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Been Gone a While Need a Nudge :>

dariandelforddariandelford Member Posts: 45 Arc User
I was initially a founder when the game came out and then as normal life happened and I had to take a hiatus. After being gone for the last year and a half I have come back with a vengeance. However the game I left is not the same game that I am playing now. This is typical for a MMO to grow however finding myself a bit lost in regards to what I need to do to become self sufficient.

I play a Tierfling CW and that is really my only character.

I have researched and am trying to follow this guid http://mmominds.com/2017/05/11/fnhusa57-pure-dps-control-wizard-mod-11-spellstorm-mage/

for a build I like PvE over PvP and once I am geared for PvE I will start the PvP Aspect. If there is a better or more updated guide please let me know. But I found this one to be all inclusive with a lot of information.

My problem is just finding out which campaign I need to focus on. When I left ICD was just being released. I am in the process now of completely IWD, UD and Sea of Moving Ice one.

My question is which campaign do I really need to work on to get myself in a better position. Currently my Gear Score is 9100 ish. I still need to work on my companions and mounts. I currently have a legendary Con Artist as my main with 1 Rnak 12 bonding stone and 2 Lessers. His rings I need to work on.

I just joined a guild the other day and am now using their stats to boost me (which was nice)

I just need a bit of direction in regards to what dungeons I need to run to get any gear. I discovered that the dragonflight armor is in the stronghold but requires a bunch of SH tokens which I am now working on as well. Just need a good way of doing them.

Any help would be greatly appreciated and any other questions that I have not answered I will try to answer.

Thanks for any assistance
Darian Del'Ford
AKA Taco Brotherhood of Pathfinders
Old Neverwinter Nights AOL Launched it all!


  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    Dragonflight gear is a good option but depending on how often you can run the event, may take a while. The Company gear should also be available from the guild store. It has similar stat levels and requires less currencies. If your guild or alliance has Mysterious Merchant, the Gladiator Boots and Executioner Attire are both better, but there is an ongoing issue with the inventory selection and the price in Guild Marks is high.

    Dungeon gear isn't a great option. Nothing that normally drops in T1 or 2 dungeons is as good as what you can buy in your guild (DF, company, MM) There are some special drops that may be useful, but are random. Some may be more of a temporary solution. My list of possibles:

    Zulkir's Dreadnaught VT t1
    Lifesilk Spinneret ETOS t2

    Bloodlord's Visage CN t2ish
    Dragon Loyalist' Visage ESOT t1

    Arma and feet, I can't think of any that are good for CW. Note that all of these 'chase rewards' are the same Item Level, regardless of if the come from a T1 or T2.

    If you don't already have VIP, it is a game changer. Use the ZAX or charge real money as you like, but it will pay for itself over time as long as you be sure to sell whatever you get from the daily enchanted key. When you open the lockbox, sell the resulting pack unopened and you will profit.

    As far as campaigns, tbe best to work on currently is River District. I would rate it as being slightly tougher than SoMI but it will allow you to get competitive weapons, which along with decent gear are going to really help get you up to speed.

    Bondings are good. Depending on prices, it might be best to rank up 1 of those lessers and use the other as a reagent. Replace that one with a purchased normal bonding, as it is usually more economical to buy a rank 8 than 2 7s. I would tend to rank them concurrently as well, get them both to rank 9, then both to 10 etc...
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • dariandelforddariandelford Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    I just started the River district the other night, and yeah, that's a bit confusing but I think I got it down.,.... The Evidence of Evil Scrolls max per day from daily and dig sites is 30??? 25 from daily and then 5 from heroics?

    I am working on unlocking the weekly event. I have unlocked Heir Apparent and going the Gyrion pathway since DPS is what I want. I have also opened up Clear the docks. So I understand the path for the two artifacts. However... is the gear (Armor) from the vendors? If so, is it worth it? Or just try to stick with the stronghold gear?

    I have really been gone way to long.

    Also I have now received 3 Level 12 Bonding on my con artists and noticed a huge jump in my DPS. Now just have to work on his rings

    Darian Del'Ford
    AKA Taco Brotherhood of Pathfinders
    Old Neverwinter Nights AOL Launched it all!
  • glaphrieglaphrie Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    Yeah I have been gone for quite a while as well, I have a Tiefling CW too and last time I played T2 Castle Never gear was BIS
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    Daily gives 25 EoE, Weekly gives 20. You can get more as a rare drop from treasure maps and the various bonus quests. People have speculated that it is capped at 5 but I doubt that it is. Regardless, the amount of grind to get more makes me not bother.

    Fastest way to get weapon set is to do Investigate task so you unlock weekly and can start farming the demiplane - 35 runs - the do the first two merchant tasks. (first allows you to buy, second reduces cost for a savings of 30 EoE.) Then save up to buy weapons.

