> Pvp Population isn't high enough plus everything kalina said.
Yeah, PvP population isn't high enough, why? I am really happy for the old players with IL14k+, with transcended enchantments, with lvl10+ enchantments in every slot, but imagine somebody, who install the game the first time now, and reach lvl70 from scratches. How much time to get proper equipment for pvp? Months? More like years! Last time I TRIED to hit somebody at a node, for 3 MINUTES of constant hitting, he didn't do anything. Just sitting there and enjoyed the scraping of his back. Then got bored, and killed me with one hit, it wasn't even critical!
You CANNOT play pvp for years, or until you didn't spend hundreds of euros for zen.
In pvp they should rank the gamers like they do below lvl70, because as it is now, the newbies always need to "fight" against 14k+ deathstars, and they start to hate pvp from the beginning.
Couldnt agree more. I feel bad for people who get this game and try PvP just to get 1 shot 24/7.. I said it before, this game should have some kind of ranking brackets. Should make points based on either gear or leaderboard or whatever, anythin tbh. So people with same gear can fight eachother instead of stomping new players...
+100 for fixing the fail to accept Q at 9/10 to try to create a premade group while running solo Q.
It seems some people cant deal with a loss so much so that they would rather sit there for 20 minutes doing nothing but Q matching waiting for their guaranteed win rather than having a couple of honest matches. A potential solution might be to remove the PvP stat board, that seems to be a driver to the need to win every single match, some people just need their 15 minutes of fame...I hope they screen shot it so they can have framed and hung on the wall
To me, solo que should be me versus everyone else. Lone wolf, slayer, etc... why are there teams? Que up, load map, kill anything that moves... win by having most kills... pvp is so weak in this game... wheres the innovation? There should be team objective, team slayer, and solo slayer... 3 types.
There is no solution somehow, to push the developers in these directions? Because as PVP is now, it is a game for some old veterans and hated rich boys who can afford 300-1000 euros to buy competitive equipment. All the rest is only for stomping, and quit pvp after a certain amount of humilation. If I loose because the enemy team has better tactic, better use of skills, better communication thats more then welcome for me, but now I loose constantly, because I always play against turbo guys. This way there is no motivation to spend time, energy, or money on the game. If I wasn't a huge FR fun, I would have left this game a long time ago
I said it before, this game should have some kind of ranking brackets. Should make points based on either gear or leaderboard or whatever, anythin tbh.
So people with same gear can fight eachother instead of stomping new players...
It seems some people cant deal with a loss so much so that they would rather sit there for 20 minutes doing nothing but Q matching waiting for their guaranteed win rather than having a couple of honest matches. A potential solution might be to remove the PvP stat board, that seems to be a driver to the need to win every single match, some people just need their 15 minutes of fame...I hope they screen shot it so they can have framed and hung on the wall
OP - Sunshine: 16000 IL
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[The Legendary Outlaws] (Guildhall 20)