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Why Don't Other People See the IL My Guild Boons Give Me?

safespacecadet#3341 safespacecadet Member Posts: 374 Arc User
edited September 2017 in Player Feedback (PC)
Changed from Why Don't Other People See the IL My Companion Gives Me? (I was informed that it is actually guild boon IL people don't see.)

It's a little confusing. I tell someone I'm 13k, but they actually see that I'm 12k. Or someone trying to join your dungeon group says they're 14k, but they look 13k to you.

P.S. I mean when someone inspects me or when I inspect someone else.

EDIT: Is it only if the other person is not in the same zone/instance that I don't see the Item Level their companion gives him or her?
Post edited by safespacecadet#3341 on


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