We are Recruiting any Active and friendly players for our guild , we are a level 20 guild. Anyone welcome to come join us, we only ask you to participate in the Stronghold and help where you can. we are a very active and helpful guild that help anyone that wants to join us
no req really just to help out and be atleast level 60+ but if you are under and you still looking for a good guild we can talk about it.
we have about 90 people in the guild atm, always someone online to help you out.
When you join our guild and you have a alt you want to add you are welcome to at the moment we dont have a problem with alts just keep them active
we have endgame players too for endgame content
We also have a fun event now and then for guildies
*Activity*if you are inactive for more than +- 20 days without any message or anything and you are not a known person in the guild you can get removed
no Drama or attitudes or laziness will be tolerated in our guild
we also ask for people to join our custom channel we use for our guild but dont worry about that you will get added when you join us
if you have any questions pls do add it to the mail you send us thank you
enjoy your day
If you would like to join you can mail any of the 2 guild Leaders and we wil get back to you ASAP
some of our guildies doing BHE in the stronghold
@windgatboud and pm us or if you have discord you can message me there too crazycatlady (SOD)#6693
some of our guildies waiting on the bridge for marauders