    The real gating mechanism you will run into is Writings. Start spending extra time building Security now. You will need 110 Writings total. Unless you are rich enough to just buy them, don't wait until you have everything else to start.

    There isn't any armor for sale in RD. Just stick to SH and the better dungeon drops.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • dariandelforddariandelford Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    pitshade said:

    Daily gives 25 EoE, Weekly gives 20. You can get more as a rare drop from treasure maps and the various bonus quests. People have speculated that it is capped at 5 but I doubt that it is. Regardless, the amount of grind to get more makes me not bother.

    Fastest way to get weapon set is to do Investigate task so you unlock weekly and can start farming the demiplane - 35 runs - the do the first two merchant tasks. (first allows you to buy, second reduces cost for a savings of 30 EoE.) Then save up to buy weapons.

    The real gating mechanism you will run into is Writings. Start spending extra time building Security now. You will need 110 Writings total. Unless you are rich enough to just buy them, don't wait until you have everything else to start.

    There isn't any armor for sale in RD. Just stick to SH and the better dungeon drops.

    Yeah I have been farming the dailies and encounters everytime I play as well as the dig sites. I am shooting for the aboleth set since I am a CW and DPS is my game. There is no cap on the EoE from the encounters as I received 7 yesterday from them. Currently about 2 days from achieving the weekly if I remember right.

    I just need a good site that can show me what I need for that set. I am confused on exactly what I need for those weapons.

    Something else that is confusing me is what I need to do for the security and rituals task. I know the basics but I don't know what is required of them. Such as what bolsters security more... defending the sites or upgrading the sites. Same with rituals. I just need a guide and what does what. Have not been able to find one yet.

    I have mostly trade bar armor I think level 405. Not at home so cant see it. I am working on the weapon set first then I figure when the new expansion is out I can work on gear from that set. I am sure it will be slightly better.

    Darian Del'Ford
    AKA Taco Brotherhood of Pathfinders
    Old Neverwinter Nights AOL Launched it all!
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    To restore the set you need:

    Specific sets require different types of mats, but for Aboleth you need
    35 Tainted Soil (20 MH 15 OH) BOP from Gyrion Demiplane, 1 per run at completion
    35? Volatile Ichor (Resist Rituals task, Digs, Not bound so can be purchased)

    All sets require
    85 Arcanic Focus (45 MH, 40 OH) which mostly come from daily (2) and weekly (5) but sometime from digs (RNG) BOP
    110 Arcane Magic Writings (60 MH 50 OH) from HEs, Treasure Chests, Found Quests, Secure the District) (BOE can buy from AH)

    The Foci mostly come from the quest rewards and you will get in time.
    The Tainted Soils you can farm solo or with a group. Doing the lairs with a group is much more efficient as 1 stone will get the entire party in, so 5 people with 5 stones can run 25 times.
    The Ichor is trivial. If you don't have enough it wasn't that expensive last I looked. Friends and guildies might give it to you.
    The Writings are the pain, though if you start early and work diligently, they are manageable. If you wait until the last few days like I did on my first characters, they are a royal pain.

    You get Security points from donating to the ship (IIRC it is 15 pts for each donation of 50 supplies. Fast but inefficeient)
    Upgrading Guard Posts (seems to be 5 pts per donation, donation amounts vary, most efficient way to use reclaimed weapons)
    Killing Mobs (1 pt per mob, not all mobs qualify.) Mobs that are near guard posts, especially those attacking them don't count. Neither do mobs in HEs or the ones harassing workers. Adventurers and Wraiths don't count. Some tiny mobs like Nostura spiders don't seem to as well. Best places to farm them are the Nashers inside the compound between Nostura and Gyrion areas and the various mobs in the far back of Gyrion area. I don't farm Nostura because of the density of the terrain, the spiders and the annoyance of the bulettes and gorgons moving around so much. I don't farm Kabal because of the Flamehexes and Dreadnaughts being obnoxious.

    Generally speaking, I look for guard posts to upgrade and kill mobs as I ride around. You have to micromanage your security as you lose any extra when you start the task. When I get to about 80+%, I switch entirely to killing mobs so as not to waste resources. If you want to go fast and have reclaimed weapons to spare, switch to a low population instance as there are often locked guard posts. Typically you fight off three waves of mobs before the post icon switches from Yellow to Green. If the icon is Red, you have to move back towards the starting area and reclaim a previous guard post. The have to be unlocked in a chain. Beware of other players, it is not uncommon when clearing a post for someone to try and ninja the upgrades.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    Oh, restoration also requires a lot of Abandoned Treasures. You get these from a number of things, but the demi planes give 150 each time, so as long as you don't spend them on the Traveling Merchant (as I did once) you won't have an issue with it.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
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