Please bring back a way to earn loyal companion gear, it's just so much better than what we have instead.
If you are not going to bring it back then why leave it in the game? That loyal avenger gear is looking really good for the new mod with more armor pen needed, but at 6-8mil a pop or more on the auction house it's not very attainable for most new players (or returning players like myself).
Someone tell me if I'm figuring this wrong:
Loyal Avenger ring: 1739 total stats
652 Power
652 Crit
435 Armpen
Adorable Bites ring: 869 total stats
521 Power
348 Crit
Fierce companion ring +4: 902 total stats (I think these numbers are right, I don't have one to double-check)
541 Crit
361 Power
Come on man...that's just a ridiculous difference. if you have the best NON-loyal companion gear you are losing 837 X 3 = 2,511 x 300% with 3 rank 12 bondings and a legendary companion = 7,533 stat points. I know they don't all have the same configuration of enchantment slots, I'm just talking about raw stats here.
Sure now in the incoming mod12 ArPen is needed more and LA gear would make it more easy but i think it can be done with Bold +4 as well. I would like LA gear back as well but seems like we aint getting it.
Also, due to loyal having one offense+defense slot, the powercreep wouldn't be increased noticeably from that gear.
And as a bonus, it would be nice for console players to get Loyal gear, since we have never had access to it at all...
For those of you commenting to the effect of "the devs will never bring it back" didn't you learn how to ask for things when you were a kid?
If the devs don't want Loyal gear around any more then WHY IS IT STILL IN THE GAME? There are several pages of Loyal gear for sale on the AH at any given time. When I came back to the game about 4 months ago I noticed all my old level 60 set gear (HV, HP, AoW etc.) on my characters no longer had a set bonus because the devs didn't want those set bonuses in game anymore I was told.
I know there are bad feelings about the the Gateway and this Loyal gear is tied to that, but let's move past that and make your players happy and bring back a very popular set of items. You've given us these bonding runestones and tons of cool companions to use so we already love our little Pokemon.