I feel that the current trapper is kind of a tripple insult to anyone who is unlucky to face one without a decent team mate to back them up.
Perma root, perma stun, and in some cases ridiculous amounts of damage, which will only become a lot stronger with mod12.
Now, they are trappers, so I feel the roots probably would have to stay, but if the stun were to be removed, they would still be a valuable asset to a team, but at least that would give their opponent a slight chance at fighting back.
As it is today, fighting a trapper is no different than fighting a perma cb/smoke TR with drains.
Wolves, big as a horse! I need new pants!
This one is eligible for pvp, class, and feedback section, since it's feedback on how a class stun mechanic affects pvp, but I can only choose one section.
Yes, I have Oghma's, but being able to move for three (or four?) seconds every 60 seconds isn't really helpful enough vs this class.
Not that it matters, because the scenarios where I need Oghma's are far inbetween, making Wheel my artifact of choice, and it's not like i can swap artifacts in combat anymore, because that was apparently sick OP.
Well, unless they changed something these last few days, root and stuns won't be all they bring to the table for long.
Idk, maybe I need to stack 20K defense/deflect, go Oppressor and switch to Valhalla, or maybe I'm just preemptively painting the world black. We shall see.