word achievement implies that I should work hard to earn it. The problem is that an achievement should NEVER be related to RNG. Since I know they messed up and can’t totally remove the achievement, and they won’t put the drop rate of the lures back that they ninja nerfed I to oblivion, so I think changing it to something like get 1 +5 slayer ring in chult, or all +4 rings in chult would be much more manageable.
  • sundance777sundance777 Member Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    I am on the fence about this one. I know people have finished this and sometimes my characters seem like they have decent RNG luck for things like this but after many hours of farming for lures and then running repeated hunts it seems like it is well beyond realistic.
    TR - Sun: 16000 IL
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    Casual Dailies
  • ltsmithnekoltsmithneko Member Posts: 1,578 Arc User
    ^-^ I'd make an exception for the T1 Hunt rings, but ill still admit its quite tedious.
  • destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User
    Honestly months later i have not touched Chult and i have been very "On and Off" on the game, more off than on. I used to spend multiple hours daily in this game and now i barely play 1 or 2 day a week, i do some weeklies for a bi of AD and some guild stuff to help my guild but then i realize what is the situation and i just turn off the game.

    Not being able to earn those achievements is extremely disapointing for me, as i love unlocking achievements for my favourite games but i simply refuse to waste thousands of my time on this stuff for maybe RNG giving me 1 or 2 rings at most.

    Give me a concret way to get them, like zen market, AH, campaign store, and ill grind my HAMSTER !! I don't mind. But RNG ... NO, just NO !!

    When i consider i never saw a Brutality +5 Ring and i must have ran Demo/Edemo hundreds and hundred of time, with getting only ONE +4 Brutality, i know this system is flawed.

    Im ok with RNG for items, its kinda like the goal of the game, playing to get new items and get your character better, and eventually if new rings come out, the old ones get outdated and if you never got them... oh well you move on and try to get the new one instead. But tying achievements to this is just WRONG, so wrong.

    Right now im kinda like between 2 planes. I mean i still play older content and kinda do some river district a little bit still to get aboleth weapons... but im not touching chult and eventually if new content come out than require playing chult first or stuff from chult, ill just have to pass and quit the game for good.

    They could definately fix this, they just refuse. The worst is the PS4 didn't got them !!! What they got is at least doable.
  • destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User
    I don't agree with Master of Svarborg. Having to depend on other peoples skill and build to win something is wrong. I would had been ok if it was not dying yourself, wich i did several time. I shouldn't be responsible for the failures of others.

    But those rings achievements are a whole new level of "Hamsterery". I made a lenghty post on my own thread so i won't start over another here but yeah they should really do something about them.
  • destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User
    Maybe that precisely why they don't answer. Some of us are in limbo right now. I look at the game and i think about how many hours i put into it (3347 hours to be precise) and i don't wanna quit it... I still have "fun" playing the game even if some parts of it feel like a routine. But then i realize how those achievements will be impossible for me to get and i just want to stop playing the game altogether cause i feel betrayed by the devs. Honestly until Master of Svarborg i tough they where very fair with achievements. Throne had a problem for a while but they ended up fixing it !

    Then Master of Svarborg is uber cheap but i always kept in mind eventually in 2 years or so, this would be old content and could be done in the end !!!

    But the rings RNG is just over the limit. It won't matter if my character(and my friends) get stronger and can melt Chult. It will still be an insane grind.

    Honestly im still hoping they will do something. Making the rings available in boxes, or in a campaign store, or removing the "bound to account" thing so we can at least trade for them. But if i hear they won't fix them at all and they will remain as they are forever, i think ill just quit and call it the end.

    My main motivation for the game was always to get stronger so i could keep up with the new content and be able to do the new achievements. Doing FBI for instance was not an easy task when it came out. But when the achievement poped i was happy and had a sense of acomplishement.

    But waiting hundreds if not thousands of hours on RNG is not a sense of acomplishement.

    Hell i would had been less insulted if there would had been an achievement call "get a legendary mount" at some point , cause at least if you are not lucky with boxes you can save your AD and maybe even put some real money partly to get one, wich in counter part would be usefull too stats wise. But the slayer ring, RNG luck if your only option...
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